Getting a list of aliases
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Updated at February 12, 2025
To get a list of aliases, you need the unique ID or name of the registry. For information on retrieving the unique registry ID or name, see Getting information about registries.
Management console
- In the management console
, select the folder where the device is located. - Select IoT Core.
- Select the registry where the device is located.
- Go to the Devices tab.
- Select the device.
- On the Overview page, go to the Aliases section.
If you do not have the Yandex Cloud CLI yet, install and initialize it.
The folder specified in the CLI profile is used by default. You can specify a different folder through the --folder-name
or --folder-id
You can only get a list of aliases for all devices in the registry.
Get a list of aliases for all devices in the registry:
yc iot registry list-device-topic-aliases my-registry
| commands | $devices/arenak5ciqss********/commands | arenak5ciqss******** |
To get a list of device aliases, use the get REST API method for the Device resource or the DeviceService/Get gRPC API call.