Getting started with Managed Service for MongoDB
To get started with the service:
Getting started
Go to the management console
and log in to Yandex Cloud or sign up if not signed up yet. -
If you do not have a folder yet, create one:
In the management console
, select the appropriate cloud from the list on the left. -
At the top right, click Create folder.
Enter the folder name. The naming requirements are as follows:
- It must be 2 to 63 characters long.
- It may contain lowercase Latin letters, numbers, and hyphens.
- It must start with a letter and cannot end with a hyphen.
(Optional) Enter a description of the folder.
Select Create a default network. This will create a network with subnets in each availability zone. Within this network, a default security group will be created, inside which all network traffic is allowed.
Click Create.
Assign the vpc.user role and the managed-mongodb.editor role or higher to your Yandex Cloud account. These roles allow you to create a cluster.
If unable to manage roles, contact your cloud or organization administrator.
You can connect to DB clusters from both inside and outside Yandex Cloud:
To connect from inside Yandex Cloud, create a VM in the same cloud network as the DB cluster (on Linux).
To connect to the cluster from the internet, request public access to hosts when creating the cluster.
The next step assumes that you connect to the cluster from a Linux-based VM.
Connect to the VM over SSH.
Install MongoDB Shell:
cd ~/ && \ wget && \ sudo dpkg -i mongodb-org-shell_4.4.1_amd64.deb
Create a cluster
- In the management console
, select the folder where you want to create a DB cluster. - Select Managed Service for MongoDB.
- Click Create cluster.
- Set the cluster parameters and click Create cluster. For more information, see Creating clusters.
- Wait until the cluster is ready: its status on the Managed Service for MongoDB dashboard will change to Running and its state, to Alive. This may take some time.
Connect to the DB
If you are using security groups for a cloud network, configure them to enable all relevant traffic between the cluster and the connecting host.
Get an SSL certificate:
Linux (Bash)/macOS (Zsh)Windows (PowerShell)mkdir -p ~/.mongodb && \ wget "" \ --output-document ~/.mongodb/root.crt && \ chmod 0644 ~/.mongodb/root.crt
The certificate will be saved to the
file.mkdir $HOME\.mongodb; curl.exe -o $HOME\.mongodb\root.crt
The certificate will be saved to the
file.Corporate policies and antivirus software can block the download of certificates. For more information, see FAQ.
Connect to the cluster using the MongoDB CLI:
mongo --norc \ --ssl \ --sslCAFile ~/.mongodb/root.crt \ --host '<FQDN_of_MongoDB_host_1>:27018,...,<FQDN_of_MongoDB_host_N>:27018' \ --username <DB_username> \ --password <DB_user_password> \ <DB_name>
To learn how to get host FQDN, see this guide.
What's next
- Read about service concepts.
- Learn more about creating a cluster and connecting to the database.
- Read questions and answers.