Additional grants in the partner program
What is the purpose of additional grants?
The program is aimed at helping partners launch their business of providing services to customers in Yandex Cloud. To facilitate the partner businesses, we give grants. Within the first six months of obtaining partner status, you can receive two types of temporary grants under the program:
- Grant for your customer's pilot
- Grants under the partner support programs
What is the grant for your customer's pilot?
The grant for a pilot is credited to a customer subaccount.
A subaccount is an additional account for a customer's billing account. It is created automatically when you link your customer's account to your account on the partner portal. It is displayed both in your Yandex Cloud account's console and the customer's console.
How do I get a pilot grant for my customer's subaccount?
Send a request to the support team with the following information:
- Customer's billing account.
- Brief description of the solution and what the pilot is designed for.
- Deadlines for the pilot.
- List of required services.
- Requested grant amount in rubles.
- Customer's subaccount linked to your account.
We will review your request and notify you of our decision on the grant and its terms (amount, validity period, and crediting period).
Which grants are issued under the partner support program?
For all our partners, we provide appropriate resources for trying out our new services and functionalities:
- One-month grant for 5,000 rubles for trying out our Yandex Cloud services.
- Grant for 10,000 rubles on the "Cloud engineer"
course in Yandex Practicum (for two engineers).
Our Yandex Cloud Professional tier partners receive a one-year 150,000 ruble grant for creating and maintaining a demo stand.