
strongSwan S2S VPN

Updated June 14, 2024

Security gateway for site-to-site VPN connectivity based on strongSwan

Deployment instructions
  1. Create a service account and assign the admin role for the folder.

  2. Specify the following:

    • Application name.
    • Application description (optional).
    • Service account that was created earlier.
    • VPC network for a new subnet.
    • CIDR of a new subnet. The subnet will be created in the specified cloud network during the application installation.
    • Zone of a new subnet.
    • Remote IP endpoint.
    • Remote subnets CIDRs in a comma-separated list.
    • SSH public key for remote connections.
    • IPsec parameters: IKE Proposal, ESP Proposal, PSK.
  3. Click Install and wait for the installation to complete.

As a result, a new ipsec-sgw virtual machine will be created, as well as a routing table in the VPC network specified. The routing table should be attached with the subnets that should be connected with the VPN tunnel.

After that, you need to connect to the VM via SSH:
ssh admin@<IP address>

The following commands should be performed:

sudo su
cd /root

In the /root folder ipsec-*.txt configuration files will be generated. These configuration files can be used to configure the remote endpoint, if necessary.

from RUB 3,087 / per month

Compute Cloud
RUB 2,913.90
RUB 172.80
Billing type
Cloud Apps
Network infrastructure
Yandex Cloud
Use cases
  • Site-to-site VPN connectivity
Technical support

Yandex Cloud technical support responds to requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The types of requests available and their response time depend on your pricing plan. You can activate paid support in the management console. Learn more about requesting technical support.

Application resources
Resource typeQuantity
Compute Instance1
Service account1
Folder members3
VPC Subnet1
VPC IP-adress1
VPC Security group1
By using this product you agree to the Yandex Cloud Marketplace Terms of Service

from RUB 3,087 / per month

Compute Cloud
RUB 2,913.90
RUB 172.80
Billing type
Cloud Apps
Network infrastructure
Yandex Cloud