Gantt chart for issue filters
Gantt charts for Tracker issue filters show all issues from the filter and the links between them.
Creating a chart for a filter
To open the Gantt chart for an issue filter:
Filter the issue list using one of these methods:
Go to the Gantt chart tab.
The list of issues in the left part of the chart displays the priority, type, and name for each issue.
The start and end dates for the issues are shown on the chart as bars plotted along the time axis. The beginning of each bar corresponds to the issue's start date, and its end corresponds to the deadline, that is, the date by which the issue should be completed.
The arrows between issues mean the Depends on – Blocks links.
To set up the time scale, select Week, Month, or Quarter in the bottom-right corner of the chart. The scale settings persist after refreshing the page or opening the chart again.
Updating links between issues
Links between issues are shown as arrows from the dependent to the blocking issue if all of the following conditions are met:
- There is a start date and deadline for both tasks.
- There is a Depends on – Blocks link configured.
To add a Depends on – Blocks link, hover over the blocking issue bar so that the dots appear to the right and left of the bar.
To make the selected issue dependent, click the dot on the left and drag it to the blocking issue.
To make the selected issue blocking, click the dot on the right and drag it to the dependent issue.
If the dependent issue deadline is earlier than that of the blocking issue, the arrow is red. You can enable automatic update of start dates and deadlines for dependent issues.
To delete a link between issues, click the link arrow and then click
Delete link.
Changing issue deadlines
To set an issue's start date and deadline:
- Fill in the Start date and Deadline fields in the issue card.
- Drag the issue bar on the chart to fill in the Start date and Deadline fields automatically.
To shift the start date and deadline by the same value, drag the bar along the time access.
To change the issue duration, drag the left edge of the bar (the start date) or the right edge of the bar (deadline).
Assigning an issue
On the Gantt chart, you can appoint or change the issue's assignee:
on the issue bar. -
Enter the name of the employee to assign the issue to.
If you do not see the
button on the issue bar, go to Chart settings and select the assignee item under Issue bar.Chart settings
Displaying the issue bar
Above the timeline on the right, click
Chart settings and select a setting in Issue bar:-
To show the issue name on the issue bar, select the name item.
To show the assignee icon on the issue bar, select the assignee item.
To have the missed deadline property (the difference between the deadline and the current date) highlighted in red on the chart, select missed deadline.
Timeline area
On a chart, you can configure the shift logic for dependent and parent issues, as well as issue link display.
Above the timeline on the right, click
Chart settings and select a setting in Issue bar:-
To have issues with the Depends on — Blocks link joined with an arrow on the chart, select Show blocking links.
To automatically move the deadline of the dependent issue when the blocking issue's deadline changes, select the appropriate option.
To extend the deadline of the parent issue depending on its sub-issues' deadlines, select the appropriate setting.
Issue color
Issue color settings are saved at the individual user level, which allows each user to customize the color scheme.
By default, issue bars on the chart are colored according to the issue status types set in the workflow editor.
To select a different color scheme:
Above the timeline on the right, click
Chart settings. -
Under Color, you can choose an appropriate color scheme:
Setting a color manuallySetting colors based on issue parametersMonochromeThis option allows you to set issue colors right on the chart.
- Select manual.
- Click Apply.
Select an issue from the list to the left of the chart and click
Issue actions menu. This will open a palette where you can set the issue color.This option will be of use if you need to differentiate issues by a certain parameter, such as a queue or tag.
- Select by task parameters.
- Specify the parameter whose values you want to set colors for.
- Click Apply.
All issue bars on the chart will be blue.
- Select monochrome.
- Click Apply.
Displaying the issue list section
To select the fields you want to see in the issue list table to the left of the chart, click
. Select the relevant items and click Apply. -
To find issues in the list, start typing in the Search by issue name field.
To set up their display order in the list, click
Sort, specify the parameter, and click . In this case, you will not be able to move issues manually. -
To group issues by their status, assignee, or other parameters, click
Not grouped and select the appropriate option from the list. -
To filter the issue list, use the filter builder. For this, on the
Parameters panel, select the parameters and specify the values to use for generating an issue list. -
To swap the list columns, click
above the list. Next, in the Added section, click the parameter, hold and drag it within the section. Click Apply. -
To resize a column in a section, click and hold its edge and then change the width.
To hide the issue list section, click