1C in the Cloud
Remote work with 1C can be safe and efficient when you entrust infrastructure maintenance to a reliable cloud provider.
With Yandex Cloud, you can have all the benefits of the cloud: scalability, security, and cost-effectiveness.
What makes Yandex Cloud the right choice?
Scaling on demand
Respond instantly to any changes in your business with real-time adjustments to your VMs' performance and control of your resources' cost.
Manage your 1C licenses
Deploy a separate license management server and store licenses independently of other VMs.
Unlimited options for customization and integration
Use any 1C customization options in the cloud — from configuring external reports and processing to changing the application source code.
PostgreSQL cluster for 1C on Linux
Create a Yandex Managed Service for PostgreSQL failover cluster, optimized for 1C, with automatic updates and backups.
Preconfigured image of 1C: Enterprise 8.3
Deploy the 1C infrastructure in the cloud using an image from our Marketplace.
Solution architecture
Solution architecture
Create resilient, manageable, and scalable applications and projects using innovative Yandex.Cloud solutions.
Ready to get started?
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