Talk Analytics API, REST: Talk.Get
- HTTP request
- Body parameters
- Response
- Talk
- Field
- Transcription
- Phrase
- PhraseText
- Word
- PhraseStatistics
- UtteranceStatistics
- AudioSegmentBoundaries
- DescriptiveStatistics
- Quantile
- RecognitionClassifierResult
- PhraseHighlight
- RecognitionClassifierLabel
- AlgorithmMetadata
- Error
- SpeechStatistics
- SilenceStatistics
- InterruptsStatistics
- InterruptsEvaluation
- ConversationStatistics
- SpeakerStatistics
- Points
- Quiz
- TextClassifiers
- ClassificationResult
- ClassifierStatistics
- Histogram
- Summarization
- SummarizationStatement
- SummarizationField
- TalkState
- AlgorithmProcessingInfo
rpc for bulk get
HTTP request
Body parameters
"organizationId": "string",
"spaceId": "string",
"connectionId": "string",
"projectId": "string",
"talkIds": [
"resultsMask": "object"
Field |
Description |
organizationId |
string id of organization |
spaceId |
string id of space |
connectionId |
string id of connection to search data |
projectId |
string id of project to search data |
talkIds[] |
string ids of talks to return. Requesting too many talks may result in "message exceeds maximum size" error. |
resultsMask |
object (field-mask) A comma-separated names off ALL fields to be updated. If |
HTTP Code: 200 - OK
"talk": [
"id": "string",
"organizationId": "string",
"spaceId": "string",
"connectionId": "string",
"projectIds": [
"createdBy": "string",
"createdAt": "string",
"modifiedBy": "string",
"modifiedAt": "string",
"talkFields": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string",
"type": "string"
"transcription": {
"phrases": [
"channelNumber": "string",
"startTimeMs": "string",
"endTimeMs": "string",
"phrase": {
"text": "string",
"language": "string",
"normalizedText": "string",
"words": [
"word": "string",
"startTimeMs": "string",
"endTimeMs": "string"
"statistics": {
"statistics": {
"speakerTag": "string",
"speechBoundaries": {
"startTimeMs": "string",
"endTimeMs": "string",
"durationSeconds": "string"
"totalSpeechMs": "string",
"speechRatio": "string",
"totalSilenceMs": "string",
"silenceRatio": "string",
"wordsCount": "string",
"lettersCount": "string",
"wordsPerSecond": {
"min": "string",
"max": "string",
"mean": "string",
"std": "string",
"quantiles": [
"level": "string",
"value": "string"
"lettersPerSecond": {
"min": "string",
"max": "string",
"mean": "string",
"std": "string",
"quantiles": [
"level": "string",
"value": "string"
"classifiers": [
"startTimeMs": "string",
"endTimeMs": "string",
"classifier": "string",
"highlights": [
"text": "string",
"offset": "string",
"count": "string"
"labels": [
"label": "string",
"confidence": "string"
"algorithmsMetadata": [
"createdTaskDate": "string",
"completedTaskDate": "string",
"error": {
"code": "string",
"message": "string"
"traceId": "string",
"name": "string"
"speechStatistics": {
"totalSimultaneousSpeechDurationSeconds": "string",
"totalSimultaneousSpeechDurationMs": "string",
"totalSimultaneousSpeechRatio": "string",
"simultaneousSpeechDurationEstimation": {
"min": "string",
"max": "string",
"mean": "string",
"std": "string",
"quantiles": [
"level": "string",
"value": "string"
"silenceStatistics": {
"totalSimultaneousSilenceDurationMs": "string",
"totalSimultaneousSilenceRatio": "string",
"simultaneousSilenceDurationEstimation": {
"min": "string",
"max": "string",
"mean": "string",
"std": "string",
"quantiles": [
"level": "string",
"value": "string"
"totalSimultaneousSilenceDurationSeconds": "string"
"interruptsStatistics": {
"speakerInterrupts": [
"speakerTag": "string",
"interruptsCount": "string",
"interruptsDurationMs": "string",
"interrupts": [
"startTimeMs": "string",
"endTimeMs": "string",
"durationSeconds": "string"
"interruptsDurationSeconds": "string"
"conversationStatistics": {
"conversationBoundaries": {
"startTimeMs": "string",
"endTimeMs": "string",
"durationSeconds": "string"
"speakerStatistics": [
"speakerTag": "string",
"completeStatistics": {
"speakerTag": "string",
"speechBoundaries": {
"startTimeMs": "string",
"endTimeMs": "string",
"durationSeconds": "string"
"totalSpeechMs": "string",
"speechRatio": "string",
"totalSilenceMs": "string",
"silenceRatio": "string",
"wordsCount": "string",
"lettersCount": "string",
"wordsPerSecond": {
"min": "string",
"max": "string",
"mean": "string",
"std": "string",
"quantiles": [
"level": "string",
"value": "string"
"lettersPerSecond": {
"min": "string",
"max": "string",
"mean": "string",
"std": "string",
"quantiles": [
"level": "string",
"value": "string"
"wordsPerUtterance": {
"min": "string",
"max": "string",
"mean": "string",
"std": "string",
"quantiles": [
"level": "string",
"value": "string"
"lettersPerUtterance": {
"min": "string",
"max": "string",
"mean": "string",
"std": "string",
"quantiles": [
"level": "string",
"value": "string"
"utteranceCount": "string",
"utteranceDurationEstimation": {
"min": "string",
"max": "string",
"mean": "string",
"std": "string",
"quantiles": [
"level": "string",
"value": "string"
"points": {
"quiz": [
"request": "string",
"response": "string",
"id": "string"
"textClassifiers": {
"classificationResult": [
"classifier": "string",
"classifierStatistics": [
"channelNumber": "string",
"totalCount": "string",
"histograms": [
"countValues": [
"summarization": {
"statements": [
"field": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"type": "string"
"response": [
"talkState": {
"processingState": "string",
"algorithmProcessingInfos": [
"algorithm": "string",
"processingState": "string"
Field |
Description |
talk[] |
Field |
Description |
id |
string talk id |
organizationId |
string |
spaceId |
string |
connectionId |
string |
projectIds[] |
string |
createdBy |
string audition info |
createdAt |
string (date-time) String in RFC3339 To work with values in this field, use the APIs described in the |
modifiedBy |
string |
modifiedAt |
string (date-time) String in RFC3339 To work with values in this field, use the APIs described in the |
talkFields[] |
key-value representation of talk fields with values |
transcription |
various ml analysis results |
speechStatistics |
silenceStatistics |
interruptsStatistics |
conversationStatistics |
points |
textClassifiers |
summarization |
talkState |
connection field value
Field |
Description |
name |
string name of the field |
value |
string field value |
type |
enum (FieldType) field type
Field |
Description |
phrases[] |
algorithmsMetadata[] |
Their might be several algorithms that work on talk transcription. For example: speechkit and translator |
Field |
Description |
channelNumber |
string (int64) |
startTimeMs |
string (int64) |
endTimeMs |
string (int64) |
phrase |
statistics |
classifiers[] |
Field |
Description |
text |
string |
language |
string |
normalizedText |
string |
words[] |
Field |
Description |
word |
string |
startTimeMs |
string (int64) |
endTimeMs |
string (int64) |
Field |
Description |
statistics |
Field |
Description |
speakerTag |
string |
speechBoundaries |
Audio segment boundaries |
totalSpeechMs |
string (int64) Total speech duration |
speechRatio |
string Speech ratio within audio segment |
totalSilenceMs |
string (int64) Total silence duration |
silenceRatio |
string Silence ratio within audio segment |
wordsCount |
string (int64) Number of words in recognized speech |
lettersCount |
string (int64) Number of letters in recognized speech |
wordsPerSecond |
Descriptive statistics for words per second distribution |
lettersPerSecond |
Descriptive statistics for letters per second distribution |
Field |
Description |
startTimeMs |
string (int64) Audio segment start time |
endTimeMs |
string (int64) Audio segment end time |
durationSeconds |
string (int64) Duration in seconds |
Field |
Description |
min |
string Minimum observed value |
max |
string Maximum observed value |
mean |
string Estimated mean of distribution |
std |
string Estimated standard deviation of distribution |
quantiles[] |
List of evaluated quantiles |
Field |
Description |
level |
string Quantile level in range (0, 1) |
value |
string Quantile value |
Field |
Description |
startTimeMs |
string (int64) Start time of the audio segment used for classification |
endTimeMs |
string (int64) End time of the audio segment used for classification |
classifier |
string Name of the triggered classifier |
highlights[] |
List of highlights, i.e. parts of phrase that determine the result of the classification |
labels[] |
Classifier predictions |
Field |
Description |
text |
string Text transcription of the highlighted audio segment |
offset |
string (int64) offset in symbols from the beginning of whole phrase where highlight begins |
count |
string (int64) count of symbols in highlighted text |
Field |
Description |
label |
string The label of the class predicted by the classifier |
confidence |
string The prediction confidence |
Field |
Description |
createdTaskDate |
string (date-time) String in RFC3339 To work with values in this field, use the APIs described in the |
completedTaskDate |
string (date-time) String in RFC3339 To work with values in this field, use the APIs described in the |
error |
traceId |
string |
name |
string |
Field |
Description |
code |
string |
message |
string |
Field |
Description |
totalSimultaneousSpeechDurationSeconds |
string (int64) Total simultaneous speech duration in seconds |
totalSimultaneousSpeechDurationMs |
string (int64) Total simultaneous speech duration in ms |
totalSimultaneousSpeechRatio |
string Simultaneous speech ratio within audio segment |
simultaneousSpeechDurationEstimation |
Descriptive statistics for simultaneous speech duration distribution |
Field |
Description |
totalSimultaneousSilenceDurationMs |
string (int64) |
totalSimultaneousSilenceRatio |
string Simultaneous silence ratio within audio segment |
simultaneousSilenceDurationEstimation |
Descriptive statistics for simultaneous silence duration distribution |
totalSimultaneousSilenceDurationSeconds |
string (int64) |
Field |
Description |
speakerInterrupts[] |
Interrupts description for every speaker |
Field |
Description |
speakerTag |
string Speaker tag |
interruptsCount |
string (int64) Number of interrupts made by the speaker |
interruptsDurationMs |
string (int64) Total duration of all interrupts |
interrupts[] |
Boundaries for every interrupt |
interruptsDurationSeconds |
string (int64) Total duration of all interrupts in seconds |
Field |
Description |
conversationBoundaries |
Audio segment boundaries |
speakerStatistics[] |
Average statistics for each speaker |
Field |
Description |
speakerTag |
string Speaker tag |
completeStatistics |
analysis of all phrases in format of single utterance |
wordsPerUtterance |
Descriptive statistics for words per utterance distribution |
lettersPerUtterance |
Descriptive statistics for letters per utterance distribution |
utteranceCount |
string (int64) Number of utterances |
utteranceDurationEstimation |
Descriptive statistics for utterance duration distribution |
Field |
Description |
quiz[] |
Field |
Description |
request |
string |
response |
string |
id |
string |
Field |
Description |
classificationResult[] |
Field |
Description |
classifier |
string Classifier name |
classifierStatistics[] |
Classifier statistics |
Field |
Description |
channelNumber |
string (int64) Channel number, null for whole talk |
totalCount |
string (int64) classifier total count |
histograms[] |
Represents various histograms build on top of classifiers |
Field |
Description |
countValues[] |
string (int64) histogram count values. For example: |
Field |
Description |
statements[] |
Field |
Description |
field |
response[] |
string |
Field |
Description |
id |
string |
name |
string |
type |
enum (SummarizationFieldType)
Field |
Description |
processingState |
enum (ProcessingState)
algorithmProcessingInfos[] |
Field |
Description |
algorithm |
enum (Algorithm)
processingState |
enum (ProcessingState)