Creating and activating a Managed Service for GitLab instance
Creating a GitLab instance
To create a Managed Service for GitLab instance, you need the vpc.user role and the gitlab.editor role or higher. For information on assigning roles, see the Identity and Access Management documentation.
Once an instance is created, you cannot change its resource configuration, i.e., instance type, disk size, and availability zone.
In the management console, select the folder where you want to create a GitLab instance.
Select Managed Service for GitLab.
Click Create instance.
Under General information:
Enter the instance name. It must be unique throughout Yandex Cloud.
- It must be 2 to 63 characters long.
- It may contain lowercase Latin letters, numbers, and hyphens.
- It must start with a letter and cannot end with a hyphen.
(Optional) Enter a description of the instance.
Under Configuration:
Select the instance type. After you create an instance, you can only change its type by contacting support
. -
Specify the subnet where the instance will be hosted. Currently, Yandex Cloud technical restrictions do not allow selecting a subnet with an address range of
.The default security group for the selected network will be used for the instance. If you cannot open the GitLab web interface after creating the instance, create a separate security group and configure it so that the rules allow incoming traffic from the required ports and IP addresses.
Select the disk size. After you create an instance, you can only increase the storage size by contacting support. You cannot reduce the storage size.
Specify the instance domain name: relevant DNS records will be automatically created for it in the
domain.The domain name must be unique throughout Yandex Cloud.
- Its length must be between 5 and 50 characters.
- It may contain lowercase Latin letters, numbers, and hyphens.
- It must not start or end with a dash character.
Set up the retention period for automatic backups (in days).
(Optional) Enable code approval rules. To do this, select the appropriate configuration for approval rules.
The configuration you select affects the cost of using the instance's computing resources.
Under Administrator data, specify:
- Email: Email address of the GitLab instance administrator. This mailbox will receive an email with a link for creating a password.
- Login: Administrator login.
Click Create.
Wait for the instance to get ready: its status on the Managed Service for GitLab dashboard will change to Running. This may take some time.
When you create an instance in Managed Service for GitLab, it automatically generates an SSL certificate. No additional configuration for using HTTPS is required.
Activating the GitLab instance
After the instance status changes to Running, activate the instance:
Follow the link you received in your administrator mailbox after creating the instance.
If you cannot open the GitLab web interface, create a separate security group and configure it so that the rules allow incoming traffic from the required ports and IP addresses.
Change the administrator password.
Log in using the administrator username and password.
Further on, to open the GitLab web interface, get detailed information about your instance and follow the link in Domain.