Fedora 37
An open-source server Linux distribution. Fedora is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and developed by Red Hat and the developer community.
The distribution software is updated in close cooperation with the major branches of the Linux kernel development. Most of these innovations are then added to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, so Fedora meets the requirements of businesses.
- Developing and testing web services.
- Participating in the development of open-source software.
- Testing cutting-edge development tools.
- Developing software for non-commercial organizations and projects.
Yandex Cloud technical support is available 24/7 to respond to requests. The types of requests available and their response time depend on your pricing plan. You can activate paid support in the management console. Learn more about requesting technical support.
Yandex Cloud does not provide technical support for this product. If you have any issues, please refer to the developer’s information resources.