Managed Service for YDB API, gRPC: DatabaseService
- Calls DatabaseService
- Get
- GetDatabaseRequest
- Database
- StorageConfig
- StorageOption
- ScalePolicy
- FixedScale
- ZonalDatabase
- RegionalDatabase
- DedicatedDatabase
- ServerlessDatabase
- BackupConfig
- BackupSettings
- BackupSchedule
- DailyBackupSchedule
- WeeklyBackupSchedule
- DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule
- RecurringBackupSchedule
- MonitoringConfig
- Alert
- NotificationChannel
- AlertParameter
- DoubleParameterValue
- IntegerParameterValue
- TextParameterValue
- TextListParameterValue
- LabelListParameterValue
- List
- ListDatabasesRequest
- ListDatabasesResponse
- Database
- StorageConfig
- StorageOption
- ScalePolicy
- FixedScale
- ZonalDatabase
- RegionalDatabase
- DedicatedDatabase
- ServerlessDatabase
- BackupConfig
- BackupSettings
- BackupSchedule
- DailyBackupSchedule
- WeeklyBackupSchedule
- DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule
- RecurringBackupSchedule
- MonitoringConfig
- Alert
- NotificationChannel
- AlertParameter
- DoubleParameterValue
- IntegerParameterValue
- TextParameterValue
- TextListParameterValue
- LabelListParameterValue
- Create
- CreateDatabaseRequest
- StorageConfig
- StorageOption
- ScalePolicy
- FixedScale
- ZonalDatabase
- RegionalDatabase
- DedicatedDatabase
- ServerlessDatabase
- BackupConfig
- BackupSettings
- BackupSchedule
- DailyBackupSchedule
- WeeklyBackupSchedule
- DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule
- RecurringBackupSchedule
- MonitoringConfig
- Alert
- NotificationChannel
- AlertParameter
- DoubleParameterValue
- IntegerParameterValue
- TextParameterValue
- TextListParameterValue
- LabelListParameterValue
- Operation
- CreateDatabaseMetadata
- Database
- Update
- UpdateDatabaseRequest
- StorageConfig
- StorageOption
- ScalePolicy
- FixedScale
- ZonalDatabase
- RegionalDatabase
- DedicatedDatabase
- ServerlessDatabase
- BackupConfig
- BackupSettings
- BackupSchedule
- DailyBackupSchedule
- WeeklyBackupSchedule
- DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule
- RecurringBackupSchedule
- MonitoringConfig
- Alert
- NotificationChannel
- AlertParameter
- DoubleParameterValue
- IntegerParameterValue
- TextParameterValue
- TextListParameterValue
- LabelListParameterValue
- Operation
- UpdateDatabaseMetadata
- Database
- Start
- StartDatabaseRequest
- Operation
- StartDatabaseMetadata
- Database
- StorageConfig
- StorageOption
- ScalePolicy
- FixedScale
- ZonalDatabase
- RegionalDatabase
- DedicatedDatabase
- ServerlessDatabase
- BackupConfig
- BackupSettings
- BackupSchedule
- DailyBackupSchedule
- WeeklyBackupSchedule
- DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule
- RecurringBackupSchedule
- MonitoringConfig
- Alert
- NotificationChannel
- AlertParameter
- DoubleParameterValue
- IntegerParameterValue
- TextParameterValue
- TextListParameterValue
- LabelListParameterValue
- Stop
- StopDatabaseRequest
- Operation
- StopDatabaseMetadata
- Database
- StorageConfig
- StorageOption
- ScalePolicy
- FixedScale
- ZonalDatabase
- RegionalDatabase
- DedicatedDatabase
- ServerlessDatabase
- BackupConfig
- BackupSettings
- BackupSchedule
- DailyBackupSchedule
- WeeklyBackupSchedule
- DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule
- RecurringBackupSchedule
- MonitoringConfig
- Alert
- NotificationChannel
- AlertParameter
- DoubleParameterValue
- IntegerParameterValue
- TextParameterValue
- TextListParameterValue
- LabelListParameterValue
- Move
- MoveDatabaseRequest
- Operation
- MoveDatabaseMetadata
- Database
- StorageConfig
- StorageOption
- ScalePolicy
- FixedScale
- ZonalDatabase
- RegionalDatabase
- DedicatedDatabase
- ServerlessDatabase
- BackupConfig
- BackupSettings
- BackupSchedule
- DailyBackupSchedule
- WeeklyBackupSchedule
- DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule
- RecurringBackupSchedule
- MonitoringConfig
- Alert
- NotificationChannel
- AlertParameter
- DoubleParameterValue
- IntegerParameterValue
- TextParameterValue
- TextListParameterValue
- LabelListParameterValue
- ListAccessBindings
- SetAccessBindings
- UpdateAccessBindings
- Delete
- Restore
- RestoreBackupRequest
- Operation
- RestoreBackupMetadata
- Database
- StorageConfig
- StorageOption
- ScalePolicy
- FixedScale
- ZonalDatabase
- RegionalDatabase
- DedicatedDatabase
- ServerlessDatabase
- BackupConfig
- BackupSettings
- BackupSchedule
- DailyBackupSchedule
- WeeklyBackupSchedule
- DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule
- RecurringBackupSchedule
- MonitoringConfig
- Alert
- NotificationChannel
- AlertParameter
- DoubleParameterValue
- IntegerParameterValue
- TextParameterValue
- TextListParameterValue
- LabelListParameterValue
- Backup
- BackupDatabaseRequest
- BackupSettings
- BackupSchedule
- DailyBackupSchedule
- WeeklyBackupSchedule
- DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule
- RecurringBackupSchedule
- Operation
- BackupDatabaseMetadata
- Database
- StorageConfig
- StorageOption
- ScalePolicy
- FixedScale
- ZonalDatabase
- RegionalDatabase
- DedicatedDatabase
- ServerlessDatabase
- BackupConfig
- MonitoringConfig
- Alert
- NotificationChannel
- AlertParameter
- DoubleParameterValue
- IntegerParameterValue
- TextParameterValue
- TextListParameterValue
- LabelListParameterValue
A set of methods for managing databases.
Call | Description |
Get | Returns the specified database. |
List | Retrieves a list of databases. |
Create | Creates a new database. |
Update | Modifies the specified database. |
Start | Starts the specified database. |
Stop | Stops the specified database. |
Move | |
ListAccessBindings | |
SetAccessBindings | |
UpdateAccessBindings | |
Delete | Deletes the specified database. |
Restore | Restores the specified backup |
Backup |
Calls DatabaseService
Returns the specified database.
rpc Get (GetDatabaseRequest) returns (Database)
Field | Description |
database_id | string Required. Required. ID of the YDB cluster. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
id | string |
folder_id | string |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
name | string |
description | string |
status | enum Status |
endpoint | string |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
database_type | oneof: zonal_database , regional_database , dedicated_database or serverless_database |
zonal_database | ZonalDatabase deprecated field |
regional_database | RegionalDatabase deprecated field |
dedicated_database | DedicatedDatabase |
serverless_database | ServerlessDatabase |
assign_public_ips | bool |
location_id | string |
labels | map<string,string> |
backup_config | BackupConfig |
document_api_endpoint | string |
kinesis_api_endpoint | string |
kafka_api_endpoint | string |
monitoring_config | MonitoringConfig |
deletion_protection | bool |
Field | Description |
storage_options[] | StorageOption The minimum number of elements is 1. |
storage_size_limit | int64 output only field: storage size limit of dedicated database. |
Field | Description |
storage_type_id | string |
group_count | int64 |
Field | Description |
scale_type | oneof: fixed_scale |
fixed_scale | FixedScale |
Field | Description |
size | int64 The minimum value is 1. |
Field | Description |
zone_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
region_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
assign_public_ips | bool |
Field | Description |
throttling_rcu_limit | int64 Let's define 1 RU - 1 request unit Let's define 1 RCU - 1 request capacity unit, which is 1 RU per second. If enable_throttling_rcu_limit flag is true, the database will be throttled using throttling_rcu_limit value. Otherwise, the database is throttled using the cloud quotas. If zero, all requests will be blocked until non zero value is set. |
storage_size_limit | int64 Specify serverless database storage size limit. If zero, default value is applied. |
enable_throttling_rcu_limit | bool If false, the database is throttled by cloud value. |
provisioned_rcu_limit | int64 Specify the number of provisioned RCUs to pay less if the database has predictable load. You will be charged for the provisioned capacity regularly even if this capacity is not fully consumed. You will be charged for the on-demand consumption only if provisioned capacity is consumed. |
topic_write_quota | int64 write quota for topic service, defined in bytes per second. |
Field | Description |
backup_settings[] | BackupSettings |
Field | Description |
name | string name of backup settings The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
description | string human readable description. The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
backup_schedule | BackupSchedule provide schedule. if empty, backup will be disabled. |
backup_time_to_live | google.protobuf.Duration provide time to live of backup. |
source_paths[] | string provide a list of source paths. Each path can be directory, table or even database itself. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be included to backup. By default, backup will be created for full database. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
source_paths_to_exclude[] | string provide a list of paths to exclude from backup. Each path is a directory, table, or database. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be excluded. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
type | enum Type |
storage_class | enum StorageClass |
Field | Description |
policy | oneof: daily_backup_schedule , weekly_backup_schedule or recurring_backup_schedule |
daily_backup_schedule | DailyBackupSchedule |
weekly_backup_schedule | WeeklyBackupSchedule |
recurring_backup_schedule | RecurringBackupSchedule |
next_execute_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp output only field: when next backup will be executed using provided schedule. |
Field | Description |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
days_of_week[] | DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
Field | Description |
days[] | google.type.DayOfWeek The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
start_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp Required. Timestamp of the first recurrence. |
recurrence | string Required. An RRULE ( for how this backup reccurs. The FREQ values of MINUTELY, and SECONDLY are not supported. |
Field | Description |
alerts[] | Alert |
Field | Description |
alert_id | string output only field. |
alert_template_id | string template of the alert. |
name | string name of the alert. |
description | string human readable description of the alert. |
notification_channels[] | NotificationChannel the notification channels of the alert. |
alert_parameters[] | AlertParameter alert parameters to override. |
alert_thresholds[] | AlertParameter alert paratemers to override. |
Field | Description |
notification_channel_id | string |
notify_about_statuses[] | enum AlertEvaluationStatus |
repeate_notify_delay_ms | int64 |
Field | Description |
parameter | oneof: double_parameter_value , integer_parameter_value , text_parameter_value , text_list_parameter_value or label_list_parameter_value |
double_parameter_value | DoubleParameterValue |
integer_parameter_value | IntegerParameterValue |
text_parameter_value | TextParameterValue |
text_list_parameter_value | TextListParameterValue |
label_list_parameter_value | LabelListParameterValue |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | double Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | int64 Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Retrieves a list of databases.
rpc List (ListDatabasesRequest) returns (ListDatabasesResponse)
Field | Description |
folder_id | string |
page_size | int64 The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available results is larger than page_size , the service returns a next_page_token that can be used to get the next page of results in subsequent ListDatabases requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 1000, inclusive. Default value: 100. Acceptable values are 0 to 1000, inclusive. |
page_token | string Page token. Set page_token to the next_page_token returned by a previous ListDatabases request to get the next page of results. The maximum string length in characters is 100. |
Field | Description |
databases[] | Database |
next_page_token | string This token allows you to get the next page of results for ListDatabases requests, if the number of results is larger than page_size specified in the request. To get the next page, specify the value of next_page_token as a value for the page_token parameter in the next ListDatabases request. Subsequent ListDatabases requests will have their own next_page_token to continue paging through the results. |
Field | Description |
id | string |
folder_id | string |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
name | string |
description | string |
status | enum Status |
endpoint | string |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
database_type | oneof: zonal_database , regional_database , dedicated_database or serverless_database |
zonal_database | ZonalDatabase deprecated field |
regional_database | RegionalDatabase deprecated field |
dedicated_database | DedicatedDatabase |
serverless_database | ServerlessDatabase |
assign_public_ips | bool |
location_id | string |
labels | map<string,string> |
backup_config | BackupConfig |
document_api_endpoint | string |
kinesis_api_endpoint | string |
kafka_api_endpoint | string |
monitoring_config | MonitoringConfig |
deletion_protection | bool |
Field | Description |
storage_options[] | StorageOption The minimum number of elements is 1. |
storage_size_limit | int64 output only field: storage size limit of dedicated database. |
Field | Description |
storage_type_id | string |
group_count | int64 |
Field | Description |
scale_type | oneof: fixed_scale |
fixed_scale | FixedScale |
Field | Description |
size | int64 The minimum value is 1. |
Field | Description |
zone_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
region_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
assign_public_ips | bool |
Field | Description |
throttling_rcu_limit | int64 Let's define 1 RU - 1 request unit Let's define 1 RCU - 1 request capacity unit, which is 1 RU per second. If enable_throttling_rcu_limit flag is true, the database will be throttled using throttling_rcu_limit value. Otherwise, the database is throttled using the cloud quotas. If zero, all requests will be blocked until non zero value is set. |
storage_size_limit | int64 Specify serverless database storage size limit. If zero, default value is applied. |
enable_throttling_rcu_limit | bool If false, the database is throttled by cloud value. |
provisioned_rcu_limit | int64 Specify the number of provisioned RCUs to pay less if the database has predictable load. You will be charged for the provisioned capacity regularly even if this capacity is not fully consumed. You will be charged for the on-demand consumption only if provisioned capacity is consumed. |
topic_write_quota | int64 write quota for topic service, defined in bytes per second. |
Field | Description |
backup_settings[] | BackupSettings |
Field | Description |
name | string name of backup settings The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
description | string human readable description. The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
backup_schedule | BackupSchedule provide schedule. if empty, backup will be disabled. |
backup_time_to_live | google.protobuf.Duration provide time to live of backup. |
source_paths[] | string provide a list of source paths. Each path can be directory, table or even database itself. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be included to backup. By default, backup will be created for full database. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
source_paths_to_exclude[] | string provide a list of paths to exclude from backup. Each path is a directory, table, or database. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be excluded. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
type | enum Type |
storage_class | enum StorageClass |
Field | Description |
policy | oneof: daily_backup_schedule , weekly_backup_schedule or recurring_backup_schedule |
daily_backup_schedule | DailyBackupSchedule |
weekly_backup_schedule | WeeklyBackupSchedule |
recurring_backup_schedule | RecurringBackupSchedule |
next_execute_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp output only field: when next backup will be executed using provided schedule. |
Field | Description |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
days_of_week[] | DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
Field | Description |
days[] | google.type.DayOfWeek The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
start_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp Required. Timestamp of the first recurrence. |
recurrence | string Required. An RRULE ( for how this backup reccurs. The FREQ values of MINUTELY, and SECONDLY are not supported. |
Field | Description |
alerts[] | Alert |
Field | Description |
alert_id | string output only field. |
alert_template_id | string template of the alert. |
name | string name of the alert. |
description | string human readable description of the alert. |
notification_channels[] | NotificationChannel the notification channels of the alert. |
alert_parameters[] | AlertParameter alert parameters to override. |
alert_thresholds[] | AlertParameter alert paratemers to override. |
Field | Description |
notification_channel_id | string |
notify_about_statuses[] | enum AlertEvaluationStatus |
repeate_notify_delay_ms | int64 |
Field | Description |
parameter | oneof: double_parameter_value , integer_parameter_value , text_parameter_value , text_list_parameter_value or label_list_parameter_value |
double_parameter_value | DoubleParameterValue |
integer_parameter_value | IntegerParameterValue |
text_parameter_value | TextParameterValue |
text_list_parameter_value | TextListParameterValue |
label_list_parameter_value | LabelListParameterValue |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | double Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | int64 Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Creates a new database.
rpc Create (CreateDatabaseRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
folder_id | string |
name | string |
description | string |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
database_type | oneof: zonal_database , regional_database , dedicated_database or serverless_database |
zonal_database | ZonalDatabase deprecated field |
regional_database | RegionalDatabase deprecated field |
dedicated_database | DedicatedDatabase |
serverless_database | ServerlessDatabase |
assign_public_ips | bool |
location_id | string |
labels | map<string,string> |
backup_config | BackupConfig |
monitoring_config | MonitoringConfig |
deletion_protection | bool |
Field | Description |
storage_options[] | StorageOption The minimum number of elements is 1. |
storage_size_limit | int64 output only field: storage size limit of dedicated database. |
Field | Description |
storage_type_id | string |
group_count | int64 |
Field | Description |
scale_type | oneof: fixed_scale |
fixed_scale | FixedScale |
Field | Description |
size | int64 The minimum value is 1. |
Field | Description |
zone_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
region_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
assign_public_ips | bool |
Field | Description |
throttling_rcu_limit | int64 Let's define 1 RU - 1 request unit Let's define 1 RCU - 1 request capacity unit, which is 1 RU per second. If enable_throttling_rcu_limit flag is true, the database will be throttled using throttling_rcu_limit value. Otherwise, the database is throttled using the cloud quotas. If zero, all requests will be blocked until non zero value is set. |
storage_size_limit | int64 Specify serverless database storage size limit. If zero, default value is applied. |
enable_throttling_rcu_limit | bool If false, the database is throttled by cloud value. |
provisioned_rcu_limit | int64 Specify the number of provisioned RCUs to pay less if the database has predictable load. You will be charged for the provisioned capacity regularly even if this capacity is not fully consumed. You will be charged for the on-demand consumption only if provisioned capacity is consumed. |
topic_write_quota | int64 write quota for topic service, defined in bytes per second. |
Field | Description |
backup_settings[] | BackupSettings |
Field | Description |
name | string name of backup settings The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
description | string human readable description. The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
backup_schedule | BackupSchedule provide schedule. if empty, backup will be disabled. |
backup_time_to_live | google.protobuf.Duration provide time to live of backup. |
source_paths[] | string provide a list of source paths. Each path can be directory, table or even database itself. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be included to backup. By default, backup will be created for full database. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
source_paths_to_exclude[] | string provide a list of paths to exclude from backup. Each path is a directory, table, or database. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be excluded. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
type | enum Type |
storage_class | enum StorageClass |
Field | Description |
policy | oneof: daily_backup_schedule , weekly_backup_schedule or recurring_backup_schedule |
daily_backup_schedule | DailyBackupSchedule |
weekly_backup_schedule | WeeklyBackupSchedule |
recurring_backup_schedule | RecurringBackupSchedule |
next_execute_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp output only field: when next backup will be executed using provided schedule. |
Field | Description |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
days_of_week[] | DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
Field | Description |
days[] | google.type.DayOfWeek The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
start_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp Required. Timestamp of the first recurrence. |
recurrence | string Required. An RRULE ( for how this backup reccurs. The FREQ values of MINUTELY, and SECONDLY are not supported. |
Field | Description |
alerts[] | Alert |
Field | Description |
alert_id | string output only field. |
alert_template_id | string template of the alert. |
name | string name of the alert. |
description | string human readable description of the alert. |
notification_channels[] | NotificationChannel the notification channels of the alert. |
alert_parameters[] | AlertParameter alert parameters to override. |
alert_thresholds[] | AlertParameter alert paratemers to override. |
Field | Description |
notification_channel_id | string |
notify_about_statuses[] | enum AlertEvaluationStatus |
repeate_notify_delay_ms | int64 |
Field | Description |
parameter | oneof: double_parameter_value , integer_parameter_value , text_parameter_value , text_list_parameter_value or label_list_parameter_value |
double_parameter_value | DoubleParameterValue |
integer_parameter_value | IntegerParameterValue |
text_parameter_value | TextParameterValue |
text_list_parameter_value | TextListParameterValue |
label_list_parameter_value | LabelListParameterValue |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | double Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | int64 Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
database_id | string Required. ID of the YDB cluster. |
database_name | string Required. Name of the creating database. |
Field | Description |
id | string |
folder_id | string |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
name | string |
description | string |
status | enum Status |
endpoint | string |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
database_type | oneof: zonal_database , regional_database , dedicated_database or serverless_database |
zonal_database | ZonalDatabase deprecated field |
regional_database | RegionalDatabase deprecated field |
dedicated_database | DedicatedDatabase |
serverless_database | ServerlessDatabase |
assign_public_ips | bool |
location_id | string |
labels | map<string,string> |
backup_config | BackupConfig |
document_api_endpoint | string |
kinesis_api_endpoint | string |
kafka_api_endpoint | string |
monitoring_config | MonitoringConfig |
deletion_protection | bool |
Modifies the specified database.
rpc Update (UpdateDatabaseRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
folder_id | string |
update_mask | google.protobuf.FieldMask |
database_id | string |
name | string |
description | string |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
database_type | oneof: zonal_database , regional_database , dedicated_database or serverless_database |
zonal_database | ZonalDatabase |
regional_database | RegionalDatabase |
dedicated_database | DedicatedDatabase |
serverless_database | ServerlessDatabase |
assign_public_ips | bool |
location_id | string |
labels | map<string,string> |
backup_config | BackupConfig |
monitoring_config | MonitoringConfig |
deletion_protection | bool |
Field | Description |
storage_options[] | StorageOption The minimum number of elements is 1. |
storage_size_limit | int64 output only field: storage size limit of dedicated database. |
Field | Description |
storage_type_id | string |
group_count | int64 |
Field | Description |
scale_type | oneof: fixed_scale |
fixed_scale | FixedScale |
Field | Description |
size | int64 The minimum value is 1. |
Field | Description |
zone_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
region_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
assign_public_ips | bool |
Field | Description |
throttling_rcu_limit | int64 Let's define 1 RU - 1 request unit Let's define 1 RCU - 1 request capacity unit, which is 1 RU per second. If enable_throttling_rcu_limit flag is true, the database will be throttled using throttling_rcu_limit value. Otherwise, the database is throttled using the cloud quotas. If zero, all requests will be blocked until non zero value is set. |
storage_size_limit | int64 Specify serverless database storage size limit. If zero, default value is applied. |
enable_throttling_rcu_limit | bool If false, the database is throttled by cloud value. |
provisioned_rcu_limit | int64 Specify the number of provisioned RCUs to pay less if the database has predictable load. You will be charged for the provisioned capacity regularly even if this capacity is not fully consumed. You will be charged for the on-demand consumption only if provisioned capacity is consumed. |
topic_write_quota | int64 write quota for topic service, defined in bytes per second. |
Field | Description |
backup_settings[] | BackupSettings |
Field | Description |
name | string name of backup settings The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
description | string human readable description. The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
backup_schedule | BackupSchedule provide schedule. if empty, backup will be disabled. |
backup_time_to_live | google.protobuf.Duration provide time to live of backup. |
source_paths[] | string provide a list of source paths. Each path can be directory, table or even database itself. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be included to backup. By default, backup will be created for full database. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
source_paths_to_exclude[] | string provide a list of paths to exclude from backup. Each path is a directory, table, or database. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be excluded. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
type | enum Type |
storage_class | enum StorageClass |
Field | Description |
policy | oneof: daily_backup_schedule , weekly_backup_schedule or recurring_backup_schedule |
daily_backup_schedule | DailyBackupSchedule |
weekly_backup_schedule | WeeklyBackupSchedule |
recurring_backup_schedule | RecurringBackupSchedule |
next_execute_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp output only field: when next backup will be executed using provided schedule. |
Field | Description |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
days_of_week[] | DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
Field | Description |
days[] | google.type.DayOfWeek The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
start_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp Required. Timestamp of the first recurrence. |
recurrence | string Required. An RRULE ( for how this backup reccurs. The FREQ values of MINUTELY, and SECONDLY are not supported. |
Field | Description |
alerts[] | Alert |
Field | Description |
alert_id | string output only field. |
alert_template_id | string template of the alert. |
name | string name of the alert. |
description | string human readable description of the alert. |
notification_channels[] | NotificationChannel the notification channels of the alert. |
alert_parameters[] | AlertParameter alert parameters to override. |
alert_thresholds[] | AlertParameter alert paratemers to override. |
Field | Description |
notification_channel_id | string |
notify_about_statuses[] | enum AlertEvaluationStatus |
repeate_notify_delay_ms | int64 |
Field | Description |
parameter | oneof: double_parameter_value , integer_parameter_value , text_parameter_value , text_list_parameter_value or label_list_parameter_value |
double_parameter_value | DoubleParameterValue |
integer_parameter_value | IntegerParameterValue |
text_parameter_value | TextParameterValue |
text_list_parameter_value | TextListParameterValue |
label_list_parameter_value | LabelListParameterValue |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | double Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | int64 Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
database_id | string |
database_name | string |
Field | Description |
id | string |
folder_id | string |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
name | string |
description | string |
status | enum Status |
endpoint | string |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
database_type | oneof: zonal_database , regional_database , dedicated_database or serverless_database |
zonal_database | ZonalDatabase deprecated field |
regional_database | RegionalDatabase deprecated field |
dedicated_database | DedicatedDatabase |
serverless_database | ServerlessDatabase |
assign_public_ips | bool |
location_id | string |
labels | map<string,string> |
backup_config | BackupConfig |
document_api_endpoint | string |
kinesis_api_endpoint | string |
kafka_api_endpoint | string |
monitoring_config | MonitoringConfig |
deletion_protection | bool |
Starts the specified database.
rpc Start (StartDatabaseRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
database_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
database_id | string |
database_name | string |
Field | Description |
id | string |
folder_id | string |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
name | string |
description | string |
status | enum Status |
endpoint | string |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
database_type | oneof: zonal_database , regional_database , dedicated_database or serverless_database |
zonal_database | ZonalDatabase deprecated field |
regional_database | RegionalDatabase deprecated field |
dedicated_database | DedicatedDatabase |
serverless_database | ServerlessDatabase |
assign_public_ips | bool |
location_id | string |
labels | map<string,string> |
backup_config | BackupConfig |
document_api_endpoint | string |
kinesis_api_endpoint | string |
kafka_api_endpoint | string |
monitoring_config | MonitoringConfig |
deletion_protection | bool |
Field | Description |
storage_options[] | StorageOption The minimum number of elements is 1. |
storage_size_limit | int64 output only field: storage size limit of dedicated database. |
Field | Description |
storage_type_id | string |
group_count | int64 |
Field | Description |
scale_type | oneof: fixed_scale |
fixed_scale | FixedScale |
Field | Description |
size | int64 The minimum value is 1. |
Field | Description |
zone_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
region_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
assign_public_ips | bool |
Field | Description |
throttling_rcu_limit | int64 Let's define 1 RU - 1 request unit Let's define 1 RCU - 1 request capacity unit, which is 1 RU per second. If enable_throttling_rcu_limit flag is true, the database will be throttled using throttling_rcu_limit value. Otherwise, the database is throttled using the cloud quotas. If zero, all requests will be blocked until non zero value is set. |
storage_size_limit | int64 Specify serverless database storage size limit. If zero, default value is applied. |
enable_throttling_rcu_limit | bool If false, the database is throttled by cloud value. |
provisioned_rcu_limit | int64 Specify the number of provisioned RCUs to pay less if the database has predictable load. You will be charged for the provisioned capacity regularly even if this capacity is not fully consumed. You will be charged for the on-demand consumption only if provisioned capacity is consumed. |
topic_write_quota | int64 write quota for topic service, defined in bytes per second. |
Field | Description |
backup_settings[] | BackupSettings |
Field | Description |
name | string name of backup settings The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
description | string human readable description. The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
backup_schedule | BackupSchedule provide schedule. if empty, backup will be disabled. |
backup_time_to_live | google.protobuf.Duration provide time to live of backup. |
source_paths[] | string provide a list of source paths. Each path can be directory, table or even database itself. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be included to backup. By default, backup will be created for full database. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
source_paths_to_exclude[] | string provide a list of paths to exclude from backup. Each path is a directory, table, or database. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be excluded. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
type | enum Type |
storage_class | enum StorageClass |
Field | Description |
policy | oneof: daily_backup_schedule , weekly_backup_schedule or recurring_backup_schedule |
daily_backup_schedule | DailyBackupSchedule |
weekly_backup_schedule | WeeklyBackupSchedule |
recurring_backup_schedule | RecurringBackupSchedule |
next_execute_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp output only field: when next backup will be executed using provided schedule. |
Field | Description |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
days_of_week[] | DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
Field | Description |
days[] | google.type.DayOfWeek The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
start_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp Required. Timestamp of the first recurrence. |
recurrence | string Required. An RRULE ( for how this backup reccurs. The FREQ values of MINUTELY, and SECONDLY are not supported. |
Field | Description |
alerts[] | Alert |
Field | Description |
alert_id | string output only field. |
alert_template_id | string template of the alert. |
name | string name of the alert. |
description | string human readable description of the alert. |
notification_channels[] | NotificationChannel the notification channels of the alert. |
alert_parameters[] | AlertParameter alert parameters to override. |
alert_thresholds[] | AlertParameter alert paratemers to override. |
Field | Description |
notification_channel_id | string |
notify_about_statuses[] | enum AlertEvaluationStatus |
repeate_notify_delay_ms | int64 |
Field | Description |
parameter | oneof: double_parameter_value , integer_parameter_value , text_parameter_value , text_list_parameter_value or label_list_parameter_value |
double_parameter_value | DoubleParameterValue |
integer_parameter_value | IntegerParameterValue |
text_parameter_value | TextParameterValue |
text_list_parameter_value | TextListParameterValue |
label_list_parameter_value | LabelListParameterValue |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | double Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | int64 Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Stops the specified database.
rpc Stop (StopDatabaseRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
database_id | string Required. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
database_id | string |
database_name | string |
Field | Description |
id | string |
folder_id | string |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
name | string |
description | string |
status | enum Status |
endpoint | string |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
database_type | oneof: zonal_database , regional_database , dedicated_database or serverless_database |
zonal_database | ZonalDatabase deprecated field |
regional_database | RegionalDatabase deprecated field |
dedicated_database | DedicatedDatabase |
serverless_database | ServerlessDatabase |
assign_public_ips | bool |
location_id | string |
labels | map<string,string> |
backup_config | BackupConfig |
document_api_endpoint | string |
kinesis_api_endpoint | string |
kafka_api_endpoint | string |
monitoring_config | MonitoringConfig |
deletion_protection | bool |
Field | Description |
storage_options[] | StorageOption The minimum number of elements is 1. |
storage_size_limit | int64 output only field: storage size limit of dedicated database. |
Field | Description |
storage_type_id | string |
group_count | int64 |
Field | Description |
scale_type | oneof: fixed_scale |
fixed_scale | FixedScale |
Field | Description |
size | int64 The minimum value is 1. |
Field | Description |
zone_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
region_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
assign_public_ips | bool |
Field | Description |
throttling_rcu_limit | int64 Let's define 1 RU - 1 request unit Let's define 1 RCU - 1 request capacity unit, which is 1 RU per second. If enable_throttling_rcu_limit flag is true, the database will be throttled using throttling_rcu_limit value. Otherwise, the database is throttled using the cloud quotas. If zero, all requests will be blocked until non zero value is set. |
storage_size_limit | int64 Specify serverless database storage size limit. If zero, default value is applied. |
enable_throttling_rcu_limit | bool If false, the database is throttled by cloud value. |
provisioned_rcu_limit | int64 Specify the number of provisioned RCUs to pay less if the database has predictable load. You will be charged for the provisioned capacity regularly even if this capacity is not fully consumed. You will be charged for the on-demand consumption only if provisioned capacity is consumed. |
topic_write_quota | int64 write quota for topic service, defined in bytes per second. |
Field | Description |
backup_settings[] | BackupSettings |
Field | Description |
name | string name of backup settings The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
description | string human readable description. The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
backup_schedule | BackupSchedule provide schedule. if empty, backup will be disabled. |
backup_time_to_live | google.protobuf.Duration provide time to live of backup. |
source_paths[] | string provide a list of source paths. Each path can be directory, table or even database itself. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be included to backup. By default, backup will be created for full database. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
source_paths_to_exclude[] | string provide a list of paths to exclude from backup. Each path is a directory, table, or database. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be excluded. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
type | enum Type |
storage_class | enum StorageClass |
Field | Description |
policy | oneof: daily_backup_schedule , weekly_backup_schedule or recurring_backup_schedule |
daily_backup_schedule | DailyBackupSchedule |
weekly_backup_schedule | WeeklyBackupSchedule |
recurring_backup_schedule | RecurringBackupSchedule |
next_execute_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp output only field: when next backup will be executed using provided schedule. |
Field | Description |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
days_of_week[] | DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
Field | Description |
days[] | google.type.DayOfWeek The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
start_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp Required. Timestamp of the first recurrence. |
recurrence | string Required. An RRULE ( for how this backup reccurs. The FREQ values of MINUTELY, and SECONDLY are not supported. |
Field | Description |
alerts[] | Alert |
Field | Description |
alert_id | string output only field. |
alert_template_id | string template of the alert. |
name | string name of the alert. |
description | string human readable description of the alert. |
notification_channels[] | NotificationChannel the notification channels of the alert. |
alert_parameters[] | AlertParameter alert parameters to override. |
alert_thresholds[] | AlertParameter alert paratemers to override. |
Field | Description |
notification_channel_id | string |
notify_about_statuses[] | enum AlertEvaluationStatus |
repeate_notify_delay_ms | int64 |
Field | Description |
parameter | oneof: double_parameter_value , integer_parameter_value , text_parameter_value , text_list_parameter_value or label_list_parameter_value |
double_parameter_value | DoubleParameterValue |
integer_parameter_value | IntegerParameterValue |
text_parameter_value | TextParameterValue |
text_list_parameter_value | TextListParameterValue |
label_list_parameter_value | LabelListParameterValue |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | double Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | int64 Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
rpc Move (MoveDatabaseRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
database_id | string Required. ID of the YDB instance to move. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
destination_folder_id | string Required. ID of the destination folder. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
database_id | string |
database_name | string |
Field | Description |
id | string |
folder_id | string |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
name | string |
description | string |
status | enum Status |
endpoint | string |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
database_type | oneof: zonal_database , regional_database , dedicated_database or serverless_database |
zonal_database | ZonalDatabase deprecated field |
regional_database | RegionalDatabase deprecated field |
dedicated_database | DedicatedDatabase |
serverless_database | ServerlessDatabase |
assign_public_ips | bool |
location_id | string |
labels | map<string,string> |
backup_config | BackupConfig |
document_api_endpoint | string |
kinesis_api_endpoint | string |
kafka_api_endpoint | string |
monitoring_config | MonitoringConfig |
deletion_protection | bool |
Field | Description |
storage_options[] | StorageOption The minimum number of elements is 1. |
storage_size_limit | int64 output only field: storage size limit of dedicated database. |
Field | Description |
storage_type_id | string |
group_count | int64 |
Field | Description |
scale_type | oneof: fixed_scale |
fixed_scale | FixedScale |
Field | Description |
size | int64 The minimum value is 1. |
Field | Description |
zone_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
region_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
assign_public_ips | bool |
Field | Description |
throttling_rcu_limit | int64 Let's define 1 RU - 1 request unit Let's define 1 RCU - 1 request capacity unit, which is 1 RU per second. If enable_throttling_rcu_limit flag is true, the database will be throttled using throttling_rcu_limit value. Otherwise, the database is throttled using the cloud quotas. If zero, all requests will be blocked until non zero value is set. |
storage_size_limit | int64 Specify serverless database storage size limit. If zero, default value is applied. |
enable_throttling_rcu_limit | bool If false, the database is throttled by cloud value. |
provisioned_rcu_limit | int64 Specify the number of provisioned RCUs to pay less if the database has predictable load. You will be charged for the provisioned capacity regularly even if this capacity is not fully consumed. You will be charged for the on-demand consumption only if provisioned capacity is consumed. |
topic_write_quota | int64 write quota for topic service, defined in bytes per second. |
Field | Description |
backup_settings[] | BackupSettings |
Field | Description |
name | string name of backup settings The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
description | string human readable description. The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
backup_schedule | BackupSchedule provide schedule. if empty, backup will be disabled. |
backup_time_to_live | google.protobuf.Duration provide time to live of backup. |
source_paths[] | string provide a list of source paths. Each path can be directory, table or even database itself. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be included to backup. By default, backup will be created for full database. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
source_paths_to_exclude[] | string provide a list of paths to exclude from backup. Each path is a directory, table, or database. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be excluded. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
type | enum Type |
storage_class | enum StorageClass |
Field | Description |
policy | oneof: daily_backup_schedule , weekly_backup_schedule or recurring_backup_schedule |
daily_backup_schedule | DailyBackupSchedule |
weekly_backup_schedule | WeeklyBackupSchedule |
recurring_backup_schedule | RecurringBackupSchedule |
next_execute_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp output only field: when next backup will be executed using provided schedule. |
Field | Description |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
days_of_week[] | DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
Field | Description |
days[] | google.type.DayOfWeek The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
start_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp Required. Timestamp of the first recurrence. |
recurrence | string Required. An RRULE ( for how this backup reccurs. The FREQ values of MINUTELY, and SECONDLY are not supported. |
Field | Description |
alerts[] | Alert |
Field | Description |
alert_id | string output only field. |
alert_template_id | string template of the alert. |
name | string name of the alert. |
description | string human readable description of the alert. |
notification_channels[] | NotificationChannel the notification channels of the alert. |
alert_parameters[] | AlertParameter alert parameters to override. |
alert_thresholds[] | AlertParameter alert paratemers to override. |
Field | Description |
notification_channel_id | string |
notify_about_statuses[] | enum AlertEvaluationStatus |
repeate_notify_delay_ms | int64 |
Field | Description |
parameter | oneof: double_parameter_value , integer_parameter_value , text_parameter_value , text_list_parameter_value or label_list_parameter_value |
double_parameter_value | DoubleParameterValue |
integer_parameter_value | IntegerParameterValue |
text_parameter_value | TextParameterValue |
text_list_parameter_value | TextListParameterValue |
label_list_parameter_value | LabelListParameterValue |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | double Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | int64 Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
rpc ListAccessBindings (ListAccessBindingsRequest) returns (ListAccessBindingsResponse)
Field | Description |
resource_id | string Required. ID of the resource to list access bindings for. To get the resource ID, use a corresponding List request. For example, use the request to get the Cloud resource ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
page_size | int64 The maximum number of results per page that should be returned. If the number of available results is larger than page_size , the service returns a ListAccessBindingsResponse.next_page_token that can be used to get the next page of results in subsequent list requests. Default value: 100. The maximum value is 1000. |
page_token | string Page token. Set page_token to the ListAccessBindingsResponse.next_page_token returned by a previous list request to get the next page of results. The maximum string length in characters is 100. |
Field | Description |
access_bindings[] | AccessBinding List of access bindings for the specified resource. |
next_page_token | string This token allows you to get the next page of results for list requests. If the number of results is larger than ListAccessBindingsRequest.page_size, use the next_page_token as the value for the ListAccessBindingsRequest.page_token query parameter in the next list request. Each subsequent list request will have its own next_page_token to continue paging through the results. |
Field | Description |
role_id | string Required. ID of the that is assigned to the subject . The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
subject | Subject Required. Identity for which access binding is being created. It can represent an account with a unique ID or several accounts with a system identifier. |
Field | Description |
id | string Required. ID of the subject. It can contain one of the following values:
type is system .
type is userAccount , federatedUser or serviceAccount . The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
type | string Required. Type of the subject. It can contain one of the following values:
For more information, see Subject to which the role is assigned. The maximum string length in characters is 100. |
rpc SetAccessBindings (SetAccessBindingsRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
resource_id | string Required. ID of the resource for which access bindings are being set. To get the resource ID, use a corresponding List request. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
access_bindings[] | AccessBinding Required. Access bindings to be set. For more information, see Access Bindings. |
Field | Description |
role_id | string Required. ID of the that is assigned to the subject . The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
subject | Subject Required. Identity for which access binding is being created. It can represent an account with a unique ID or several accounts with a system identifier. |
Field | Description |
id | string Required. ID of the subject. It can contain one of the following values:
type is system .
type is userAccount , federatedUser or serviceAccount . The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
type | string Required. Type of the subject. It can contain one of the following values:
For more information, see Subject to which the role is assigned. The maximum string length in characters is 100. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
resource_id | string ID of the resource for which access bindings are being set. |
rpc UpdateAccessBindings (UpdateAccessBindingsRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
resource_id | string Required. ID of the resource for which access bindings are being updated. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
access_binding_deltas[] | AccessBindingDelta Required. Updates to access bindings. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
Field | Description |
action | enum AccessBindingAction Required. The action that is being performed on an access binding.
access_binding | AccessBinding Required. Access binding. For more information, see Access Bindings. |
Field | Description |
role_id | string Required. ID of the that is assigned to the subject . The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
subject | Subject Required. Identity for which access binding is being created. It can represent an account with a unique ID or several accounts with a system identifier. |
Field | Description |
id | string Required. ID of the subject. It can contain one of the following values:
type is system .
type is userAccount , federatedUser or serviceAccount . The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
type | string Required. Type of the subject. It can contain one of the following values:
For more information, see Subject to which the role is assigned. The maximum string length in characters is 100. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
resource_id | string ID of the resource for which access bindings are being updated. |
Deletes the specified database.
rpc Delete (DeleteDatabaseRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
database_id | string |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
database_id | string |
database_name | string |
Restores the specified backup
rpc Restore (RestoreBackupRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
backup_id | string Required. Required. ID of the YDB backup. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
database_id | string Required. Required. ID of the YDB database. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
paths_to_restore[] | string Specify paths to restore. If empty, all paths will restored by default. |
target_path | string Specify target path. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
backup_id | string |
database_id | string |
Field | Description |
id | string |
folder_id | string |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
name | string |
description | string |
status | enum Status |
endpoint | string |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
database_type | oneof: zonal_database , regional_database , dedicated_database or serverless_database |
zonal_database | ZonalDatabase deprecated field |
regional_database | RegionalDatabase deprecated field |
dedicated_database | DedicatedDatabase |
serverless_database | ServerlessDatabase |
assign_public_ips | bool |
location_id | string |
labels | map<string,string> |
backup_config | BackupConfig |
document_api_endpoint | string |
kinesis_api_endpoint | string |
kafka_api_endpoint | string |
monitoring_config | MonitoringConfig |
deletion_protection | bool |
Field | Description |
storage_options[] | StorageOption The minimum number of elements is 1. |
storage_size_limit | int64 output only field: storage size limit of dedicated database. |
Field | Description |
storage_type_id | string |
group_count | int64 |
Field | Description |
scale_type | oneof: fixed_scale |
fixed_scale | FixedScale |
Field | Description |
size | int64 The minimum value is 1. |
Field | Description |
zone_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
region_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
assign_public_ips | bool |
Field | Description |
throttling_rcu_limit | int64 Let's define 1 RU - 1 request unit Let's define 1 RCU - 1 request capacity unit, which is 1 RU per second. If enable_throttling_rcu_limit flag is true, the database will be throttled using throttling_rcu_limit value. Otherwise, the database is throttled using the cloud quotas. If zero, all requests will be blocked until non zero value is set. |
storage_size_limit | int64 Specify serverless database storage size limit. If zero, default value is applied. |
enable_throttling_rcu_limit | bool If false, the database is throttled by cloud value. |
provisioned_rcu_limit | int64 Specify the number of provisioned RCUs to pay less if the database has predictable load. You will be charged for the provisioned capacity regularly even if this capacity is not fully consumed. You will be charged for the on-demand consumption only if provisioned capacity is consumed. |
topic_write_quota | int64 write quota for topic service, defined in bytes per second. |
Field | Description |
backup_settings[] | BackupSettings |
Field | Description |
name | string name of backup settings The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
description | string human readable description. The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
backup_schedule | BackupSchedule provide schedule. if empty, backup will be disabled. |
backup_time_to_live | google.protobuf.Duration provide time to live of backup. |
source_paths[] | string provide a list of source paths. Each path can be directory, table or even database itself. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be included to backup. By default, backup will be created for full database. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
source_paths_to_exclude[] | string provide a list of paths to exclude from backup. Each path is a directory, table, or database. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be excluded. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
type | enum Type |
storage_class | enum StorageClass |
Field | Description |
policy | oneof: daily_backup_schedule , weekly_backup_schedule or recurring_backup_schedule |
daily_backup_schedule | DailyBackupSchedule |
weekly_backup_schedule | WeeklyBackupSchedule |
recurring_backup_schedule | RecurringBackupSchedule |
next_execute_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp output only field: when next backup will be executed using provided schedule. |
Field | Description |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
days_of_week[] | DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
Field | Description |
days[] | google.type.DayOfWeek The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
start_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp Required. Timestamp of the first recurrence. |
recurrence | string Required. An RRULE ( for how this backup reccurs. The FREQ values of MINUTELY, and SECONDLY are not supported. |
Field | Description |
alerts[] | Alert |
Field | Description |
alert_id | string output only field. |
alert_template_id | string template of the alert. |
name | string name of the alert. |
description | string human readable description of the alert. |
notification_channels[] | NotificationChannel the notification channels of the alert. |
alert_parameters[] | AlertParameter alert parameters to override. |
alert_thresholds[] | AlertParameter alert paratemers to override. |
Field | Description |
notification_channel_id | string |
notify_about_statuses[] | enum AlertEvaluationStatus |
repeate_notify_delay_ms | int64 |
Field | Description |
parameter | oneof: double_parameter_value , integer_parameter_value , text_parameter_value , text_list_parameter_value or label_list_parameter_value |
double_parameter_value | DoubleParameterValue |
integer_parameter_value | IntegerParameterValue |
text_parameter_value | TextParameterValue |
text_list_parameter_value | TextListParameterValue |
label_list_parameter_value | LabelListParameterValue |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | double Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | int64 Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
rpc Backup (BackupDatabaseRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
database_id | string |
backup_settings | BackupSettings custom backup options, if required. |
Field | Description |
name | string name of backup settings The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
description | string human readable description. The maximum string length in characters is 256. |
backup_schedule | BackupSchedule provide schedule. if empty, backup will be disabled. |
backup_time_to_live | google.protobuf.Duration provide time to live of backup. |
source_paths[] | string provide a list of source paths. Each path can be directory, table or even database itself. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be included to backup. By default, backup will be created for full database. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
source_paths_to_exclude[] | string provide a list of paths to exclude from backup. Each path is a directory, table, or database. Each directory (or database) will be traversed recursively and all childs of directory will be excluded. The maximum number of elements is 256. |
type | enum Type |
storage_class | enum StorageClass |
Field | Description |
policy | oneof: daily_backup_schedule , weekly_backup_schedule or recurring_backup_schedule |
daily_backup_schedule | DailyBackupSchedule |
weekly_backup_schedule | WeeklyBackupSchedule |
recurring_backup_schedule | RecurringBackupSchedule |
next_execute_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp output only field: when next backup will be executed using provided schedule. |
Field | Description |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
days_of_week[] | DaysOfWeekBackupSchedule The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
Field | Description |
days[] | google.type.DayOfWeek The number of elements must be in the range 1-7. |
execute_time | google.type.TimeOfDay Required. |
Field | Description |
start_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp Required. Timestamp of the first recurrence. |
recurrence | string Required. An RRULE ( for how this backup reccurs. The FREQ values of MINUTELY, and SECONDLY are not supported. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
backup_id | string |
database_id | string |
Field | Description |
id | string |
folder_id | string |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
name | string |
description | string |
status | enum Status |
endpoint | string |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
database_type | oneof: zonal_database , regional_database , dedicated_database or serverless_database |
zonal_database | ZonalDatabase deprecated field |
regional_database | RegionalDatabase deprecated field |
dedicated_database | DedicatedDatabase |
serverless_database | ServerlessDatabase |
assign_public_ips | bool |
location_id | string |
labels | map<string,string> |
backup_config | BackupConfig |
document_api_endpoint | string |
kinesis_api_endpoint | string |
kafka_api_endpoint | string |
monitoring_config | MonitoringConfig |
deletion_protection | bool |
Field | Description |
storage_options[] | StorageOption The minimum number of elements is 1. |
storage_size_limit | int64 output only field: storage size limit of dedicated database. |
Field | Description |
storage_type_id | string |
group_count | int64 |
Field | Description |
scale_type | oneof: fixed_scale |
fixed_scale | FixedScale |
Field | Description |
size | int64 The minimum value is 1. |
Field | Description |
zone_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
region_id | string Required. |
Field | Description |
resource_preset_id | string |
storage_config | StorageConfig |
scale_policy | ScalePolicy |
network_id | string |
subnet_ids[] | string |
assign_public_ips | bool |
Field | Description |
throttling_rcu_limit | int64 Let's define 1 RU - 1 request unit Let's define 1 RCU - 1 request capacity unit, which is 1 RU per second. If enable_throttling_rcu_limit flag is true, the database will be throttled using throttling_rcu_limit value. Otherwise, the database is throttled using the cloud quotas. If zero, all requests will be blocked until non zero value is set. |
storage_size_limit | int64 Specify serverless database storage size limit. If zero, default value is applied. |
enable_throttling_rcu_limit | bool If false, the database is throttled by cloud value. |
provisioned_rcu_limit | int64 Specify the number of provisioned RCUs to pay less if the database has predictable load. You will be charged for the provisioned capacity regularly even if this capacity is not fully consumed. You will be charged for the on-demand consumption only if provisioned capacity is consumed. |
topic_write_quota | int64 write quota for topic service, defined in bytes per second. |
Field | Description |
backup_settings[] | BackupSettings |
Field | Description |
alerts[] | Alert |
Field | Description |
alert_id | string output only field. |
alert_template_id | string template of the alert. |
name | string name of the alert. |
description | string human readable description of the alert. |
notification_channels[] | NotificationChannel the notification channels of the alert. |
alert_parameters[] | AlertParameter alert parameters to override. |
alert_thresholds[] | AlertParameter alert paratemers to override. |
Field | Description |
notification_channel_id | string |
notify_about_statuses[] | enum AlertEvaluationStatus |
repeate_notify_delay_ms | int64 |
Field | Description |
parameter | oneof: double_parameter_value , integer_parameter_value , text_parameter_value , text_list_parameter_value or label_list_parameter_value |
double_parameter_value | DoubleParameterValue |
integer_parameter_value | IntegerParameterValue |
text_parameter_value | TextParameterValue |
text_list_parameter_value | TextListParameterValue |
label_list_parameter_value | LabelListParameterValue |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | double Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | int64 Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
value | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |
Field | Description |
name | string Required. Parameter name |
values[] | string Required. Parameter value |