Getting VM metadata
The metadata service allows you to read metadata from both outside and inside VM instances.
Accessing metadata from outside the VM instance
This method provides access to all metadata folders as well as some keys in them:
- In the computeMetadata folder, only the keys in
are readable. - The user-data folder is fully readable.
In Compute Cloud, the Virtual machines page gives a list of VMs in the folder and brief information on each of them.
For more information about a VM, click the row with its name.
Here is a description of the available tabs:
- Overview shows general information about the VM, including the IP addresses assigned to it.
- Disks gives information about the disks attached to the VM.
- File storages provides information about the connected file storages.
- Operations lists operations on the VM and its resources, such as disks.
- Monitoring shows information about VM resource consumption. You can only get this info from the management console or from within the VM.
- Serial console provides access to the serial console if enabled when creating the VM.
- Serial port provides information that the VM outputs to the serial port. To get this information via the API or CLI, follow Getting the serial port output.
The folder specified in the CLI profile is used by default. You can specify a different folder through the --folder-name
or --folder-id
See the description of the command for getting the serial port output:
yc compute instance get --help
Select a VM, e.g.,
:yc compute instance list
+----------------------+-----------------+---------------+---------+----------------------+ | ID | NAME | ZONE ID | STATUS | DESCRIPTION | +----------------------+-----------------+---------------+---------+----------------------+ | fhm0b28lgfp4******** | first-instance | ru-central1-a | RUNNING | my first vm via CLI | | fhm9gk85nj7g******** | second-instance | ru-central1-a | RUNNING | my second vm via CLI | +----------------------+-----------------+---------------+---------+----------------------+
Get basic information about the VM:
yc compute instance get first-instance
To get VM information with metadata, use the
flag:yc compute instance get --full first-instance
With Terraform
Terraform is distributed under the Business Source License
For more information about the provider resources, see the documentation on the Terraform
If you don't have Terraform, install it and configure the Yandex Cloud provider.
In the Terraform configuration file, define the parameters of the resources you want to create:
data "yandex_compute_instance" "my_instance" { instance_id = "<VM_ID>" } output "instance_external_ip" { value = "${data.yandex_compute_instance.my_instance.network_interface.0.nat_ip_address}" }
data "yandex_compute_instance"
: Description of the data source to get VM information from:instance_id
: VM ID.
output "instance_external_ip"
: Public IP address of the VM to return in the output:value
: Returned value.
For more information about the
data source parameters, see the relevant provider documentation . -
Create the resources:
In the terminal, change to the folder where you edited the configuration file.
Make sure the configuration file is correct using the command:
terraform validate
If the configuration is correct, the following message is returned:
Success! The configuration is valid.
Run the command:
terraform plan
The terminal will display a list of resources with parameters. No changes are made at this step. If the configuration contains errors, Terraform will point them out.
Apply the configuration changes:
terraform apply
Confirm the changes: type
in the terminal and press Enter.
Terraform will create all the required resources and display the output variable values in the terminal. To check the results, run this command:
terraform output instance_external_ip
instance_external_ip = ""
To get basic information about a VM, use the get REST API method for the Instance resource or the InstanceService/Get gRPC API call.
The basic information does not include any custom metadata provided when creating or updating the VM. To get the information along with the metadata, specify view=FULL
in the parameters.
Accessing metadata from inside the VM instance
You can directly access the VM metadata from within the VM. This method provides access to all the metadata folders as well as all the keys inside them.
You can get direct access (without authentication) to metadata from inside the VM through a special metadata service. The metadata service inside the VM instance is available at
All authenticated VM users can access the metadata service without any restrictions. You cannot restrict an individual VM user's access to metadata.
You can test the metadata service using cURL
curl \
--header Metadata-Flavor:Google \
The metadata service will respond with a list of available metadata versions, for example:
We recommend always using the latest
metadata version.
HTTP request
? alt=<json|text>
& recursive=<true|false>
& wait_for_change=<true|false>
& last_etag=<string>
& timeout_sec=<int>
Metadata-Flavor: Google
: Response format. The default value istext
: Iftrue
, it returns all values in the tree recursively. The default value isfalse
: Iftrue
, this response will be returned only when one of the metadata parameters is modified. The default value isfalse
: ETag from the previous response to a similar request. Use ifwait_for_change="true"
: Maximum request timeout. Use ifwait_for_change="true"
In response, the service will return the current values of the computeMetadata
folder metadata keys.
Request examples
Getting an FQDN
To get the full name of the VM (FQDN) from the computeMetadata folder, connect to the VM and send the following request:
curl \
--header Metadata-Flavor:Google \
Getting VM metadata in an easy-to-read format
To get metadata in an easy-to-read format, connect to the VM and send the following request using the jq
curl \
--header Metadata-Flavor:Google \ | \
jq -r '.'
Getting an identity document
To get an identity document from the computeMetadata folder, connect to the VM and send the following request:
curl \
--header Metadata-Flavor:Google \
Getting data from the user-data folder
To get the metadata from the user-data folder, connect to the VM and send the following request:
curl \
--header Metadata-Flavor:Google \
The metadata service will return the response in YAML format:
strict_id: false
ssh_pwauth: no
- name: admin
shell: /bin/bash
- ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nza******l0pTWGO
If you want to get only a particular key (e.g., user name) in the output, use the yq
curl \
--silent \
--fail \
--header Metadata-Flavor:Google \ | \
yq .users[].name
Getting an IAM token for a service account
When sending Yandex Cloud API requests, you need an IAM token issued for the service account. You can obtain such an IAM token using the metadata service from within your VM. To do this, a service account must be linked to the VM.
To get the IAM token from the computeMetadata folder, connect to the VM and send the following request:
curl \
--silent \
--fail \
--header Metadata-Flavor:Google \ | \
jq -r .access_token
Getting data from the user-data folder from outside the VM
To get metadata from outside a VM, use the Yandex Cloud CLI tool:
yc compute instance get my-vm --full --jq .metadata
The metadata service will return the response in JSON format:
"install-unified-agent": "0",
"serial-port-enable": "0",
"ssh-keys": "admin:ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3N******l0pTWGO admin@my.domain\n",
"user-data": "#cloud-config\ndatasource:\n Ec2:\n strict_id: false\nssh_pwauth: no\nusers:\n- name: admin\n sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL\n shell: /bin/bash\n ssh_authorized_keys:\n - ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3N******l0pTWGO"
For more information on how to get the values of variables and Yandex Lockbox secrets provided through metadata, see Creating a VM with metadata from environment variables and Creating a VM instance with access to a Yandex Lockbox secret.