Managed Service for Greenplum® API, REST: Cluster.Expand
- HTTP request
- Path parameters
- Body parameters
- Response
- AddClusterHostsMetadata
- Status
- Cluster
- GreenplumConfig
- TimeOfDay
- Access
- Monitoring
- MasterSubclusterConfig
- Resources
- SegmentSubclusterConfig
- MaintenanceWindow
- WeeklyMaintenanceWindow
- MaintenanceOperation
- ClusterConfigSet
- GreenplumConfigSet6_17
- GreenplumConfig6_17
- GreenplumConfigSet6_19
- GreenplumConfig6_19
- GreenplumConfigSet6_21
- GreenplumConfig6_21
- GreenplumConfigSet6_22
- GreenplumConfig6_22
- GreenplumConfigSet6
- GreenplumConfig6
- ConnectionPoolerConfigSet
- ConnectionPoolerConfig
- BackgroundActivitiesConfig
- TableSizes
- BackgroundActivityStartAt
- AnalyzeAndVacuum
- QueryKillerScripts
- QueryKiller
- PXFConfigSet
- PXFConfig
- CloudStorage
- LoggingConfig
Expands the specified Greenplum® cluster.
HTTP request
Path parameters
Field |
Description |
clusterId |
string Required field. ID of the Greenplum Cluster resource to update. |
Body parameters
"segmentHostCount": "string",
"addSegmentsPerHostCount": "string",
"duration": "string",
"parallel": "string",
"closeCluster": "boolean",
"delayRedistribution": "boolean"
Field |
Description |
segmentHostCount |
string (int64) Number of hosts for add to the segment subcluster |
addSegmentsPerHostCount |
string (int64) Number of segments per host to add |
duration |
string (int64) Redistribute duration, in seconds |
parallel |
string (int64) Redistribute process parallelism, 0 - for automatic detection |
closeCluster |
boolean Deny all client connections during the expand operation |
delayRedistribution |
boolean Perform redistribution process by small chunks as background activity |
HTTP Code: 200 - OK
"id": "string",
"description": "string",
"createdAt": "string",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedAt": "string",
"done": "boolean",
"metadata": {
"clusterId": "string"
// Includes only one of the fields `error`, `response`
"error": {
"code": "integer",
"message": "string",
"details": [
"response": {
"id": "string",
"folderId": "string",
"createdAt": "string",
"name": "string",
"config": {
"version": "string",
"backupWindowStart": {
"hours": "integer",
"minutes": "integer",
"seconds": "integer",
"nanos": "integer"
"backupRetainPeriodDays": "string",
"access": {
"dataLens": "boolean",
"webSql": "boolean",
"dataTransfer": "boolean",
"yandexQuery": "boolean"
"zoneId": "string",
"subnetId": "string",
"assignPublicIp": "boolean"
"description": "string",
"labels": "object",
"environment": "string",
"monitoring": [
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"link": "string"
"masterConfig": {
"resources": {
"resourcePresetId": "string",
"diskSize": "string",
"diskTypeId": "string"
"segmentConfig": {
"resources": {
"resourcePresetId": "string",
"diskSize": "string",
"diskTypeId": "string"
"masterHostCount": "string",
"segmentHostCount": "string",
"segmentInHost": "string",
"networkId": "string",
"health": "string",
"status": "string",
"maintenanceWindow": {
// Includes only one of the fields `anytime`, `weeklyMaintenanceWindow`
"anytime": "object",
"weeklyMaintenanceWindow": {
"day": "string",
"hour": "string"
// end of the list of possible fields
"plannedOperation": {
"info": "string",
"delayedUntil": "string"
"securityGroupIds": [
"userName": "string",
"deletionProtection": "boolean",
"hostGroupIds": [
"clusterConfig": {
// Includes only one of the fields `greenplumConfigSet_6_17`, `greenplumConfigSet_6_19`, `greenplumConfigSet_6_21`, `greenplumConfigSet_6_22`, `greenplumConfigSet_6`
"greenplumConfigSet_6_17": {
"effectiveConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean"
"userConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean"
"defaultConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean"
"greenplumConfigSet_6_19": {
"effectiveConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean",
"maxStatementMem": "string",
"logStatement": "string"
"userConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean",
"maxStatementMem": "string",
"logStatement": "string"
"defaultConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean",
"maxStatementMem": "string",
"logStatement": "string"
"greenplumConfigSet_6_21": {
"effectiveConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean",
"maxStatementMem": "string",
"logStatement": "string",
"gpAddColumnInheritsTableSetting": "boolean"
"userConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean",
"maxStatementMem": "string",
"logStatement": "string",
"gpAddColumnInheritsTableSetting": "boolean"
"defaultConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean",
"maxStatementMem": "string",
"logStatement": "string",
"gpAddColumnInheritsTableSetting": "boolean"
"greenplumConfigSet_6_22": {
"effectiveConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean",
"maxStatementMem": "string",
"logStatement": "string",
"gpAddColumnInheritsTableSetting": "boolean"
"userConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean",
"maxStatementMem": "string",
"logStatement": "string",
"gpAddColumnInheritsTableSetting": "boolean"
"defaultConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean",
"maxStatementMem": "string",
"logStatement": "string",
"gpAddColumnInheritsTableSetting": "boolean"
"greenplumConfigSet_6": {
"effectiveConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean",
"maxStatementMem": "string",
"logStatement": "string",
"gpAddColumnInheritsTableSetting": "boolean",
"gpEnableGlobalDeadlockDetector": "boolean",
"gpGlobalDeadlockDetectorPeriod": "string"
"userConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean",
"maxStatementMem": "string",
"logStatement": "string",
"gpAddColumnInheritsTableSetting": "boolean",
"gpEnableGlobalDeadlockDetector": "boolean",
"gpGlobalDeadlockDetectorPeriod": "string"
"defaultConfig": {
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxSlotWalKeepSize": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery": "string",
"gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery": "string",
"maxPreparedTransactions": "string",
"gpWorkfileCompression": "boolean",
"maxStatementMem": "string",
"logStatement": "string",
"gpAddColumnInheritsTableSetting": "boolean",
"gpEnableGlobalDeadlockDetector": "boolean",
"gpGlobalDeadlockDetectorPeriod": "string"
// end of the list of possible fields
"pool": {
"effectiveConfig": {
"mode": "string",
"size": "string",
"clientIdleTimeout": "string"
"userConfig": {
"mode": "string",
"size": "string",
"clientIdleTimeout": "string"
"defaultConfig": {
"mode": "string",
"size": "string",
"clientIdleTimeout": "string"
"backgroundActivities": {
"tableSizes": {
"starts": [
"hours": "string",
"minutes": "string"
"analyzeAndVacuum": {
"start": {
"hours": "string",
"minutes": "string"
"analyzeTimeout": "string",
"vacuumTimeout": "string"
"queryKillerScripts": {
"idle": {
"enable": "boolean",
"maxAge": "string",
"ignoreUsers": [
"idleInTransaction": {
"enable": "boolean",
"maxAge": "string",
"ignoreUsers": [
"longRunning": {
"enable": "boolean",
"maxAge": "string",
"ignoreUsers": [
"pxfConfig": {
"effectiveConfig": {
"connectionTimeout": "string",
"uploadTimeout": "string",
"maxThreads": "string",
"poolAllowCoreThreadTimeout": "boolean",
"poolCoreSize": "string",
"poolQueueCapacity": "string",
"poolMaxSize": "string",
"xmx": "string",
"xms": "string"
"userConfig": {
"connectionTimeout": "string",
"uploadTimeout": "string",
"maxThreads": "string",
"poolAllowCoreThreadTimeout": "boolean",
"poolCoreSize": "string",
"poolQueueCapacity": "string",
"poolMaxSize": "string",
"xmx": "string",
"xms": "string"
"defaultConfig": {
"connectionTimeout": "string",
"uploadTimeout": "string",
"maxThreads": "string",
"poolAllowCoreThreadTimeout": "boolean",
"poolCoreSize": "string",
"poolQueueCapacity": "string",
"poolMaxSize": "string",
"xmx": "string",
"xms": "string"
"cloudStorage": {
"enable": "boolean"
"masterHostGroupIds": [
"segmentHostGroupIds": [
"serviceAccountId": "string",
"logging": {
"enabled": "boolean",
// Includes only one of the fields `folderId`, `logGroupId`
"folderId": "string",
"logGroupId": "string",
// end of the list of possible fields
"commandCenterEnabled": "boolean",
"greenplumEnabled": "boolean",
"poolerEnabled": "boolean"
// end of the list of possible fields
An Operation resource. For more information, see Operation.
Field |
Description |
id |
string ID of the operation. |
description |
string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
createdAt |
string (date-time) Creation timestamp. String in RFC3339 To work with values in this field, use the APIs described in the |
createdBy |
string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modifiedAt |
string (date-time) The time when the Operation resource was last modified. String in RFC3339 To work with values in this field, use the APIs described in the |
done |
boolean If the value is |
metadata |
Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. |
error |
The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. Includes only one of the fields The operation result. |
response |
The normal response of the operation in case of success. Includes only one of the fields The operation result. |
Field |
Description |
clusterId |
string ID of the Greenplum Cluster resource that is being updated. |
The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation.
Field |
Description |
code |
integer (int32) Error code. An enum value of google.rpc.Code |
message |
string An error message. |
details[] |
object A list of messages that carry the error details. |
A Greenplum® cluster resource.
Field |
Description |
id |
string ID of the Greenplum® cluster. |
folderId |
string ID of the folder that the Greenplum® cluster belongs to. |
createdAt |
string (date-time) Time when the cluster was created. String in RFC3339 To work with values in this field, use the APIs described in the |
name |
string Required field. Name of the Greenplum® cluster. |
config |
Greenplum® cluster configuration. |
description |
string Description of the Greenplum® cluster. |
labels |
object (map<string, string>) Custom labels for the Greenplum® cluster as |
environment |
enum (Environment) Deployment environment of the Greenplum® cluster.
monitoring[] |
Description of monitoring systems relevant to the Greenplum® cluster. |
masterConfig |
Configuration of the Greenplum® master subcluster. |
segmentConfig |
Configuration of the Greenplum® segment subcluster. |
masterHostCount |
string (int64) Number of hosts in the master subcluster. |
segmentHostCount |
string (int64) Number of hosts in the segment subcluster. |
segmentInHost |
string (int64) Number of segments per host. |
networkId |
string ID of the cloud network that the cluster belongs to. |
health |
enum (Health) Aggregated cluster health.
status |
enum (Status) Current state of the cluster.
maintenanceWindow |
A Greenplum® cluster maintenance window. Should be defined by either one of the two options. |
plannedOperation |
Maintenance operation planned at nearest |
securityGroupIds[] |
string User security groups. |
userName |
string Owner user name. |
deletionProtection |
boolean Determines whether the cluster is protected from being deleted. |
hostGroupIds[] |
string Host groups hosting VMs of the cluster. |
clusterConfig |
Greenplum® and Odyssey® configuration. |
cloudStorage |
Cloud storage settings |
masterHostGroupIds[] |
string Host groups hosting VMs of the master subcluster. |
segmentHostGroupIds[] |
string Host groups hosting VMs of the segment subcluster. |
serviceAccountId |
string Service account that will be used to access a Yandex Cloud resources |
logging |
Cloud logging configuration |
Field |
Description |
version |
string Version of the Greenplum® server software. |
backupWindowStart |
Time to start the daily backup, in the UTC timezone. |
backupRetainPeriodDays |
string (int64) Retention policy of automated backups. |
access |
Access policy for external services. |
zoneId |
string ID of the availability zone the cluster belongs to. |
subnetId |
string ID of the subnet the cluster belongs to. This subnet should be a part of the cloud network the cluster belongs to (see Cluster.networkId). |
assignPublicIp |
boolean Determines whether the cluster has a public IP address. After the cluster has been created, this setting cannot be changed. |
Represents a time of day. The date and time zone are either not significant
or are specified elsewhere. An API may choose to allow leap seconds. Related
types are google.type.Date
Field |
Description |
hours |
integer (int32) Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose |
minutes |
integer (int32) Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59. |
seconds |
integer (int32) Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may |
nanos |
integer (int32) Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999. |
Field |
Description |
dataLens |
boolean Allows data export from the cluster to DataLens. |
webSql |
boolean Allows SQL queries to the cluster databases from the management console. |
dataTransfer |
boolean Allows access for DataTransfer. |
yandexQuery |
boolean Allow access for YandexQuery. |
Monitoring system metadata.
Field |
Description |
name |
string Name of the monitoring system. |
description |
string Description of the monitoring system. |
link |
string Link to the monitoring system charts for the Greenplum® cluster. |
Field |
Description |
resources |
Computational resources allocated to Greenplum® master subcluster hosts. |
Field |
Description |
resourcePresetId |
string ID of the preset for computational resources allocated to a host. Available presets are listed in the documentation. |
diskSize |
string (int64) Volume of the storage used by the host, in bytes. |
diskTypeId |
string Type of the storage used by the host: |
Field |
Description |
resources |
Computational resources allocated to Greenplum® segment subcluster hosts. |
Field |
Description |
anytime |
object An any-time maintenance window. Includes only one of the fields |
weeklyMaintenanceWindow |
A weekly maintenance window. Includes only one of the fields |
A weekly maintenance window.
Field |
Description |
day |
enum (WeekDay) Day of the week.
hour |
string (int64) Hour of the day in the UTC timezone. |
Field |
Description |
info |
string The description of the operation. |
delayedUntil |
string (date-time) Delay time for the maintenance operation. String in RFC3339 To work with values in this field, use the APIs described in the |
Field |
Description |
greenplumConfigSet_6_17 |
Includes only one of the fields |
greenplumConfigSet_6_19 |
Includes only one of the fields |
greenplumConfigSet_6_21 |
Includes only one of the fields |
greenplumConfigSet_6_22 |
Includes only one of the fields |
greenplumConfigSet_6 |
Includes only one of the fields |
pool |
Odyssey® pool settings. |
backgroundActivities |
Managed Greenplum® background tasks configuration. |
pxfConfig |
Configuration settings version 6.17
Field |
Description |
effectiveConfig |
Required field. Effective settings for a Greenplum® cluster (a combination of settings defined in |
userConfig |
User-defined settings for a Greenplum® cluster. |
defaultConfig |
Default configuration for a Greenplum® cluster. |
Field |
Description |
maxConnections |
string (int64) Maximum number of inbound connections on master segment. |
maxSlotWalKeepSize |
string (int64) The maximum size of WAL files that replication slots are allowed to retain in the More info in PostgreSQL® documentation |
gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment |
string (int64) The maximum total disk size that all running queries are allowed to use for creating temporary spill files at each segment. The default value is 0 (no limit). More info in Greenplum® documentation |
gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery |
string (int64) The maximum disk size that an individual query is allowed to use for creating temporary spill files at each segment. The default value is 0 (no limit). More info in Greenplum® documentation |
gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery |
string (int64) The maximum number of temporary spill files allowed per query at each segment. Spill files, also known as workfiles, are created when a query requires more memory than there is allocated. The current query is terminated if the limit is exceeded. Set to zero to disable the limit. Master session reloads if the parameter changes. Default value is 10000. More info in Greenplum® documentation |
maxPreparedTransactions |
string (int64) The maximum number of transactions that can be in the More info in PostgreSQL® documentation |
gpWorkfileCompression |
boolean Whether the spill files are compressed or not. More info in Greenplum® documentation |
Configuration settings version 6.19
Field |
Description |
effectiveConfig |
Required field. Effective settings for a Greenplum® cluster (a combination of settings defined in |
userConfig |
User-defined settings for a Greenplum® cluster. |
defaultConfig |
Default configuration for a Greenplum® cluster. |
Field |
Description |
maxConnections |
string (int64) Maximum number of inbound connections on master segment. |
maxSlotWalKeepSize |
string (int64) The maximum size of WAL files that replication slots are allowed to retain in the More info in PostgreSQL® documentation |
gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment |
string (int64) The maximum total disk size that all running queries are allowed to use for creating temporary spill files at each segment. The default value is 0 (no limit). More info in Greenplum® documentation |
gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery |
string (int64) The maximum disk size that an individual query is allowed to use for creating temporary spill files at each segment. The default value is 0 (no limit). More info in Greenplum® documentation |
gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery |
string (int64) The maximum number of temporary spill files allowed per query at each segment. Spill files, also known as workfiles, are created when a query requires more memory than there is allocated. The current query is terminated if the limit is exceeded. Set to zero to disable the limit. Master session reloads if the parameter changes. Default value is 10000. More info in Greenplum® documentation |
maxPreparedTransactions |
string (int64) The maximum number of transactions that can be in the More info in PostgreSQL® documentation |
gpWorkfileCompression |
boolean Whether the spill files are compressed or not. More info in Greenplum® documentation |
maxStatementMem |
string (int64) The maximum memory limit for a query, in bytes. Helps to avoid out-of-memory errors on a segment host during query processing as a result of setting Taking into account the configuration of a single segment host, calculate When changing both Default value is 2097152000 (2000 MB). More info in Greenplum® documentation |
logStatement |
enum (LogStatement) Logged SQL statements.
More info in Greenplum® documentation
Field |
Description |
effectiveConfig |
Required field. Effective settings for a Greenplum® cluster (a combination of settings defined in |
userConfig |
User-defined settings for a Greenplum® cluster. |
defaultConfig |
Default configuration for a Greenplum® cluster. |
Field |
Description |
maxConnections |
string (int64) Maximum number of inbound connections on master segment |
maxSlotWalKeepSize |
string (int64) Specify the maximum size of WAL files that replication slots are allowed to retain in the pg_wal directory at checkpoint time. |
gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment |
string (int64) Sets the maximum total disk size that all running queries are allowed to use for creating temporary spill files at each segment. |
gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery |
string (int64) Sets the maximum disk size an individual query is allowed to use for creating temporary spill files at each segment. |
gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery |
string (int64) Sets the maximum number of temporary spill files (also known as workfiles) allowed per query per segment. |
maxPreparedTransactions |
string (int64) Sets the maximum number of transactions that can be in the "prepared" state simultaneously |
gpWorkfileCompression |
boolean Specifies whether the temporary files created, when a hash aggregation or hash join operation spills to disk, are compressed. |
maxStatementMem |
string (int64) Sets the maximum memory limit for a query. Helps avoid out-of-memory errors on a segment host during query processing as a result of setting statement_mem too high. |
logStatement |
enum (LogStatement) Controls which SQL statements are logged. DDL logs all data definition commands like CREATE, ALTER, and DROP commands.
gpAddColumnInheritsTableSetting |
boolean |
Field |
Description |
effectiveConfig |
Required field. Effective settings for a Greenplum® cluster (a combination of settings defined in |
userConfig |
User-defined settings for a Greenplum® cluster. |
defaultConfig |
Default configuration for a Greenplum® cluster. |
Field |
Description |
maxConnections |
string (int64) Maximum number of inbound connections on master segment |
maxSlotWalKeepSize |
string (int64) Specify the maximum size of WAL files that replication slots are allowed to retain in the pg_wal directory at checkpoint time. |
gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment |
string (int64) Sets the maximum total disk size that all running queries are allowed to use for creating temporary spill files at each segment. |
gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery |
string (int64) Sets the maximum disk size an individual query is allowed to use for creating temporary spill files at each segment. |
gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery |
string (int64) Sets the maximum number of temporary spill files (also known as workfiles) allowed per query per segment. |
maxPreparedTransactions |
string (int64) Sets the maximum number of transactions that can be in the "prepared" state simultaneously |
gpWorkfileCompression |
boolean Specifies whether the temporary files created, when a hash aggregation or hash join operation spills to disk, are compressed. |
maxStatementMem |
string (int64) Sets the maximum memory limit for a query. Helps avoid out-of-memory errors on a segment host during query processing as a result of setting statement_mem too high. |
logStatement |
enum (LogStatement) Controls which SQL statements are logged. DDL logs all data definition commands like CREATE, ALTER, and DROP commands.
gpAddColumnInheritsTableSetting |
boolean |
Field |
Description |
effectiveConfig |
Required field. Effective settings for a Greenplum (a combination of settings defined |
userConfig |
User-defined settings for a Greenplum. |
defaultConfig |
Default configuration for a Greenplum. |
Field |
Description |
maxConnections |
string (int64) Maximum number of inbound connections on master segment |
maxSlotWalKeepSize |
string (int64) Specify the maximum size of WAL files that replication slots are allowed to retain in the pg_wal directory at checkpoint time. |
gpWorkfileLimitPerSegment |
string (int64) Sets the maximum total disk size that all running queries are allowed to use for creating temporary spill files at each segment. |
gpWorkfileLimitPerQuery |
string (int64) Sets the maximum disk size an individual query is allowed to use for creating temporary spill files at each segment. |
gpWorkfileLimitFilesPerQuery |
string (int64) Sets the maximum number of temporary spill files (also known as workfiles) allowed per query per segment. |
maxPreparedTransactions |
string (int64) Sets the maximum number of transactions that can be in the "prepared" state simultaneously |
gpWorkfileCompression |
boolean Specifies whether the temporary files created, when a hash aggregation or hash join operation spills to disk, are compressed. |
maxStatementMem |
string (int64) Sets the maximum memory limit for a query. Helps avoid out-of-memory errors on a segment host during query processing as a result of setting statement_mem too high. |
logStatement |
enum (LogStatement) Controls which SQL statements are logged. DDL logs all data definition commands like CREATE, ALTER, and DROP commands.
gpAddColumnInheritsTableSetting |
boolean |
gpEnableGlobalDeadlockDetector |
boolean Controls whether the Greenplum Database Global Deadlock Detector is enabled to manage concurrent UPDATE and DELETE operations on heap tables to improve performance. See Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Datain the Greenplum Database Administrator Guide. The default is off, the Global Deadlock Detector is deactivated. |
gpGlobalDeadlockDetectorPeriod |
string (int64) Specifies the executing interval (in seconds) of the global deadlock detector background worker process. |
Field |
Description |
effectiveConfig |
Required field. Effective settings for an Odyssey® pooler (a combination of settings defined in |
userConfig |
User-defined settings for an Odyssey® pooler. |
defaultConfig |
Default configuration for an Odyssey® pooler. |
Field |
Description |
mode |
enum (PoolMode) Route server pool mode.
size |
string (int64) The number of servers in the server pool. Clients are placed in a wait queue when all servers are busy. Set to zero to disable the limit. |
clientIdleTimeout |
string (int64) Server pool idle timeout, in seconds. A server connection closes after being idle for the specified time. Set to zero to disable the limit. |
Field |
Description |
tableSizes |
Enables scripts that collects tables sizes to |
analyzeAndVacuum |
Configuration for |
queryKillerScripts |
Configuration for long running queries killer. |
Field |
Description |
starts[] |
Field |
Description |
hours |
string (int64) |
minutes |
string (int64) |
Field |
Description |
start |
analyzeTimeout |
string (int64) Maximum duration of the |
vacuumTimeout |
string (int64) Maximum duration of the |
Field |
Description |
idle |
Configuration of script that kills long running queries that are in |
idleInTransaction |
Configuration of script that kills long running queries that are in |
longRunning |
Configuration of script that kills long running queries (in any state). |
Field |
Description |
enable |
boolean |
maxAge |
string (int64) Maximum duration for this type of queries (in seconds). |
ignoreUsers[] |
string Ignore these users when considering queries to terminate |
Field |
Description |
effectiveConfig |
Required field. |
userConfig |
User-defined settings. |
defaultConfig |
Default configuration. |
Field |
Description |
connectionTimeout |
string (int64) Timeout for connection to the Apache Tomcat® server when making read requests. Specify values in seconds. |
uploadTimeout |
string (int64) Timeout for connection to the Apache Tomcat® server when making write requests. Specify the values in seconds. |
maxThreads |
string (int64) Maximum number of the Apache Tomcat® threads. To prevent situations when requests get stuck or fail due to running out of memory or malfunctioning of the Java garbage collector, specify the number of the Apache Tomcat® threads. Learn more about adjusting the number of threads in the VMware Greenplum® Platform Extension Framework |
poolAllowCoreThreadTimeout |
boolean Determines whether the timeout for core streaming threads is permitted. |
poolCoreSize |
string (int64) Number of core streaming threads per pool. |
poolQueueCapacity |
string (int64) Maximum number of requests you can add to a pool queue for core streaming threads. If |
poolMaxSize |
string (int64) Maximum allowed number of core streaming threads. |
xmx |
string (int64) Initial size, in megabytes, of the JVM heap for the PXF daemon. |
xms |
string (int64) Maximum size, in megabytes, of the JVM heap for the PXF daemon. |
Cloud Storage Settings
Field |
Description |
enable |
boolean enable Cloud Storage for cluster |
Field |
Description |
enabled |
boolean |
folderId |
string Includes only one of the fields |
logGroupId |
string Includes only one of the fields |
commandCenterEnabled |
boolean send Yandex Command Center logs |
greenplumEnabled |
boolean send Greenplum logs |
poolerEnabled |
boolean send Pooler logs |