Viewing your services' metrics in Yandex Monitoring
In the Metrics section, you can flexibly control how the metrics are displayed and analyze various indicators for your infrastructure and applications in real time.
The charts you create in this section are not saved. They are used for for real-time monitoring. If you are going to go back to some charts from time to time, save them to your dashboard.
Building charts based on metrics
Open the home page
of the service. -
Select Metrics on the left.
In the request string, select the service to get the metrics for.
Specify the metrics and labels of the service (tokens) to plot on the chart.
You can select tokens with your cursor from the drop-down lists in the request string or by typing the first letters of the token name on your keyboard.
For request string hot key tips, click Search hotkey: Cmd/Ctrl + Enter.
To plot a modified metric on the chart, select functions in the string.
To display another metric on the chart, click Add query and enter the metric and label values.
If any of your requests are intermediate and required to calculate another request, hide them on the chart. To do this, click
next to the request. -
Click Execute query or press Cmd/Ctrl + Enter.
Selecting a time interval
You can use one of the following methods to set the metrics display period:
- At the top of the page, click:
- Last hour: You can flexibly set date and time in the drop-down list.
- < or >: To move one hour forward or backward on the timescale.
- 1h, 1d, 1w, 11M: To plot metrics for the last hour, day, week, or month. In the field next to it, you can specify an interval of your own, e.g.,
- At the top right of the chart panel, click + or –.
- Select an area on the chart and click Go to selected window.
Configuring the chart presentation
- At the top right of the chart panel, click
. - Under General, provide the chart title and description.
- Under Visualization, configure the following:
Chart type: Select one of the metric display options: line chart, shaded areas, column chart, scatter chart, pie chart, or tile chart.
Color scheme: Chart line colors.
For lines of the same name on different charts to be always of the same color, select Line name.
Normalize: Reducing all data to the 0 - 100% range.
Interpolation: Method of filling between two points: a straight line between the points; based on known point on the left; based on known point on the right.
- Under Left Y axis and Right Y axis, configure the signature, scale, minimum and maximum values, units of measure, and the number of decimal pieces.
- Under Downsampling, configure how historical data should be displayed on the chart.
- When you are done configuring the chart, close the settings panel. The chart displays all your changes as soon as you make them.
Studying the chart data
To view the chart legend:
- At the top right of the chart panel, click
. - Select Show legend.
- To highlight the plot for a particular value, hover over its name in the legend.
To view the legend and statistics for a particular time point:
- Select the point on the chart.
- In the information window, look up the different labels' values at that time point.
- To sort the values, click the Name or Value column.
- Click
and select Go to line to open a separate chart for a value.
To view the legend and statistics for a time interval:
- Select an area on the chart.
- In the information window, view the statistics for the metrics in the selected interval.
- If needed, sort by minimum value, maximum value, average value, or other parameters.
- Click
and select Go to line to open a separate chart for a value.
Viewing metrics in numeric format
To view the numeric values of the metrics, click Raw data under the chart.
It will give you a list of data for all the time points the metrics were obtained for. To change the period, select the required time interval at the top.
To view statistics for the metrics (minimum and maximum values, sum, etc.), click Pivot table.
To save the pivot table data, click Copy as CSV on the right.
Splitting a chart by a parameter
- Select the metrics and build a chart.
- Under the chart, click Chart split.
- Select the parameters you want plotted:
- Chart for: Parameter for additional charts. These can be charts for different services, hosts, or processors (i.e., the tokens selected in the request).
- Limit: Number of high values and low values on the chart.
- Sort by: Sorting by minimum, maximum, or average value of the selected parameter.
- Number of graphs in a row: Number of charts in one line.
- Click Execute.
Select different values for the parameters: the charts will plot the selected values.
Adding charts to a dashboard and sharing charts
To add a chart to a dashboard:
- Select the metrics and build a chart.
- At the top right, click Add to dashboard.
- Enter a name for the chart.
- Select a cloud and folder.
- Select an existing dashboard or create a new one.
- Select one of the chart adding options:
- Add: Stay in Metrics.
- Add and edit: Go to Dashboards. The chart will not be saved in Metrics.
The widget on the dashboard will not be connected to the original chart. The changes you make to one will not affect the other.
To share a chart:
- Select the metrics and build a chart.
- At the top right, click
. - Specify a time interval for the chart.
- Click Copy to copy the link to the chart to the clipboard.
Creating an alert from a query
- Select the metrics and build a chart.
- In the request panel at the top right, click
and select Create alert from query or Create alert from all queries. - Specify the alert parameters.
- Click Create.
See also
Metric Explorer in Monitoring
Creating a dashboard in Monitoring
Creating alerts