Cloud Backup API, gRPC: PolicyService
A set of methods for managing policies.
Call | Description |
List | List policies of specified folder. |
Create | Create a new policy. |
Get | Get specific policy. |
Update | Update specific policy. |
Delete | Delete specific policy. |
Apply | Apply policy to Compute Cloud instance. |
ListApplications | List applied policies using filters. |
Execute | Run policy on specific Compute Cloud instance. |
Revoke | Revoke policy from Compute Cloud instance. |
Calls PolicyService
List policies of specified folder.
rpc List (ListPoliciesRequest) returns (ListPoliciesResponse)
Field | Description |
folder_id | string Folder ID. Either Folder ID or Compute Cloud instance ID should be set. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
compute_instance_id | string Compute Cloud instance ID. Either Folder ID or Compute Cloud instance ID should be set. |
Field | Description |
policies[] | Policy |
Field | Description |
id | string Required. Policy ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
name | string Required. Policy name. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
enabled | bool If this field is true, it means that the policy is enabled. |
settings | PolicySettings Set of policy settings |
folder_id | string ID of the folder that the policy belongs to. |
Field | Description |
compression | enum Compression Required. Archive compression level. |
format | enum Format Required. Format of the Acronis backup archive.
multi_volume_snapshotting_enabled | bool If true, snapshots of multiple volumes will be taken simultaneously. |
preserve_file_security_settings | bool If true, the file security settings will be preserved. |
reattempts | RetriesConfiguration Required. Configuration of retries on recoverable errors during the backup operations like reconnection to destination. No attempts to fix recoverable errors will be made if retry configuration is not set. |
silent_mode_enabled | bool If true, a user interaction will be avoided when possible. Equals to false if value is not specified. |
splitting | Splitting Required. Determines the size to split backups on. Splitting is not performed if value is not specified. |
vm_snapshot_reattempts | RetriesConfiguration Required. Configuration of retries on errors during the creation of the virtual machine snapshot. No attempts to fix recoverable errors will be made if retry configuration is not set. |
vss | VolumeShadowCopyServiceSettings Required. Settings for the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) provider. If not set, no VSS provider is used. |
archive | ArchiveProperties The archive properties. |
performance_window | PerformanceWindow Required. Time windows for performance limitations of backup and storage maintenance operations. |
retention | Retention Required. Configuration of backup retention rules. |
scheduling | Scheduling Required. Configuration of the backup schedule. |
cbt | enum ChangedBlockTracking Required. A configuration of Changed Block Tracking (CBT). |
fast_backup_enabled | bool If true, determines whether a file has changed by the file size and timestamp. Otherwise, the entire file contents are compared to those stored in the backup. |
quiesce_snapshotting_enabled | bool If true, a quiesced snapshot of the virtual machine will be taken. |
Field | Description |
type | enum Type Required. A type of the interval. |
count | int64 The amount of value specified in Interval.Type . Value must be greater than 0. |
Field | Description |
enabled | bool If true, enables retry on errors. |
interval | Interval Required. An interval between retry attempts. |
max_attempts | int64 Max number of retry attempts. Operation will be considered as failed when max number of retry attempts is reached. Value must be greater than 0. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 The size of split backup file in bytes. |
Field | Description |
enabled | bool If true, the VSS will be enabled. |
provider | enum VSSProvider Required. A type of VSS provider to use in backup. |
Field | Description |
name | string The name of the generated archive. The name may use the following variables: [Machine Name] , [Plan ID] , [Plan Name] , [Unique ID] , [Virtualization Server Type] . Default value: [Machine Name]-[Plan ID]-[Unique ID]A . |
Field | Description |
enabled | bool If true, the time windows will be enabled. |
Field | Description |
hour | int64 Hours. |
minute | int64 Minutes. |
Field | Description |
rules[] | RetentionRule A list of retention rules. |
before_backup | bool If true, retention rules will be applied before backup is finished. |
Field | Description |
backup_set[] | enum RepeatePeriod A list of backup sets where rules are effective. |
condition | oneof: max_age or max_count |
max_age | Interval |
max_count | int64 |
Field | Description |
backup_sets[] | BackupSet A list of schedules with backup sets that compose the whole scheme. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
enabled | bool If true, the backup schedule will be enabled. |
max_parallel_backups | int64 Max number of backup processes allowed to run in parallel. Unlimited if not set. |
rand_max_delay | Interval Required. Configuration of the random delay between the execution of parallel tasks. |
scheme | enum Scheme Required. A backup scheme. Available values: simple , always_full , always_incremental , weekly_incremental , weekly_full_daily_incremental , custom , cdp .
weekly_backup_day | enum Day Required. A day of week to start weekly backups. |
Field | Description |
setting | oneof: time or since_last_exec_time |
time | Time |
since_last_exec_time | SinceLastExecTime |
type | enum Type BackupSet type -- one of incr, full, differential or auto. if custom scheme is used the BackupSet type should be specified |
Field | Description |
weekdays[] | enum Day Days in a week to perform a backup. |
repeat_at[] | TimeOfDay Time to repeat the backup. |
repeat_every | Interval Frequency of backup repetition. |
time_from | TimeOfDay The start time of the backup time interval. |
time_to | TimeOfDay The end time of the backup time interval. |
monthdays[] | int64 Days in a month to perform a backup. Allowed values are from 1 to 31. |
include_last_day_of_month | bool If set to true, last day of month will activate the policy. |
months[] | int64 Set of values. Allowed values form 1 to 12. |
type | enum RepeatePeriod Required. Possible types: REPEATE_PERIOD_UNSPECIFIED , HOURLY , DAILY , WEEKLY , MONTHLY . |
Field | Description |
delay | Interval Required. The interval between backups. |
Create a new policy.
For detailed information, please see Creating a backup policy.
rpc Create (CreatePolicyRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
folder_id | string Required. Folder ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
name | string Required. Policy name. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
settings | PolicySettings Required. |
Field | Description |
compression | enum Compression Required. Archive compression level. |
format | enum Format Required. Format of the Acronis backup archive.
multi_volume_snapshotting_enabled | bool If true, snapshots of multiple volumes will be taken simultaneously. |
preserve_file_security_settings | bool If true, the file security settings will be preserved. |
reattempts | RetriesConfiguration Required. Configuration of retries on recoverable errors during the backup operations like reconnection to destination. No attempts to fix recoverable errors will be made if retry configuration is not set. |
silent_mode_enabled | bool If true, a user interaction will be avoided when possible. Equals to false if value is not specified. |
splitting | Splitting Required. Determines the size to split backups on. Splitting is not performed if value is not specified. |
vm_snapshot_reattempts | RetriesConfiguration Required. Configuration of retries on errors during the creation of the virtual machine snapshot. No attempts to fix recoverable errors will be made if retry configuration is not set. |
vss | VolumeShadowCopyServiceSettings Required. Settings for the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) provider. If not set, no VSS provider is used. |
archive | ArchiveProperties The archive properties. |
performance_window | PerformanceWindow Required. Time windows for performance limitations of backup and storage maintenance operations. |
retention | Retention Required. Configuration of backup retention rules. |
scheduling | Scheduling Required. Configuration of the backup schedule. |
cbt | enum ChangedBlockTracking Required. A configuration of Changed Block Tracking (CBT). |
fast_backup_enabled | bool If true, determines whether a file has changed by the file size and timestamp. Otherwise, the entire file contents are compared to those stored in the backup. |
quiesce_snapshotting_enabled | bool If true, a quiesced snapshot of the virtual machine will be taken. |
Field | Description |
type | enum Type Required. A type of the interval. |
count | int64 The amount of value specified in Interval.Type . Value must be greater than 0. |
Field | Description |
enabled | bool If true, enables retry on errors. |
interval | Interval Required. An interval between retry attempts. |
max_attempts | int64 Max number of retry attempts. Operation will be considered as failed when max number of retry attempts is reached. Value must be greater than 0. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 The size of split backup file in bytes. |
Field | Description |
enabled | bool If true, the VSS will be enabled. |
provider | enum VSSProvider Required. A type of VSS provider to use in backup. |
Field | Description |
name | string The name of the generated archive. The name may use the following variables: [Machine Name] , [Plan ID] , [Plan Name] , [Unique ID] , [Virtualization Server Type] . Default value: [Machine Name]-[Plan ID]-[Unique ID]A . |
Field | Description |
enabled | bool If true, the time windows will be enabled. |
Field | Description |
hour | int64 Hours. |
minute | int64 Minutes. |
Field | Description |
rules[] | RetentionRule A list of retention rules. |
before_backup | bool If true, retention rules will be applied before backup is finished. |
Field | Description |
backup_set[] | enum RepeatePeriod A list of backup sets where rules are effective. |
condition | oneof: max_age or max_count |
max_age | Interval |
max_count | int64 |
Field | Description |
backup_sets[] | BackupSet A list of schedules with backup sets that compose the whole scheme. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
enabled | bool If true, the backup schedule will be enabled. |
max_parallel_backups | int64 Max number of backup processes allowed to run in parallel. Unlimited if not set. |
rand_max_delay | Interval Required. Configuration of the random delay between the execution of parallel tasks. |
scheme | enum Scheme Required. A backup scheme. Available values: simple , always_full , always_incremental , weekly_incremental , weekly_full_daily_incremental , custom , cdp .
weekly_backup_day | enum Day Required. A day of week to start weekly backups. |
Field | Description |
setting | oneof: time or since_last_exec_time |
time | Time |
since_last_exec_time | SinceLastExecTime |
type | enum Type BackupSet type -- one of incr, full, differential or auto. if custom scheme is used the BackupSet type should be specified |
Field | Description |
weekdays[] | enum Day Days in a week to perform a backup. |
repeat_at[] | TimeOfDay Time to repeat the backup. |
repeat_every | Interval Frequency of backup repetition. |
time_from | TimeOfDay The start time of the backup time interval. |
time_to | TimeOfDay The end time of the backup time interval. |
monthdays[] | int64 Days in a month to perform a backup. Allowed values are from 1 to 31. |
include_last_day_of_month | bool If set to true, last day of month will activate the policy. |
months[] | int64 Set of values. Allowed values form 1 to 12. |
type | enum RepeatePeriod Required. Possible types: REPEATE_PERIOD_UNSPECIFIED , HOURLY , DAILY , WEEKLY , MONTHLY . |
Field | Description |
delay | Interval Required. The interval between backups. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
policy_id | string Required. Policy ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
id | string Required. Policy ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
name | string Required. Policy name. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
enabled | bool If this field is true, it means that the policy is enabled. |
settings | PolicySettings Set of policy settings |
folder_id | string ID of the folder that the policy belongs to. |
Get specific policy.
rpc Get (GetPolicyRequest) returns (Policy)
Field | Description |
policy_id | string Required. Policy ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
id | string Required. Policy ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
name | string Required. Policy name. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
enabled | bool If this field is true, it means that the policy is enabled. |
settings | PolicySettings Set of policy settings |
folder_id | string ID of the folder that the policy belongs to. |
Field | Description |
compression | enum Compression Required. Archive compression level. |
format | enum Format Required. Format of the Acronis backup archive.
multi_volume_snapshotting_enabled | bool If true, snapshots of multiple volumes will be taken simultaneously. |
preserve_file_security_settings | bool If true, the file security settings will be preserved. |
reattempts | RetriesConfiguration Required. Configuration of retries on recoverable errors during the backup operations like reconnection to destination. No attempts to fix recoverable errors will be made if retry configuration is not set. |
silent_mode_enabled | bool If true, a user interaction will be avoided when possible. Equals to false if value is not specified. |
splitting | Splitting Required. Determines the size to split backups on. Splitting is not performed if value is not specified. |
vm_snapshot_reattempts | RetriesConfiguration Required. Configuration of retries on errors during the creation of the virtual machine snapshot. No attempts to fix recoverable errors will be made if retry configuration is not set. |
vss | VolumeShadowCopyServiceSettings Required. Settings for the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) provider. If not set, no VSS provider is used. |
archive | ArchiveProperties The archive properties. |
performance_window | PerformanceWindow Required. Time windows for performance limitations of backup and storage maintenance operations. |
retention | Retention Required. Configuration of backup retention rules. |
scheduling | Scheduling Required. Configuration of the backup schedule. |
cbt | enum ChangedBlockTracking Required. A configuration of Changed Block Tracking (CBT). |
fast_backup_enabled | bool If true, determines whether a file has changed by the file size and timestamp. Otherwise, the entire file contents are compared to those stored in the backup. |
quiesce_snapshotting_enabled | bool If true, a quiesced snapshot of the virtual machine will be taken. |
Field | Description |
type | enum Type Required. A type of the interval. |
count | int64 The amount of value specified in Interval.Type . Value must be greater than 0. |
Field | Description |
enabled | bool If true, enables retry on errors. |
interval | Interval Required. An interval between retry attempts. |
max_attempts | int64 Max number of retry attempts. Operation will be considered as failed when max number of retry attempts is reached. Value must be greater than 0. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 The size of split backup file in bytes. |
Field | Description |
enabled | bool If true, the VSS will be enabled. |
provider | enum VSSProvider Required. A type of VSS provider to use in backup. |
Field | Description |
name | string The name of the generated archive. The name may use the following variables: [Machine Name] , [Plan ID] , [Plan Name] , [Unique ID] , [Virtualization Server Type] . Default value: [Machine Name]-[Plan ID]-[Unique ID]A . |
Field | Description |
enabled | bool If true, the time windows will be enabled. |
Field | Description |
hour | int64 Hours. |
minute | int64 Minutes. |
Field | Description |
rules[] | RetentionRule A list of retention rules. |
before_backup | bool If true, retention rules will be applied before backup is finished. |
Field | Description |
backup_set[] | enum RepeatePeriod A list of backup sets where rules are effective. |
condition | oneof: max_age or max_count |
max_age | Interval |
max_count | int64 |
Field | Description |
backup_sets[] | BackupSet A list of schedules with backup sets that compose the whole scheme. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
enabled | bool If true, the backup schedule will be enabled. |
max_parallel_backups | int64 Max number of backup processes allowed to run in parallel. Unlimited if not set. |
rand_max_delay | Interval Required. Configuration of the random delay between the execution of parallel tasks. |
scheme | enum Scheme Required. A backup scheme. Available values: simple , always_full , always_incremental , weekly_incremental , weekly_full_daily_incremental , custom , cdp .
weekly_backup_day | enum Day Required. A day of week to start weekly backups. |
Field | Description |
setting | oneof: time or since_last_exec_time |
time | Time |
since_last_exec_time | SinceLastExecTime |
type | enum Type BackupSet type -- one of incr, full, differential or auto. if custom scheme is used the BackupSet type should be specified |
Field | Description |
weekdays[] | enum Day Days in a week to perform a backup. |
repeat_at[] | TimeOfDay Time to repeat the backup. |
repeat_every | Interval Frequency of backup repetition. |
time_from | TimeOfDay The start time of the backup time interval. |
time_to | TimeOfDay The end time of the backup time interval. |
monthdays[] | int64 Days in a month to perform a backup. Allowed values are from 1 to 31. |
include_last_day_of_month | bool If set to true, last day of month will activate the policy. |
months[] | int64 Set of values. Allowed values form 1 to 12. |
type | enum RepeatePeriod Required. Possible types: REPEATE_PERIOD_UNSPECIFIED , HOURLY , DAILY , WEEKLY , MONTHLY . |
Field | Description |
delay | Interval Required. The interval between backups. |
Update specific policy.
rpc Update (UpdatePolicyRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
policy_id | string Required. Policy ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
settings | PolicySettings Required. |
Field | Description |
compression | enum Compression Required. Archive compression level. |
format | enum Format Required. Format of the Acronis backup archive.
multi_volume_snapshotting_enabled | bool If true, snapshots of multiple volumes will be taken simultaneously. |
preserve_file_security_settings | bool If true, the file security settings will be preserved. |
reattempts | RetriesConfiguration Required. Configuration of retries on recoverable errors during the backup operations like reconnection to destination. No attempts to fix recoverable errors will be made if retry configuration is not set. |
silent_mode_enabled | bool If true, a user interaction will be avoided when possible. Equals to false if value is not specified. |
splitting | Splitting Required. Determines the size to split backups on. Splitting is not performed if value is not specified. |
vm_snapshot_reattempts | RetriesConfiguration Required. Configuration of retries on errors during the creation of the virtual machine snapshot. No attempts to fix recoverable errors will be made if retry configuration is not set. |
vss | VolumeShadowCopyServiceSettings Required. Settings for the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) provider. If not set, no VSS provider is used. |
archive | ArchiveProperties The archive properties. |
performance_window | PerformanceWindow Required. Time windows for performance limitations of backup and storage maintenance operations. |
retention | Retention Required. Configuration of backup retention rules. |
scheduling | Scheduling Required. Configuration of the backup schedule. |
cbt | enum ChangedBlockTracking Required. A configuration of Changed Block Tracking (CBT). |
fast_backup_enabled | bool If true, determines whether a file has changed by the file size and timestamp. Otherwise, the entire file contents are compared to those stored in the backup. |
quiesce_snapshotting_enabled | bool If true, a quiesced snapshot of the virtual machine will be taken. |
Field | Description |
type | enum Type Required. A type of the interval. |
count | int64 The amount of value specified in Interval.Type . Value must be greater than 0. |
Field | Description |
enabled | bool If true, enables retry on errors. |
interval | Interval Required. An interval between retry attempts. |
max_attempts | int64 Max number of retry attempts. Operation will be considered as failed when max number of retry attempts is reached. Value must be greater than 0. |
Field | Description |
size | int64 The size of split backup file in bytes. |
Field | Description |
enabled | bool If true, the VSS will be enabled. |
provider | enum VSSProvider Required. A type of VSS provider to use in backup. |
Field | Description |
name | string The name of the generated archive. The name may use the following variables: [Machine Name] , [Plan ID] , [Plan Name] , [Unique ID] , [Virtualization Server Type] . Default value: [Machine Name]-[Plan ID]-[Unique ID]A . |
Field | Description |
enabled | bool If true, the time windows will be enabled. |
Field | Description |
hour | int64 Hours. |
minute | int64 Minutes. |
Field | Description |
rules[] | RetentionRule A list of retention rules. |
before_backup | bool If true, retention rules will be applied before backup is finished. |
Field | Description |
backup_set[] | enum RepeatePeriod A list of backup sets where rules are effective. |
condition | oneof: max_age or max_count |
max_age | Interval |
max_count | int64 |
Field | Description |
backup_sets[] | BackupSet A list of schedules with backup sets that compose the whole scheme. The number of elements must be greater than 0. |
enabled | bool If true, the backup schedule will be enabled. |
max_parallel_backups | int64 Max number of backup processes allowed to run in parallel. Unlimited if not set. |
rand_max_delay | Interval Required. Configuration of the random delay between the execution of parallel tasks. |
scheme | enum Scheme Required. A backup scheme. Available values: simple , always_full , always_incremental , weekly_incremental , weekly_full_daily_incremental , custom , cdp .
weekly_backup_day | enum Day Required. A day of week to start weekly backups. |
Field | Description |
setting | oneof: time or since_last_exec_time |
time | Time |
since_last_exec_time | SinceLastExecTime |
type | enum Type BackupSet type -- one of incr, full, differential or auto. if custom scheme is used the BackupSet type should be specified |
Field | Description |
weekdays[] | enum Day Days in a week to perform a backup. |
repeat_at[] | TimeOfDay Time to repeat the backup. |
repeat_every | Interval Frequency of backup repetition. |
time_from | TimeOfDay The start time of the backup time interval. |
time_to | TimeOfDay The end time of the backup time interval. |
monthdays[] | int64 Days in a month to perform a backup. Allowed values are from 1 to 31. |
include_last_day_of_month | bool If set to true, last day of month will activate the policy. |
months[] | int64 Set of values. Allowed values form 1 to 12. |
type | enum RepeatePeriod Required. Possible types: REPEATE_PERIOD_UNSPECIFIED , HOURLY , DAILY , WEEKLY , MONTHLY . |
Field | Description |
delay | Interval Required. The interval between backups. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
policy_id | string Required. Policy ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
id | string Required. Policy ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
name | string Required. Policy name. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
updated_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
enabled | bool If this field is true, it means that the policy is enabled. |
settings | PolicySettings Set of policy settings |
folder_id | string ID of the folder that the policy belongs to. |
Delete specific policy.
rpc Delete (DeletePolicyRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
policy_id | string Required. Policy ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
policy_id | string Required. Policy ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Apply policy to Compute Cloud instance.
rpc Apply (ApplyPolicyRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
policy_id | string Required. Policy ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
compute_instance_id | string Required. Compute Cloud instance ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
policy_id | string Policy ID. |
compute_instance_id | string Compute Cloud instance ID. |
List applied policies using filters.
rpc ListApplications (ListApplicationsRequest) returns (ListApplicationsResponse)
Field | Description |
id | oneof: folder_id , policy_id or compute_instance_id |
folder_id | string Folder ID. |
policy_id | string Policy ID. |
compute_instance_id | string Compute Cloud instance ID. |
show_processing | bool If true, also returns applications that in the process of binding. |
Field | Description |
applications[] | PolicyApplication |
Field | Description |
policy_id | string Policy ID. |
compute_instance_id | string Compute Cloud instance ID. |
enabled | bool |
status | enum Status
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
is_processing | bool If true, then the policy is in in the process of binding to the instance. |
Run policy on specific Compute Cloud instance. That will create backup according selected policy. In order to perform this action, policy should be applied to the Compute Cloud instance.
rpc Execute (ExecuteRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
policy_id | string Required. Policy ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
compute_instance_id | string Required. Compute Cloud instance ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
policy_id | string Policy ID. |
compute_instance_id | string Compute Cloud instance ID. |
progress_percentage | double Progress of the backup process. |
Revoke policy from Compute Cloud instance.
rpc Revoke (RevokeRequest) returns (operation.Operation)
Metadata and response of Operation:
Field | Description |
policy_id | string Required. Policy ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
compute_instance_id | string Required. Compute Cloud instance ID. The maximum string length in characters is 50. |
Field | Description |
id | string ID of the operation. |
description | string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
created_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp Creation timestamp. |
created_by | string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modified_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp The time when the Operation resource was last modified. |
done | bool If the value is false , it means the operation is still in progress. If true , the operation is completed, and either error or response is available. |
metadata | google.protobuf.Any Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically contains the ID of the target resource that the operation is performed on. Any method that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any. |
result | oneof: error or response The operation result. If done == false and there was no failure detected, neither error nor response is set. If done == false and there was a failure detected, error is set. If done == true , exactly one of error or response is set. |
error | google.rpc.Status The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
response | google.protobuf.Any if operation finished successfully. |
Field | Description |
policy_id | string Policy ID. |
compute_instance_id | string Compute Cloud instance ID. |