Terminating TLS connections using Terraform
To create the infrastructure for terminating TLS connections using Terraform:
We will use the my-site.com
domain name as an example.
If you no longer need the resources you created, delete them.
Prepare your cloud
Sign up for Yandex Cloud and create a billing account:
- Go to the management console
and log in to Yandex Cloud or create an account if you do not have one yet. - On the Yandex Cloud Billing
page, make sure you have a billing account linked and it has theACTIVE
status. If you do not have a billing account, create one.
If you have an active billing account, you can go to the cloud page
Learn more about clouds and folders.
Required paid resources
The cost of supporting the infrastructure for terminating TLS connections includes:
- Fee for continuously running VMs (see Yandex Compute Cloud pricing).
- Fee for using a public static IP address (see Yandex Virtual Private Cloud pricing).
- Fee for using computing resources of the L7 load balancer (see Application Load Balancer pricing).
- Fee for public DNS queries and DNS zones if using Yandex Cloud DNS (see Cloud DNS pricing).
Create an infrastructure
With Terraform
Terraform is distributed under the Business Source License
For more information about the provider resources, see the documentation on the Terraform
To create an infrastructure using Terraform:
Install Terraform, get the authentication credentials, and specify the source for installing the Yandex Cloud provider (see Configure a provider, step 1).
Prepare files with the infrastructure description:
Ready-made configurationManually-
Clone the repository with configuration files.
git clone https://github.com/yandex-cloud-examples/yc-alb-tls-termination.git
Go to the directory with the repository. Make sure it contains the following files:
: Configuration of the infrastructure you create.tls-terminationg.auto.tfvars
: User data file.
- Create a directory for configuration files.
- In the directory, create:
configuration file:tls-termination-config.tf
# Declaring variables for confidential parameters variable "folder_id" { type = string } variable "vm_user" { type = string } variable "ssh_key_path" { type = string } variable "domain" { type = string } variable "certificate" { type = string } variable "private_key" { type = string } # Adding other variables locals { sa_name = "ig-sa" network_name = "network-1" subnet_name_a = "subnet-a" subnet_name_b = "subnet-b" sg_name_balancer = "sg-balancer" sg_name_vms = "sg-vms" cert_name = "imported-cert" site_ig_name = "site-ig" alb_bg_name = "alb-bg" alb_host_name = "alb-host" alb_router_name = "alb-router" alb_name = "alb" alb_zone_name = "alb-zone" } # Configuring a provider terraform { required_providers { yandex = { source = "yandex-cloud/yandex" version = ">= 0.47.0" } } } provider "yandex" { folder_id = var.folder_id } # Creating a service account for an instance group resource "yandex_iam_service_account" "ig-sa" { name = local.sa_name description = "service account to manage IG" } resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_member" "editor" { folder_id = var.folder_id role = "editor" member = "serviceAccount:${yandex_iam_service_account.ig-sa.id}" } # Creating a cloud network resource "yandex_vpc_network" "network-1" { name = local.network_name } resource "yandex_vpc_subnet" "subnet-a" { name = local.subnet_name_a zone = "ru-central1-a" v4_cidr_blocks = [""] network_id = yandex_vpc_network.network-1.id } resource "yandex_vpc_subnet" "subnet-b" { name = local.subnet_name_b zone = "ru-central1-b" v4_cidr_blocks = [""] network_id = yandex_vpc_network.network-1.id } # Creating a static public IP address resource "yandex_vpc_address" "stat_address" { name = "alb-static-address" external_ipv4_address { zone_id = "ru-central1-a" } } # Creating security groups resource "yandex_vpc_security_group" "sg-balancer" { name = local.sg_name_balancer network_id = yandex_vpc_network.network-1.id egress { protocol = "ANY" description = "any" v4_cidr_blocks = [""] from_port = 0 to_port = 65535 } ingress { protocol = "TCP" description = "ext-http" v4_cidr_blocks = [""] port = 80 } ingress { protocol = "TCP" description = "ext-https" v4_cidr_blocks = [""] port = 443 } ingress { protocol = "TCP" description = "healthchecks" predefined_target = "loadbalancer_healthchecks" port = 30080 } } resource "yandex_vpc_security_group" "sg-vms" { name = local.sg_name_vms network_id = yandex_vpc_network.network-1.id ingress { protocol = "TCP" description = "balancer" security_group_id = yandex_vpc_security_group.sg-balancer.id port = 80 } ingress { protocol = "TCP" description = "ssh" v4_cidr_blocks = [""] port = 22 } } # Importing a website’s TLS certificate resource "yandex_cm_certificate" "imported-cert" { name = local.cert_name self_managed { certificate = "${file("${var.certificate}")}" private_key = "${file("${var.private_key}")}" } } # Creating an instance group for a website resource "yandex_compute_image" "lemp-image" { source_family = "lemp" } resource "yandex_compute_instance_group" "site-ig" { name = local.site_ig_name folder_id = var.folder_id service_account_id = "${yandex_iam_service_account.ig-sa.id}" instance_template { platform_id = "standard-v2" resources { memory = 1 cores = 2 core_fraction = 5 } boot_disk { mode = "READ_WRITE" initialize_params { image_id = yandex_compute_image.lemp-image.id } } network_interface { network_id = yandex_vpc_network.network-1.id subnet_ids = [yandex_vpc_subnet.subnet-a.id,yandex_vpc_subnet.subnet-b.id] security_group_ids = [yandex_vpc_security_group.sg-vms.id] nat = true } metadata = { user-data = "#cloud-config\nusers:\n - name: ${var.vm_user}\n groups: sudo\n shell: /bin/bash\n sudo: 'ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'\n ssh_authorized_keys:\n - ${file("${var.ssh_key_path}")}" } } scale_policy { fixed_scale { size = 2 } } allocation_policy { zones = ["ru-central1-a","ru-central1-b"] } deploy_policy { max_unavailable = 1 max_expansion = 0 } application_load_balancer { target_group_name = "alb-tg" } } # Creating a backend group resource "yandex_alb_backend_group" "alb-bg" { name = local.alb_bg_name http_backend { name = "alb-backend" weight = 1 port = 80 target_group_ids = [yandex_compute_instance_group.site-ig.application_load_balancer[0].target_group_id] healthcheck { timeout = "10s" interval = "2s" healthcheck_port = 80 http_healthcheck { path = "/" } } } } # Creating an HTTP router resource "yandex_alb_http_router" "alb-router" { name = local.alb_router_name } resource "yandex_alb_virtual_host" "alb-host" { name = local.alb_host_name authority = ["${var.domain}"] http_router_id = yandex_alb_http_router.alb-router.id route { name = "alb-route" http_route { http_route_action { backend_group_id = yandex_alb_backend_group.alb-bg.id timeout = "60s" } } } } # Creating an L7 load balancer resource "yandex_alb_load_balancer" "alb" { name = local.alb_name network_id = yandex_vpc_network.network-1.id security_group_ids = [yandex_vpc_security_group.sg-balancer.id] allocation_policy { location { zone_id = "ru-central1-a" subnet_id = yandex_vpc_subnet.subnet-a.id } location { zone_id = "ru-central1-b" subnet_id = yandex_vpc_subnet.subnet-b.id } } listener { name = "list-http" endpoint { address { external_ipv4_address { address = yandex_vpc_address.stat_address.external_ipv4_address[0].address } } ports = [ 80 ] } http { redirects { http_to_https = true } } } listener { name = "listener-http" endpoint { address { external_ipv4_address { address = yandex_vpc_address.stat_address.external_ipv4_address[0].address } } ports = [ 443 ] } tls { default_handler { http_handler { http_router_id = yandex_alb_http_router.alb-router.id } certificate_ids = [yandex_cm_certificate.imported-cert.id] } sni_handler { name = "mysite-sni" server_names = ["${var.domain}"] handler { http_handler { http_router_id = yandex_alb_http_router.alb-router.id } certificate_ids = [yandex_cm_certificate.imported-cert.id] } } } } } # Creating a DNS zone resource "yandex_dns_zone" "alb-zone" { name = local.alb_zone_name description = "Public zone" zone = "${var.domain}." public = true } # Creating a resource record in a DNS zone resource "yandex_dns_recordset" "alb-record" { zone_id = yandex_dns_zone.alb-zone.id name = "${var.domain}." ttl = 600 type = "A" data = [yandex_alb_load_balancer.alb.listener[0].endpoint[0].address[0].external_ipv4_address[0].address] }
user data file:tls-termination.auto.tfvars
folder_id = "<folder_ID>" vm_user = "<VM_user_name>" ssh_key_path = "<path_to_public_SSH_key>" domain = "<domain>" certificate = "<path_to_certificate_file>" private_key = "<path_to_file_with_private_key"
For more information about the parameters of resources used in Terraform, see the provider documentation:
- Network: yandex_vpc_network
- Subnets: yandex_vpc_subnet
- Static public IP address: yandex_vpc_address
- Security groups: yandex_vpc_security_group
- TLS certificate: yandex_cm_certificate
- VM image: yandex_compute_image
- Service account: yandex_iam_service_account
- Role: yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_member
- Instance group: yandex_compute_instance_group
- Backend group: yandex_alb_backend_group
- HTTP router: yandex_alb_http_router
- Virtual host: yandex_alb_virtual_host
- L7 load balancer: yandex_alb_load_balancer
- DNS zone: yandex_dns_zone
- DNS resource record: yandex_dns_recordset
In the
file, set the user-defined parameters:folder_id
: Folder ID.vm_user
: VM username.ssh_key_path
: Path to the file with the public SSH key. For more information, see Creating an SSH key pair.domain
: Domain to host the site.
To get access to public zone domain names, you need to delegate the domain. Specify the addresses of thens1.yandexcloud.net
servers in your personal dashboard at your registrar.certificate
: Path to the file with the user certificate.private_key
: Path to the file with the user certificate's private key.
Create resources:
In the terminal, change to the folder where you edited the configuration file.
Make sure the configuration file is correct using the command:
terraform validate
If the configuration is correct, the following message is returned:
Success! The configuration is valid.
Run the command:
terraform plan
The terminal will display a list of resources with parameters. No changes are made at this step. If the configuration contains errors, Terraform will point them out.
Apply the configuration changes:
terraform apply
Confirm the changes: type
in the terminal and press Enter.
Get the public IP addresses: you will need them later to test the hosting.
After creating the infrastructure, test the hosting.
Test the hosting
To test the hosting:
Create the website home page, i.e., the
file.Example of the index.html file
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>My site</title> </head> <body> <h1>This is my site</h1> </body> </html>
Upload the
file to each VM:-
Go to the VM page in the management console
. In the Network section, find the VM's public IP address. -
Connect to the VM over SSH.
Grant your user write permissions for the
directory:UbuntuCentOSsudo chown -R "$USER":www-data /var/www/html
sudo chown -R "$USER":apache /var/www/html
Upload the website files to the VM via SCP
.Linux/macOSWindowsUse the
command line utility:scp -r <path_to_directory_with_files> <VM_user_name>@<VM_IP_address>:/var/www/html
Use WinSCP
to copy the local file directory to/var/www/html
on the VM.
Open the website at
in your browser. A redirect tohttps://my-site.com
should occur with the TLS certificate from Certificate Manager already enabled.
How to delete the resources you created
To stop paying for the resources you created:
Open the
configuration file and delete from it the description of the infrastructure you created. -
Apply the changes:
In the terminal, change to the folder where you edited the configuration file.
Make sure the configuration file is correct using the command:
terraform validate
If the configuration is correct, the following message is returned:
Success! The configuration is valid.
Run the command:
terraform plan
The terminal will display a list of resources with parameters. No changes are made at this step. If the configuration contains errors, Terraform will point them out.
Apply the configuration changes:
terraform apply
Confirm the changes: type
in the terminal and press Enter.