Running a Docker image on a VM using the management console, CLI, and API
To run a Docker image on a VM using a Yandex Container Registry registry, complete these steps:
- Prepare your cloud.
- Create a VM.
- Build and upload the Docker image to Container Registry.
- Upload the Docker image to the VM.
- Check the result.
If you no longer need the resources you created, delete them.
Prepare your cloud
Sign up for Yandex Cloud and create a billing account:
- Go to the management console
and log in to Yandex Cloud or create an account if you do not have one yet. - On the Yandex Cloud Billing
page, make sure you have a billing account linked and it has theACTIVE
status. If you do not have a billing account, create one.
If you have an active billing account, you can go to the cloud page
Learn more about clouds and folders.
Required paid resources
The infrastructure support costs include:
- Fee for a continuously running VM (see Yandex Compute Cloud pricing).
- Fee for using a dynamic or static public IP address (see Yandex Virtual Private Cloud pricing).
- Fee for storing a Docker image in the registry and outgoing traffic (see Yandex Container Registry pricing).
Configure the environment
- Install the Yandex Cloud command line interface.
- Prepare an SSH key for VM access.
- Create a registry in Container Registry and upload a Docker image into it for testing.
- Install and configure Docker.
Create a service account
Create a service account and assign it the
role for the previously created registry:Management consoleCLIAPI- In the management console
, select the folder where you want to create your service account. - In the list of services, select Identity and Access Management.
- Click Create service account.
- Enter the service account name and click Create.
- Go back to the management console
and open the folder you created the service account in. - In the list of services, select Container Registry.
- Select the registry and click the row with its name.
- Go to the Access bindings tab.
- In the top-right corner, click Assign bindings.
- Click
Select subject and add the service account by providing its ID. - Click Add role and select the
role. - Click Save.
If you do not have the Yandex Cloud CLI yet, install and initialize it.
View a description of the CLI command to create a service account:
yc iam service-account create --help
Create a service account:
The folder specified in the CLI profile is used by default. You can specify a different folder through the
parameter.yc iam service-account create --name <service_account_name>
id: ajelabcde12f******** folder_id: b0g12ga82bcv******** created_at: "2020-11-30T14:32:18.900092Z" name: myservice-acc
Assign the role to the service account:
yc <service_name> <resource> add-access-binding <resource_name_or_ID> \ --role <role_ID> \ --subject serviceAccount:<service_account_ID>
service name.<resource>
resource category.<resource_name_or_ID>
: Name or ID of the resource to assign the role for.--role
role ID.--subject
: ID of the service account getting the role, e.g.,ajelabcde12f********
To create a service account, use the ServiceAccountService/Create gRPC API method or the create REST API method for the
resource. -
To assign the service account a role for the registry, use the updateAccessBindings REST API method for the Registry resource or the RegistryService/UpdateAccessBindings gRPC API call.
- In the management console
Create a VM
Create a VM with a public IP address and link the service account you created to it:
On the folder page in the management console
, click Create resource and selectVirtual machine instance
. -
Under Boot disk image, select an image and a Linux-based OS version.
Under Location, select the availability zone to create your VM in. If you do not know which availability zone you need, leave the default one.
Optionally, under Disks and file storages, specify the required boot disk type and size.
To add a new secondary disk or connect an existing one, click Add.
You can also create a VM from an existing disk.
Under Network settings:
- In the Subnet field, select the network and subnet to connect your VM to. If the required network or subnet is not listed, create it.
- Under Public IP address, keep
to assign your VM a random external IP address from the Yandex Cloud pool or select a static address from the list if you reserved one in advance. If you prefer not to assign a public IP address, selectNo address
. - Expand Additional and enable DDoS protection, if required.
Under Access, select SSH key and specify the VM access data:
- Under Login, enter the username. Do not use
or other names reserved by the OS. To perform operations requiring superuser permissions, use thesudo
command. -
In the SSH key field, select the SSH key saved in your organization user profile.
If there are no saved SSH keys in your profile, or you want to add a new key:
- Click Add key.
- Enter a name for the SSH key.
- Upload or paste the contents of the public key file. You need to create a key pair for the SSH connection to a VM yourself.
- Click Add.
The SSH key will be added to your organization user profile.
If users cannot add SSH keys to their profiles in the organization, the added public SSH key will only be saved to the user profile of the VM being created.
- Under Login, enter the username. Do not use
Under General information, specify the VM name. The naming requirements are as follows:
- It must be 2 to 63 characters long.
- It may contain lowercase Latin letters, numbers, and hyphens.
- It must start with a letter and cannot end with a hyphen.
The VM name is used to generate an internal FQDN, which is set only once, when you create the VM. If the internal FQDN is important to you, make sure to choose an appropriate name for your VM.
Under Additional, select the service account you created in the previous step.
Click Create VM.
View the description of the CLI command to create a VM:
yc compute instance create --help
Prepare a key pair (public and private keys) for SSH access to the VM.
Select in Cloud Marketplace a public image based on a Linux OS (for example, CentOS 7).
To get a list of available images using the CLI, run this command:
yc compute image list --folder-id standard-images
+----------------------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+--------+ | ID | NAME | FAMILY | PRODUCT IDS | STATUS | +----------------------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+--------+ ... | fdvk34al8k5n******** | centos-7-1549279494 | centos-7 | dqni65lfhvv2******** | READY | | fdv7ooobjfl3******** | windows-2016-gvlk-1548913814 | windows-2016-gvlk | dqnnc72gj2is******** | READY | | fdv4f5kv5cvf******** | ubuntu-1604-lts-1549457823 | ubuntu-1604-lts | dqnnb6dc7640******** | READY | ... +----------------------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------+--------+
: Image ID. -
: Image name. -
: ID of the image family the image belongs to. -
: IDs of Yandex Cloud Marketplace products associated with the image. -
: Current status of the image. It may take one of the following values:STATUS_UNSPECIFIED
: Image status is not defined.CREATING
: Image is being created.READY
: Image is ready to use.ERROR
: You cannot use the image due to an issue.DELETING
: Image is being deleted.
View a list of available subnets:
yc vpc subnet list
+----------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------+ | ID | NAME | NETWORK ID | ROUTE TABLE ID | ZONE | RANGE | +----------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------+ | b0c6n43f9lgh******** | default-ru-central1-d | enpe3m3fa00u******** | | ru-central1-d | [] | | e2l2da8a20b3******** | default-ru-central1-b | enpe3m3fa00u******** | | ru-central1-b | [] | | e9bnlm18l70a******** | default-ru-central1-a | enpe3m3fa00u******** | | ru-central1-a | [] | +----------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------+
Create a VM in the default folder:
yc compute instance create \ --name first-instance \ --zone ru-central1-b \ --network-interface subnet-name=default-ru-central1-b,nat-ip-version=ipv4 \ --create-boot-disk image-folder-id=standard-images,image-family=centos-7 \ --ssh-key ~/.ssh/ --service-account-name service-acc
: VM name.Note
The VM name is used to generate an internal FQDN, which is set only once, when you create the VM. If the internal FQDN is important to you, make sure to choose an appropriate name for your VM.
: Availability zone matching the selected subnet. -
: Name of the selected subnet. -
: Image family, e.g.,centos-7
. This option allows you to install the latest version of the operating system from the specified family. -
Public IP. To create a VM without a public IP address, disable the
option. -
: Public SSH key path. The VM will automatically create a user namedyc-user
for this key. -
: Name of the service account created in the previous step.
This will create a VM called
. -
Create a VM using the Create method for the Instance
Prepare a key pair (public and private keys) for SSH access to the VM.
Get an IAM token used for authentication in the examples:
Get the ID of the folder.
Get information about the image to create your VM from (image ID and minimum disk size):
If you know the image family, get information about the latest image in this family:
export IAM_TOKEN=CggaATEVAgA... export FAMILY=ubuntu-1804 curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${IAM_TOKEN}" \ "${FAMILY}"
To learn more about the image, see the list of public images.
Get the subnet ID and availability zone ID. Specify the ID of the folder where the subnet was created in your request:
export IAM_TOKEN=CggaATEVAgA... export FOLDER_ID=b1gvmob95yys******** curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${IAM_TOKEN}" \ "${FOLDER_ID}" { "subnets": [ { "v4CidrBlocks": [ "" ], "id": "b0c6n43ftldh********", "folderId": "b1gvmob95yys********", "createdAt": "2018-09-23T12:15:00Z", "name": "default-ru-central1-b", "description": "Auto-created default subnet for zone ru-central1-b", "networkId": "enpe3m3faglu********", "zoneId": "ru-central1-b" }, ... ]}
Create a file named
with the body of the request to create a VM:{ "folderId": "b1gvmob95yys********", "name": "instance-demo-no-pwauth", "zoneId": "ru-central1-b", "platformId": "standard-v3", "resourcesSpec": { "memory": "2147483648", "cores": "2" }, "metadata": { "user-data": "#cloud-config\nusers:\n - name: user\n groups: sudo\n shell: /bin/bash\n sudo: 'ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'\n ssh_authorized_keys:\n - ssh-ed25519 AAAAB3N..." }, "bootDiskSpec": { "diskSpec": { "size": "2621440000", "imageId": "fd8rc75pn12f********" } }, "networkInterfaceSpecs": [ { "subnetId": "b0c6n43ftldh********", "primaryV4AddressSpec": { "oneToOneNatSpec": { "ipVersion": "IPV4" } } } ], "serviceAccountId": "ajelabcde12f********" }
: Folder ID. -
: Name the VM will get when created. -
: Availability zone matching the selected subnet. -
: Platform. -
: Resources available to the VM. The values must match the selected platform. -
: In metadata, provide the public key for accessing the VM via SSH. For more information, see VM metadata. -
: Boot disk settings. Specify the selected image ID and disk size. The disk size must not be less than the minimum value specified in the image details. -
: Network settings:-
: ID of the selected subnet. -
: IP address to assign to the VM. To add a public IP address to your VM, specify:"primaryV4AddressSpec": { "oneToOneNatSpec": { "ipVersion": "IPV4" } }
: ID of the service account created in the previous step.
Read more about the request body format in the API reference.
Create a VM:
export IAM_TOKEN=CggaATEVAgA... curl --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${IAM_TOKEN}" \ --data '@body.json' \
After creating the VM, build and upload the Docker image to Container Registry.
Build and upload the Docker image to Container Registry
To make command execution easier, add the following variables:
Username and your VM's public IP to the
variable:export PUBLIC_IP=<username>@<VM_public_IP_address>
ID of the previously created registry in
format to the${REGISTRY_ID}
variable:export REGISTRY_ID=<registry_ID>
Authenticate as yourself:
OAuth tokenIAM tokenDocker credential helper-
If you do not have an OAuth token yet, get one by following this link
. -
Run this command:
echo <OAuth_token> | docker login --username oauth --password-stdin
Login Succeeded
The IAM token has a short lifetime: no more than 12 hours. This makes it a good method for applications that automatically request an IAM token.
Get an IAM token.
Run this command:
yc iam create-token | docker login --username iam --password-stdin
... Login Succeeded
If you do not have a YC CLI profile yet, create one.
Configure Docker to use
:yc container registry configure-docker
Credential helper is configured in '/home/<user>/.docker/config.json'
Settings are saved in the current user's profile.
The credential helper only works if you use Docker without
. To learn how to configure Docker to run under the current user withoutsudo
, see the official documentation . -
Make sure that Docker is configured.
The following line must appear in the
configuration file:"": "yc"
You can now use Docker, for example, to push Docker images. You do not need to run the
docker login
command for that.
Create a file called Dockerfile:
touch .dockerfile
Open Dockerfile in a text editor, e.g.:
nano .dockerfile
Add the lines below to the file:
FROM ubuntu:latest CMD echo "Hi, I'm inside"
Build the Docker image:
docker build . -t${REGISTRY_ID}/ubuntu:hello -f .dockerfile
... Successfully built b68ee9b6b1af Successfully tagged********/ubuntu:hello
Push the built Docker image to Container Registry:
docker push${REGISTRY_ID}/ubuntu:hello
The push refers to repository [********/ubuntu] cc9d18e90faa: Pushed 0c2689e3f920: Pushed 47dde53750b4: Pushed hello: digest: sha256:42068479274f1d4c7ea095482430dcba24dcfe8c23ebdf6d32305928******** size: 943
Upload the Docker image to the VM
Use SSH to connect to the VM.
Authenticate under the service account tied to the machine:
curl --header Metadata-Flavor:Google | \ cut -f1 -d',' | \ cut -f2 -d':' | \ tr -d '"' | \ docker login --username iam --password-stdin
Login Succeeded
Download the Docker image to the VM:
docker pull${REGISTRY_ID}/ubuntu:hello
hello: Pulling from crpc9qeoft23********/ubuntu 6a5697faee43: Pulling fs layer ba13d3bc422b: Pulling fs layer ... Digest: sha256:42068479274f1d4c7ea095482430dcba24dcfe8c23ebdf6d32305928******** Status: Downloaded newer image for********/ubuntu:hello********/ubuntu:hello
Check the result
Run the Docker image on the VM:
docker run${REGISTRY_ID}/ubuntu:hello
Hi, I'm inside
How to delete the resources you created
To stop paying for the resources you created:
- Delete the VM.
- Delete the static public IP if you reserved one.
- Delete the Docker image.
- Delete the registry.