Cloud Functions Triggers Service, gRPC: TriggerService
- Calls TriggerService
- Get
- GetTriggerRequest
- Trigger
- Rule
- Timer
- MessageQueue
- IoTMessage
- IoTBrokerMessage
- ObjectStorage
- ContainerRegistry
- CloudLogs
- Logging
- BillingBudget
- DataStream
- DataStreamBatchSettings
- ObjectStorageBucketSettings
- InvokeFunctionOnce
- InvokeFunctionWithRetry
- RetrySettings
- PutQueueMessage
- InvokeContainerWithRetry
- GatewayWebsocketBroadcast
- BatchSettings
- InvokeContainerOnce
- CloudLogsBatchSettings
- LoggingBatchSettings
- List
- ListTriggersRequest
- ListTriggersResponse
- Trigger
- Rule
- Timer
- MessageQueue
- IoTMessage
- IoTBrokerMessage
- ObjectStorage
- ContainerRegistry
- CloudLogs
- Logging
- BillingBudget
- DataStream
- DataStreamBatchSettings
- ObjectStorageBucketSettings
- InvokeFunctionOnce
- InvokeFunctionWithRetry
- RetrySettings
- PutQueueMessage
- InvokeContainerWithRetry
- GatewayWebsocketBroadcast
- BatchSettings
- InvokeContainerOnce
- CloudLogsBatchSettings
- LoggingBatchSettings
- Create
- CreateTriggerRequest
- Operation
- CreateTriggerMetadata
- Trigger
- Rule
- Timer
- MessageQueue
- IoTMessage
- IoTBrokerMessage
- ObjectStorage
- ContainerRegistry
- CloudLogs
- Logging
- BillingBudget
- DataStream
- DataStreamBatchSettings
- ObjectStorageBucketSettings
- InvokeFunctionOnce
- InvokeFunctionWithRetry
- RetrySettings
- PutQueueMessage
- InvokeContainerWithRetry
- GatewayWebsocketBroadcast
- BatchSettings
- InvokeContainerOnce
- CloudLogsBatchSettings
- LoggingBatchSettings
- Update
- UpdateTriggerRequest
- Operation
- UpdateTriggerMetadata
- Trigger
- Rule
- Timer
- MessageQueue
- IoTMessage
- IoTBrokerMessage
- ObjectStorage
- ContainerRegistry
- CloudLogs
- Logging
- BillingBudget
- DataStream
- DataStreamBatchSettings
- ObjectStorageBucketSettings
- InvokeFunctionOnce
- InvokeFunctionWithRetry
- RetrySettings
- PutQueueMessage
- InvokeContainerWithRetry
- GatewayWebsocketBroadcast
- BatchSettings
- InvokeContainerOnce
- CloudLogsBatchSettings
- LoggingBatchSettings
- Delete
- Pause
- PauseTriggerRequest
- Operation
- PauseTriggerMetadata
- Trigger
- Rule
- Timer
- MessageQueue
- IoTMessage
- IoTBrokerMessage
- ObjectStorage
- ContainerRegistry
- CloudLogs
- Logging
- BillingBudget
- DataStream
- DataStreamBatchSettings
- ObjectStorageBucketSettings
- InvokeFunctionOnce
- InvokeFunctionWithRetry
- RetrySettings
- PutQueueMessage
- InvokeContainerWithRetry
- GatewayWebsocketBroadcast
- BatchSettings
- InvokeContainerOnce
- CloudLogsBatchSettings
- LoggingBatchSettings
- Resume
- ResumeTriggerRequest
- Operation
- ResumeTriggerMetadata
- Trigger
- Rule
- Timer
- MessageQueue
- IoTMessage
- IoTBrokerMessage
- ObjectStorage
- ContainerRegistry
- CloudLogs
- Logging
- BillingBudget
- DataStream
- DataStreamBatchSettings
- ObjectStorageBucketSettings
- InvokeFunctionOnce
- InvokeFunctionWithRetry
- RetrySettings
- PutQueueMessage
- InvokeContainerWithRetry
- GatewayWebsocketBroadcast
- BatchSettings
- InvokeContainerOnce
- CloudLogsBatchSettings
- LoggingBatchSettings
- ListOperations
A set of methods for managing triggers for serverless functions.
Call | Description |
Get | Returns the specified trigger. |
List | Retrieves the list of triggers in the specified folder. |
Create | Creates a trigger in the specified folder. |
Update | Updates the specified trigger. |
Delete | Deletes the specified trigger. |
Pause | Pauses the specified trigger. |
Resume | Restarts the specified trigger. |
ListOperations | Lists operations for the specified trigger. |
Calls TriggerService
Returns the specified trigger.
To get the list of all available triggers, make a List request.
rpc Get (GetTriggerRequest) returns (Trigger)
Field | Description |
trigger_id | string Required. ID of the trigger to return. To get a trigger ID make a TriggerService.List request. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the trigger. Generated at creation time. |
folder_id | string Required. ID of the folder that the trigger belongs to. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp for the trigger. |
name | string Name of the trigger. The string length in characters must be 3-63. |
description | string Description of the trigger. The string length in characters must be 0-256. |
labels | map<string,string> Trigger labels as key:value pairs. |
rule | Rule Required. Rule for trigger activation (always consistent with the trigger type). |
status | enum Status Trigger status. |
Field | Description |
rule | oneof: timer , message_queue , iot_message , iot_broker_message , object_storage , container_registry , cloud_logs , logging , billing_budget , data_stream or mail |
timer | Timer Rule for a timed trigger. |
message_queue | MessageQueue Rule for a message queue trigger. |
iot_message | IoTMessage Rule for a IoT Core trigger. |
iot_broker_message | IoTBrokerMessage |
object_storage | ObjectStorage |
container_registry | ContainerRegistry |
cloud_logs | CloudLogs |
logging | Logging |
billing_budget | BillingBudget |
data_stream | DataStream |
Mail |
Field | Description |
cron_expression | string Required. Description of a schedule as a cron expression. The maximum string length in characters is 100. |
payload | string Payload to be passed to function. The maximum string length in characters is 4096. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_function_with_retry , invoke_container_with_retry or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the current time matches the cron_expression . |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionOnce Instructions for invoking a function once. |
invoke_function_with_retry | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retry. |
invoke_container_with_retry | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retry. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
queue_id | string Required. ID of the message queue in Message Queue. |
service_account_id | string Required. ID of the service account which has read access to the message queue. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing messages in the queue. |
visibility_timeout | google.protobuf.Duration Queue visibility timeout override. The maximum value is 12h. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the queue. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionOnce Instructions for invoking a function once. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerOnce Instructions for invoking a container once. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
registry_id | string Required. ID of the IoT Core registry. |
device_id | string ID of the IoT Core device in the registry. |
mqtt_topic | string MQTT topic whose messages activate the trigger. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the MQTT topic. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
broker_id | string Required. ID of the IoT Core broker. |
mqtt_topic | string MQTT topic whose messages activate the trigger. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the MQTT topic. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
event_type[] | enum ObjectStorageEventType Type (name) of events, at least one value is required. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
bucket_id | string ID of the bucket. |
prefix | string Prefix of the object key. Filter, optional. |
suffix | string Suffix of the object key. Filter, optional. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
event_type[] | enum ContainerRegistryEventType Type (name) of events, at least one value is required. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
registry_id | string ID of the registry. |
image_name | string Docker-image name. Filter, optional. |
tag | string Docker-image tag. Filter, optional. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
log_group_id[] | string Log group identifiers, at least one value is required. |
batch_settings | CloudLogsBatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing log events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function or invoke_container |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
Field | Description |
log_group_id | string Log events filter settings. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
resource_type[] | string Each value must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]{1,62} . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
resource_id[] | string Each value must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]{1,62} . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
stream_name[] | string Each value must match the regular expression |[a-z][-a-z0-9]{1,61}[a-z0-9] . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
levels[] | The maximum number of elements is 10. |
batch_settings | LoggingBatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing log events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
billing_account_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
budget_id | string The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
endpoint | string Data stream endpoint. |
database | string Data stream database. |
stream | string Stream name. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to read data stream. |
batch_settings | DataStreamBatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size in bytes. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the associated function when size of log events reaches this value, or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1 to 65536, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages the time since the last batch exceeds the cutoff value, regardless of the amount of log events. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
string Address to receive emails for trigger activation. Field is ignored for write requests and populated on trigger creation. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
attachments_bucket | ObjectStorageBucketSettings Bucket settings for saving attachments. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
bucket_id | string Bucket for saving. The string length in characters must be 3-63. Value must match the regular expression [-.0-9a-zA-Z]* . |
service_account_id | string Required. SA which has write permission on storage. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
function_id | string Required. ID of the function to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
function_tag | string Version tag of the function to execute. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account that should be used to invoke the function. |
Field | Description |
function_id | string Required. ID of the function to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
function_tag | string Version tag of the function to execute. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the function. |
retry_settings | RetrySettings Retry policy. If the field is not specified, or the value is empty, no retries will be attempted. |
dead_letter_queue | PutQueueMessage DLQ policy (no value means discarding a message). |
Field | Description |
retry_attempts | int64 Maximum number of retries (extra invokes) before the action is considered failed. Acceptable values are 1 to 5, inclusive. |
interval | google.protobuf.Duration Required. Time in seconds to wait between individual retries. Acceptable values are 10s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
queue_id | string ID of the queue. |
service_account_id | string Required. Service account which has write permission on the queue. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
container_id | string Required. ID of the container to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Endpoint HTTP path to invoke. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the container. |
retry_settings | RetrySettings Retry policy. If the field is not specified, or the value is empty, no retries will be attempted. |
dead_letter_queue | PutQueueMessage DLQ policy (no value means discarding a message). |
Field | Description |
gateway_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Required. |
service_account_id | string Required. sa which has permission for writing to websockets The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the queue reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 0 to 1000, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Required. Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the queue reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. |
Field | Description |
container_id | string Required. ID of the container to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Endpoint HTTP path to invoke. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the container. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the log group reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the log group reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the associated function when the number of log events reaches this value, or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1 to 1000, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages the time since the last batch exceeds the cutoff value, regardless of the amount of log events. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Retrieves the list of triggers in the specified folder.
rpc List (ListTriggersRequest) returns (ListTriggersResponse)
Field | Description |
folder_id | string Required. ID of the folder to list triggers in. To get a folder ID use a request. |
page_size | int64 The maximum number of results per page to return. If the number of available results is larger than pageSize , the service returns a ListTriggersResponse.next_page_token that can be used to get the next page of results in subsequent list requests. Default value: 100. |
page_token | string Page token. To get the next page of results, set pageToken to the ListTriggersResponse.next_page_token returned by a previous list request. |
filter | string A filter expression that filters triggers listed in the response. The expression must specify:
name=my-trigger . |
Field | Description |
triggers[] | Trigger List of triggers in the specified folder. |
next_page_token | string Token for getting the next page of the list. If the number of results is greater than the specified ListTriggersRequest.page_size, use nextPageToken as the value for the ListTriggersRequest.page_token parameter in the next list request. Each subsequent page will have its own nextPageToken to continue paging through the results. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the trigger. Generated at creation time. |
folder_id | string Required. ID of the folder that the trigger belongs to. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp for the trigger. |
name | string Name of the trigger. The string length in characters must be 3-63. |
description | string Description of the trigger. The string length in characters must be 0-256. |
labels | map<string,string> Trigger labels as key:value pairs. |
rule | Rule Required. Rule for trigger activation (always consistent with the trigger type). |
status | enum Status Trigger status. |
Field | Description |
rule | oneof: timer , message_queue , iot_message , iot_broker_message , object_storage , container_registry , cloud_logs , logging , billing_budget , data_stream or mail |
timer | Timer Rule for a timed trigger. |
message_queue | MessageQueue Rule for a message queue trigger. |
iot_message | IoTMessage Rule for a IoT Core trigger. |
iot_broker_message | IoTBrokerMessage |
object_storage | ObjectStorage |
container_registry | ContainerRegistry |
cloud_logs | CloudLogs |
logging | Logging |
billing_budget | BillingBudget |
data_stream | DataStream |
Mail |
Field | Description |
cron_expression | string Required. Description of a schedule as a cron expression. The maximum string length in characters is 100. |
payload | string Payload to be passed to function. The maximum string length in characters is 4096. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_function_with_retry , invoke_container_with_retry or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the current time matches the cron_expression . |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionOnce Instructions for invoking a function once. |
invoke_function_with_retry | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retry. |
invoke_container_with_retry | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retry. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
queue_id | string Required. ID of the message queue in Message Queue. |
service_account_id | string Required. ID of the service account which has read access to the message queue. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing messages in the queue. |
visibility_timeout | google.protobuf.Duration Queue visibility timeout override. The maximum value is 12h. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the queue. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionOnce Instructions for invoking a function once. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerOnce Instructions for invoking a container once. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
registry_id | string Required. ID of the IoT Core registry. |
device_id | string ID of the IoT Core device in the registry. |
mqtt_topic | string MQTT topic whose messages activate the trigger. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the MQTT topic. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
broker_id | string Required. ID of the IoT Core broker. |
mqtt_topic | string MQTT topic whose messages activate the trigger. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the MQTT topic. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
event_type[] | enum ObjectStorageEventType Type (name) of events, at least one value is required. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
bucket_id | string ID of the bucket. |
prefix | string Prefix of the object key. Filter, optional. |
suffix | string Suffix of the object key. Filter, optional. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
event_type[] | enum ContainerRegistryEventType Type (name) of events, at least one value is required. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
registry_id | string ID of the registry. |
image_name | string Docker-image name. Filter, optional. |
tag | string Docker-image tag. Filter, optional. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
log_group_id[] | string Log group identifiers, at least one value is required. |
batch_settings | CloudLogsBatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing log events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function or invoke_container |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
Field | Description |
log_group_id | string Log events filter settings. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
resource_type[] | string Each value must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]{1,62} . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
resource_id[] | string Each value must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]{1,62} . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
stream_name[] | string Each value must match the regular expression |[a-z][-a-z0-9]{1,61}[a-z0-9] . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
levels[] | The maximum number of elements is 10. |
batch_settings | LoggingBatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing log events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
billing_account_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
budget_id | string The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
endpoint | string Data stream endpoint. |
database | string Data stream database. |
stream | string Stream name. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to read data stream. |
batch_settings | DataStreamBatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size in bytes. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the associated function when size of log events reaches this value, or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1 to 65536, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages the time since the last batch exceeds the cutoff value, regardless of the amount of log events. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
string Address to receive emails for trigger activation. Field is ignored for write requests and populated on trigger creation. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
attachments_bucket | ObjectStorageBucketSettings Bucket settings for saving attachments. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
bucket_id | string Bucket for saving. The string length in characters must be 3-63. Value must match the regular expression [-.0-9a-zA-Z]* . |
service_account_id | string Required. SA which has write permission on storage. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
function_id | string Required. ID of the function to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
function_tag | string Version tag of the function to execute. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account that should be used to invoke the function. |
Field | Description |
function_id | string Required. ID of the function to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
function_tag | string Version tag of the function to execute. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the function. |
retry_settings | RetrySettings Retry policy. If the field is not specified, or the value is empty, no retries will be attempted. |
dead_letter_queue | PutQueueMessage DLQ policy (no value means discarding a message). |
Field | Description |
retry_attempts | int64 Maximum number of retries (extra invokes) before the action is considered failed. Acceptable values are 1 to 5, inclusive. |
interval | google.protobuf.Duration Required. Time in seconds to wait between individual retries. Acceptable values are 10s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
queue_id | string ID of the queue. |
service_account_id | string Required. Service account which has write permission on the queue. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
container_id | string Required. ID of the container to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Endpoint HTTP path to invoke. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the container. |
retry_settings | RetrySettings Retry policy. If the field is not specified, or the value is empty, no retries will be attempted. |
dead_letter_queue | PutQueueMessage DLQ policy (no value means discarding a message). |
Field | Description |
gateway_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Required. |
service_account_id | string Required. sa which has permission for writing to websockets The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the queue reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 0 to 1000, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Required. Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the queue reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. |
Field | Description |
container_id | string Required. ID of the container to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Endpoint HTTP path to invoke. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the container. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the log group reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the log group reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the associated function when the number of log events reaches this value, or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1 to 1000, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages the time since the last batch exceeds the cutoff value, regardless of the amount of log events. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Creates a trigger in the specified folder.
rpc Create (CreateTriggerRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
folder_id | string Required. ID of the folder to create a trigger in. To get a folder ID make a request. |
name | string Name of the trigger. The name must be unique within the folder. Value must match the regular expression |[a-z][-a-z0-9]{1,61}[a-z0-9] . |
description | string Description of the trigger. The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
labels | map<string,string> Resource labels as key:value pairs. No more than 64 per resource. The maximum string length in characters for each value is 63. Each value must match the regular expression [-_./\\@0-9a-z]* . The string length in characters for each key must be 1-63. Each key must match the regular expression [a-z][-_./\\@0-9a-z]* . |
rule | Trigger.Rule Required. Trigger type. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
trigger_id | string ID of the trigger that is being created. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the trigger. Generated at creation time. |
folder_id | string Required. ID of the folder that the trigger belongs to. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp for the trigger. |
name | string Name of the trigger. The string length in characters must be 3-63. |
description | string Description of the trigger. The string length in characters must be 0-256. |
labels | map<string,string> Trigger labels as key:value pairs. |
rule | Rule Required. Rule for trigger activation (always consistent with the trigger type). |
status | enum Status Trigger status. |
Field | Description |
rule | oneof: timer , message_queue , iot_message , iot_broker_message , object_storage , container_registry , cloud_logs , logging , billing_budget , data_stream or mail |
timer | Timer Rule for a timed trigger. |
message_queue | MessageQueue Rule for a message queue trigger. |
iot_message | IoTMessage Rule for a IoT Core trigger. |
iot_broker_message | IoTBrokerMessage |
object_storage | ObjectStorage |
container_registry | ContainerRegistry |
cloud_logs | CloudLogs |
logging | Logging |
billing_budget | BillingBudget |
data_stream | DataStream |
Mail |
Field | Description |
cron_expression | string Required. Description of a schedule as a cron expression. The maximum string length in characters is 100. |
payload | string Payload to be passed to function. The maximum string length in characters is 4096. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_function_with_retry , invoke_container_with_retry or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the current time matches the cron_expression . |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionOnce Instructions for invoking a function once. |
invoke_function_with_retry | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retry. |
invoke_container_with_retry | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retry. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
queue_id | string Required. ID of the message queue in Message Queue. |
service_account_id | string Required. ID of the service account which has read access to the message queue. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing messages in the queue. |
visibility_timeout | google.protobuf.Duration Queue visibility timeout override. The maximum value is 12h. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the queue. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionOnce Instructions for invoking a function once. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerOnce Instructions for invoking a container once. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
registry_id | string Required. ID of the IoT Core registry. |
device_id | string ID of the IoT Core device in the registry. |
mqtt_topic | string MQTT topic whose messages activate the trigger. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the MQTT topic. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
broker_id | string Required. ID of the IoT Core broker. |
mqtt_topic | string MQTT topic whose messages activate the trigger. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the MQTT topic. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
event_type[] | enum ObjectStorageEventType Type (name) of events, at least one value is required. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
bucket_id | string ID of the bucket. |
prefix | string Prefix of the object key. Filter, optional. |
suffix | string Suffix of the object key. Filter, optional. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
event_type[] | enum ContainerRegistryEventType Type (name) of events, at least one value is required. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
registry_id | string ID of the registry. |
image_name | string Docker-image name. Filter, optional. |
tag | string Docker-image tag. Filter, optional. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
log_group_id[] | string Log group identifiers, at least one value is required. |
batch_settings | CloudLogsBatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing log events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function or invoke_container |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
Field | Description |
log_group_id | string Log events filter settings. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
resource_type[] | string Each value must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]{1,62} . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
resource_id[] | string Each value must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]{1,62} . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
stream_name[] | string Each value must match the regular expression |[a-z][-a-z0-9]{1,61}[a-z0-9] . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
levels[] | The maximum number of elements is 10. |
batch_settings | LoggingBatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing log events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
billing_account_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
budget_id | string The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
endpoint | string Data stream endpoint. |
database | string Data stream database. |
stream | string Stream name. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to read data stream. |
batch_settings | DataStreamBatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size in bytes. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the associated function when size of log events reaches this value, or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1 to 65536, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages the time since the last batch exceeds the cutoff value, regardless of the amount of log events. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
string Address to receive emails for trigger activation. Field is ignored for write requests and populated on trigger creation. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
attachments_bucket | ObjectStorageBucketSettings Bucket settings for saving attachments. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
bucket_id | string Bucket for saving. The string length in characters must be 3-63. Value must match the regular expression [-.0-9a-zA-Z]* . |
service_account_id | string Required. SA which has write permission on storage. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
function_id | string Required. ID of the function to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
function_tag | string Version tag of the function to execute. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account that should be used to invoke the function. |
Field | Description |
function_id | string Required. ID of the function to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
function_tag | string Version tag of the function to execute. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the function. |
retry_settings | RetrySettings Retry policy. If the field is not specified, or the value is empty, no retries will be attempted. |
dead_letter_queue | PutQueueMessage DLQ policy (no value means discarding a message). |
Field | Description |
retry_attempts | int64 Maximum number of retries (extra invokes) before the action is considered failed. Acceptable values are 1 to 5, inclusive. |
interval | google.protobuf.Duration Required. Time in seconds to wait between individual retries. Acceptable values are 10s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
queue_id | string ID of the queue. |
service_account_id | string Required. Service account which has write permission on the queue. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
container_id | string Required. ID of the container to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Endpoint HTTP path to invoke. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the container. |
retry_settings | RetrySettings Retry policy. If the field is not specified, or the value is empty, no retries will be attempted. |
dead_letter_queue | PutQueueMessage DLQ policy (no value means discarding a message). |
Field | Description |
gateway_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Required. |
service_account_id | string Required. sa which has permission for writing to websockets The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the queue reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 0 to 1000, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Required. Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the queue reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. |
Field | Description |
container_id | string Required. ID of the container to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Endpoint HTTP path to invoke. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the container. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the log group reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the log group reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the associated function when the number of log events reaches this value, or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1 to 1000, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages the time since the last batch exceeds the cutoff value, regardless of the amount of log events. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Updates the specified trigger.
rpc Update (UpdateTriggerRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
trigger_id | string Required. ID of the trigger to update. To get a trigger ID make a TriggerService.List request. |
update_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask Field mask that specifies which attributes of the trigger should be updated. |
name | string New name for the trigger. The name must be unique within the folder. Value must match the regular expression |[a-z][-a-z0-9]{1,61}[a-z0-9] . |
description | string New description of the trigger. The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
labels | map<string,string> Trigger labels as key:value pairs. Existing set of labels is completely replaced by the provided set, so if you just want to add or remove a label, request the current set of labels with a TriggerService.Get request. No more than 64 per resource. The maximum string length in characters for each value is 63. Each value must match the regular expression [-_./\\@0-9a-z]* . The string length in characters for each key must be 1-63. Each key must match the regular expression [a-z][-_./\\@0-9a-z]* . |
rule | Trigger.Rule New parameters for trigger. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
trigger_id | string Required. ID of the trigger that is being updated. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the trigger. Generated at creation time. |
folder_id | string Required. ID of the folder that the trigger belongs to. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp for the trigger. |
name | string Name of the trigger. The string length in characters must be 3-63. |
description | string Description of the trigger. The string length in characters must be 0-256. |
labels | map<string,string> Trigger labels as key:value pairs. |
rule | Rule Required. Rule for trigger activation (always consistent with the trigger type). |
status | enum Status Trigger status. |
Field | Description |
rule | oneof: timer , message_queue , iot_message , iot_broker_message , object_storage , container_registry , cloud_logs , logging , billing_budget , data_stream or mail |
timer | Timer Rule for a timed trigger. |
message_queue | MessageQueue Rule for a message queue trigger. |
iot_message | IoTMessage Rule for a IoT Core trigger. |
iot_broker_message | IoTBrokerMessage |
object_storage | ObjectStorage |
container_registry | ContainerRegistry |
cloud_logs | CloudLogs |
logging | Logging |
billing_budget | BillingBudget |
data_stream | DataStream |
Mail |
Field | Description |
cron_expression | string Required. Description of a schedule as a cron expression. The maximum string length in characters is 100. |
payload | string Payload to be passed to function. The maximum string length in characters is 4096. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_function_with_retry , invoke_container_with_retry or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the current time matches the cron_expression . |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionOnce Instructions for invoking a function once. |
invoke_function_with_retry | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retry. |
invoke_container_with_retry | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retry. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
queue_id | string Required. ID of the message queue in Message Queue. |
service_account_id | string Required. ID of the service account which has read access to the message queue. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing messages in the queue. |
visibility_timeout | google.protobuf.Duration Queue visibility timeout override. The maximum value is 12h. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the queue. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionOnce Instructions for invoking a function once. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerOnce Instructions for invoking a container once. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
registry_id | string Required. ID of the IoT Core registry. |
device_id | string ID of the IoT Core device in the registry. |
mqtt_topic | string MQTT topic whose messages activate the trigger. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the MQTT topic. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
broker_id | string Required. ID of the IoT Core broker. |
mqtt_topic | string MQTT topic whose messages activate the trigger. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the MQTT topic. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
event_type[] | enum ObjectStorageEventType Type (name) of events, at least one value is required. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
bucket_id | string ID of the bucket. |
prefix | string Prefix of the object key. Filter, optional. |
suffix | string Suffix of the object key. Filter, optional. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
event_type[] | enum ContainerRegistryEventType Type (name) of events, at least one value is required. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
registry_id | string ID of the registry. |
image_name | string Docker-image name. Filter, optional. |
tag | string Docker-image tag. Filter, optional. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
log_group_id[] | string Log group identifiers, at least one value is required. |
batch_settings | CloudLogsBatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing log events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function or invoke_container |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
Field | Description |
log_group_id | string Log events filter settings. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
resource_type[] | string Each value must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]{1,62} . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
resource_id[] | string Each value must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]{1,62} . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
stream_name[] | string Each value must match the regular expression |[a-z][-a-z0-9]{1,61}[a-z0-9] . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
levels[] | The maximum number of elements is 10. |
batch_settings | LoggingBatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing log events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
billing_account_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
budget_id | string The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
endpoint | string Data stream endpoint. |
database | string Data stream database. |
stream | string Stream name. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to read data stream. |
batch_settings | DataStreamBatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size in bytes. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the associated function when size of log events reaches this value, or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1 to 65536, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages the time since the last batch exceeds the cutoff value, regardless of the amount of log events. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
string Address to receive emails for trigger activation. Field is ignored for write requests and populated on trigger creation. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
attachments_bucket | ObjectStorageBucketSettings Bucket settings for saving attachments. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
bucket_id | string Bucket for saving. The string length in characters must be 3-63. Value must match the regular expression [-.0-9a-zA-Z]* . |
service_account_id | string Required. SA which has write permission on storage. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
function_id | string Required. ID of the function to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
function_tag | string Version tag of the function to execute. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account that should be used to invoke the function. |
Field | Description |
function_id | string Required. ID of the function to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
function_tag | string Version tag of the function to execute. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the function. |
retry_settings | RetrySettings Retry policy. If the field is not specified, or the value is empty, no retries will be attempted. |
dead_letter_queue | PutQueueMessage DLQ policy (no value means discarding a message). |
Field | Description |
retry_attempts | int64 Maximum number of retries (extra invokes) before the action is considered failed. Acceptable values are 1 to 5, inclusive. |
interval | google.protobuf.Duration Required. Time in seconds to wait between individual retries. Acceptable values are 10s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
queue_id | string ID of the queue. |
service_account_id | string Required. Service account which has write permission on the queue. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
container_id | string Required. ID of the container to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Endpoint HTTP path to invoke. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the container. |
retry_settings | RetrySettings Retry policy. If the field is not specified, or the value is empty, no retries will be attempted. |
dead_letter_queue | PutQueueMessage DLQ policy (no value means discarding a message). |
Field | Description |
gateway_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Required. |
service_account_id | string Required. sa which has permission for writing to websockets The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the queue reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 0 to 1000, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Required. Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the queue reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. |
Field | Description |
container_id | string Required. ID of the container to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Endpoint HTTP path to invoke. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the container. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the log group reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the log group reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the associated function when the number of log events reaches this value, or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1 to 1000, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages the time since the last batch exceeds the cutoff value, regardless of the amount of log events. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Deletes the specified trigger.
rpc Delete (DeleteTriggerRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
trigger_id | string Required. ID of the trigger to delete. To get a trigger ID make a TriggerService.List request. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
trigger_id | string Required. ID of the trigger that is being deleted. |
Pauses the specified trigger.
rpc Pause (PauseTriggerRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
trigger_id | string Required. ID of the trigger to pause To get a trigger ID make a TriggerService.List request. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
trigger_id | string Required. ID of the trigger that is being paused. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the trigger. Generated at creation time. |
folder_id | string Required. ID of the folder that the trigger belongs to. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp for the trigger. |
name | string Name of the trigger. The string length in characters must be 3-63. |
description | string Description of the trigger. The string length in characters must be 0-256. |
labels | map<string,string> Trigger labels as key:value pairs. |
rule | Rule Required. Rule for trigger activation (always consistent with the trigger type). |
status | enum Status Trigger status. |
Field | Description |
rule | oneof: timer , message_queue , iot_message , iot_broker_message , object_storage , container_registry , cloud_logs , logging , billing_budget , data_stream or mail |
timer | Timer Rule for a timed trigger. |
message_queue | MessageQueue Rule for a message queue trigger. |
iot_message | IoTMessage Rule for a IoT Core trigger. |
iot_broker_message | IoTBrokerMessage |
object_storage | ObjectStorage |
container_registry | ContainerRegistry |
cloud_logs | CloudLogs |
logging | Logging |
billing_budget | BillingBudget |
data_stream | DataStream |
Mail |
Field | Description |
cron_expression | string Required. Description of a schedule as a cron expression. The maximum string length in characters is 100. |
payload | string Payload to be passed to function. The maximum string length in characters is 4096. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_function_with_retry , invoke_container_with_retry or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the current time matches the cron_expression . |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionOnce Instructions for invoking a function once. |
invoke_function_with_retry | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retry. |
invoke_container_with_retry | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retry. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
queue_id | string Required. ID of the message queue in Message Queue. |
service_account_id | string Required. ID of the service account which has read access to the message queue. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing messages in the queue. |
visibility_timeout | google.protobuf.Duration Queue visibility timeout override. The maximum value is 12h. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the queue. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionOnce Instructions for invoking a function once. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerOnce Instructions for invoking a container once. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
registry_id | string Required. ID of the IoT Core registry. |
device_id | string ID of the IoT Core device in the registry. |
mqtt_topic | string MQTT topic whose messages activate the trigger. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the MQTT topic. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
broker_id | string Required. ID of the IoT Core broker. |
mqtt_topic | string MQTT topic whose messages activate the trigger. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the MQTT topic. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
event_type[] | enum ObjectStorageEventType Type (name) of events, at least one value is required. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
bucket_id | string ID of the bucket. |
prefix | string Prefix of the object key. Filter, optional. |
suffix | string Suffix of the object key. Filter, optional. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
event_type[] | enum ContainerRegistryEventType Type (name) of events, at least one value is required. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
registry_id | string ID of the registry. |
image_name | string Docker-image name. Filter, optional. |
tag | string Docker-image tag. Filter, optional. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
log_group_id[] | string Log group identifiers, at least one value is required. |
batch_settings | CloudLogsBatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing log events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function or invoke_container |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
Field | Description |
log_group_id | string Log events filter settings. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
resource_type[] | string Each value must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]{1,62} . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
resource_id[] | string Each value must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]{1,62} . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
stream_name[] | string Each value must match the regular expression |[a-z][-a-z0-9]{1,61}[a-z0-9] . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
levels[] | The maximum number of elements is 10. |
batch_settings | LoggingBatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing log events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
billing_account_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
budget_id | string The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
endpoint | string Data stream endpoint. |
database | string Data stream database. |
stream | string Stream name. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to read data stream. |
batch_settings | DataStreamBatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size in bytes. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the associated function when size of log events reaches this value, or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1 to 65536, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages the time since the last batch exceeds the cutoff value, regardless of the amount of log events. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
string Address to receive emails for trigger activation. Field is ignored for write requests and populated on trigger creation. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
attachments_bucket | ObjectStorageBucketSettings Bucket settings for saving attachments. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
bucket_id | string Bucket for saving. The string length in characters must be 3-63. Value must match the regular expression [-.0-9a-zA-Z]* . |
service_account_id | string Required. SA which has write permission on storage. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
function_id | string Required. ID of the function to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
function_tag | string Version tag of the function to execute. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account that should be used to invoke the function. |
Field | Description |
function_id | string Required. ID of the function to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
function_tag | string Version tag of the function to execute. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the function. |
retry_settings | RetrySettings Retry policy. If the field is not specified, or the value is empty, no retries will be attempted. |
dead_letter_queue | PutQueueMessage DLQ policy (no value means discarding a message). |
Field | Description |
retry_attempts | int64 Maximum number of retries (extra invokes) before the action is considered failed. Acceptable values are 1 to 5, inclusive. |
interval | google.protobuf.Duration Required. Time in seconds to wait between individual retries. Acceptable values are 10s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
queue_id | string ID of the queue. |
service_account_id | string Required. Service account which has write permission on the queue. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
container_id | string Required. ID of the container to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Endpoint HTTP path to invoke. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the container. |
retry_settings | RetrySettings Retry policy. If the field is not specified, or the value is empty, no retries will be attempted. |
dead_letter_queue | PutQueueMessage DLQ policy (no value means discarding a message). |
Field | Description |
gateway_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Required. |
service_account_id | string Required. sa which has permission for writing to websockets The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the queue reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 0 to 1000, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Required. Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the queue reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. |
Field | Description |
container_id | string Required. ID of the container to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Endpoint HTTP path to invoke. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the container. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the log group reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the log group reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the associated function when the number of log events reaches this value, or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1 to 1000, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages the time since the last batch exceeds the cutoff value, regardless of the amount of log events. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Restarts the specified trigger.
rpc Resume (ResumeTriggerRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
trigger_id | string Required. ID of the trigger to pause To get a trigger ID make a TriggerService.List request. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
trigger_id | string Required. ID of the trigger that is being paused. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the trigger. Generated at creation time. |
folder_id | string Required. ID of the folder that the trigger belongs to. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp for the trigger. |
name | string Name of the trigger. The string length in characters must be 3-63. |
description | string Description of the trigger. The string length in characters must be 0-256. |
labels | map<string,string> Trigger labels as key:value pairs. |
rule | Rule Required. Rule for trigger activation (always consistent with the trigger type). |
status | enum Status Trigger status. |
Field | Description |
rule | oneof: timer , message_queue , iot_message , iot_broker_message , object_storage , container_registry , cloud_logs , logging , billing_budget , data_stream or mail |
timer | Timer Rule for a timed trigger. |
message_queue | MessageQueue Rule for a message queue trigger. |
iot_message | IoTMessage Rule for a IoT Core trigger. |
iot_broker_message | IoTBrokerMessage |
object_storage | ObjectStorage |
container_registry | ContainerRegistry |
cloud_logs | CloudLogs |
logging | Logging |
billing_budget | BillingBudget |
data_stream | DataStream |
Mail |
Field | Description |
cron_expression | string Required. Description of a schedule as a cron expression. The maximum string length in characters is 100. |
payload | string Payload to be passed to function. The maximum string length in characters is 4096. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_function_with_retry , invoke_container_with_retry or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the current time matches the cron_expression . |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionOnce Instructions for invoking a function once. |
invoke_function_with_retry | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retry. |
invoke_container_with_retry | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retry. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
queue_id | string Required. ID of the message queue in Message Queue. |
service_account_id | string Required. ID of the service account which has read access to the message queue. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing messages in the queue. |
visibility_timeout | google.protobuf.Duration Queue visibility timeout override. The maximum value is 12h. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the queue. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionOnce Instructions for invoking a function once. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerOnce Instructions for invoking a container once. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
registry_id | string Required. ID of the IoT Core registry. |
device_id | string ID of the IoT Core device in the registry. |
mqtt_topic | string MQTT topic whose messages activate the trigger. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the MQTT topic. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
broker_id | string Required. ID of the IoT Core broker. |
mqtt_topic | string MQTT topic whose messages activate the trigger. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast Action to be executed when the there's a new message in the MQTT topic. |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
event_type[] | enum ObjectStorageEventType Type (name) of events, at least one value is required. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
bucket_id | string ID of the bucket. |
prefix | string Prefix of the object key. Filter, optional. |
suffix | string Suffix of the object key. Filter, optional. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
event_type[] | enum ContainerRegistryEventType Type (name) of events, at least one value is required. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
registry_id | string ID of the registry. |
image_name | string Docker-image name. Filter, optional. |
tag | string Docker-image tag. Filter, optional. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
log_group_id[] | string Log group identifiers, at least one value is required. |
batch_settings | CloudLogsBatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing log events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function or invoke_container |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
Field | Description |
log_group_id | string Log events filter settings. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
resource_type[] | string Each value must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]{1,62} . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
resource_id[] | string Each value must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]{1,62} . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
stream_name[] | string Each value must match the regular expression |[a-z][-a-z0-9]{1,61}[a-z0-9] . The maximum number of elements is 100. |
levels[] | The maximum number of elements is 10. |
batch_settings | LoggingBatchSettings Required. Batch settings for processing log events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry Instructions for invoking a function with retries as needed. |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry Instructions for invoking a container with retries as needed. |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast Instructions for broadcasting to API gateway websocket once. |
Field | Description |
billing_account_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
budget_id | string The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
endpoint | string Data stream endpoint. |
database | string Data stream database. |
stream | string Stream name. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to read data stream. |
batch_settings | DataStreamBatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size in bytes. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the associated function when size of log events reaches this value, or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1 to 65536, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages the time since the last batch exceeds the cutoff value, regardless of the amount of log events. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
string Address to receive emails for trigger activation. Field is ignored for write requests and populated on trigger creation. |
batch_settings | BatchSettings Batch settings for processing events. |
attachments_bucket | ObjectStorageBucketSettings Bucket settings for saving attachments. |
action | oneof: invoke_function , invoke_container or gateway_websocket_broadcast |
invoke_function | InvokeFunctionWithRetry |
invoke_container | InvokeContainerWithRetry |
gateway_websocket_broadcast | GatewayWebsocketBroadcast |
Field | Description |
bucket_id | string Bucket for saving. The string length in characters must be 3-63. Value must match the regular expression [-.0-9a-zA-Z]* . |
service_account_id | string Required. SA which has write permission on storage. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
function_id | string Required. ID of the function to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
function_tag | string Version tag of the function to execute. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account that should be used to invoke the function. |
Field | Description |
function_id | string Required. ID of the function to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
function_tag | string Version tag of the function to execute. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the function. |
retry_settings | RetrySettings Retry policy. If the field is not specified, or the value is empty, no retries will be attempted. |
dead_letter_queue | PutQueueMessage DLQ policy (no value means discarding a message). |
Field | Description |
retry_attempts | int64 Maximum number of retries (extra invokes) before the action is considered failed. Acceptable values are 1 to 5, inclusive. |
interval | google.protobuf.Duration Required. Time in seconds to wait between individual retries. Acceptable values are 10s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
queue_id | string ID of the queue. |
service_account_id | string Required. Service account which has write permission on the queue. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
container_id | string Required. ID of the container to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Endpoint HTTP path to invoke. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the container. |
retry_settings | RetrySettings Retry policy. If the field is not specified, or the value is empty, no retries will be attempted. |
dead_letter_queue | PutQueueMessage DLQ policy (no value means discarding a message). |
Field | Description |
gateway_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Required. |
service_account_id | string Required. sa which has permission for writing to websockets The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the queue reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 0 to 1000, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Required. Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the queue reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. |
Field | Description |
container_id | string Required. ID of the container to invoke. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
path | string Endpoint HTTP path to invoke. |
service_account_id | string ID of the service account which has permission to invoke the container. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the log group reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the function when the number of messages in the log group reaches size , or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 Batch size. Trigger will send the batch of messages to the associated function when the number of log events reaches this value, or the cutoff time has passed. Acceptable values are 1 to 1000, inclusive. |
cutoff | google.protobuf.Duration Maximum wait time. Trigger will send the batch of messages the time since the last batch exceeds the cutoff value, regardless of the amount of log events. Acceptable values are 1s to 1m, inclusive. |
Lists operations for the specified trigger.
rpc ListOperations (ListTriggerOperationsRequest) returns (ListTriggerOperationsResponse)
Field | Description |
trigger_id | string Required. ID of the trigger to list operations for. |
page_size | int64 The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available results is larger than pageSize , the service returns a ListTriggerOperationsResponse.next_page_token that can be used to get the next page of results in subsequent list requests. Default value: 100. Acceptable values are 0 to 1000, inclusive. |
page_token | string Page token. To get the next page of results, set pageToken to the ListTriggerOperationsResponse.next_page_token returned by a previous list request. The maximum string length in characters is 100. |
filter | string A filter expression that filters resources listed in the response. The expression must specify:
name=my-function . The maximum string length in characters is 1000. |
Field | Description |
operations[] | operation.Operation List of operations for the specified trigger. |
next_page_token | string Token for getting the next page of the list. If the number of results is greater than the specified ListTriggerOperationsRequest.page_size, use nextPageToken as the value for the ListTriggerOperationsRequest.page_token parameter in the next list request. Each subsequent page will have its own nextPageToken to continue paging through the results. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any The normal response of the operation in case of success. If the original method returns no data on success, such as Delete, the response is google.protobuf.Empty |