Managed Service for ClickHouse API, REST: Cluster.Create
- HTTP request
- Body parameters
- ConfigSpec
- Clickhouse
- ClickhouseConfig
- MergeTree
- Compression
- ExternalDictionary
- Structure
- Id
- Key
- Attribute
- Layout
- Range
- HttpSource
- Header
- MysqlSource
- Replica
- ClickhouseSource
- MongodbSource
- PostgresqlSource
- GraphiteRollup
- Pattern
- Retention
- Kafka
- KafkaTopic
- Rabbitmq
- QueryMaskingRule
- QueryCache
- JdbcBridge
- Resources
- Zookeeper
- TimeOfDay
- Access
- CloudStorage
- DatabaseSpec
- UserSpec
- Permission
- UserSettings
- UserQuota
- HostSpec
- MaintenanceWindow
- WeeklyMaintenanceWindow
- Response
- CreateClusterMetadata
- Status
- Cluster
- Monitoring
- ClusterConfig
- Clickhouse
- ClickhouseConfigSet
- ClickhouseConfig
- MergeTree
- Compression
- ExternalDictionary
- Structure
- Id
- Key
- Attribute
- Layout
- Range
- HttpSource
- Header
- MysqlSource
- Replica
- ClickhouseSource
- MongodbSource
- PostgresqlSource
- GraphiteRollup
- Pattern
- Retention
- Kafka
- KafkaTopic
- Rabbitmq
- QueryMaskingRule
- QueryCache
- JdbcBridge
- Resources
- Zookeeper
- TimeOfDay
- Access
- CloudStorage
- MaintenanceWindow
- WeeklyMaintenanceWindow
- MaintenanceOperation
Creates a ClickHouse cluster in the specified folder.
HTTP request
Body parameters
"folderId": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"labels": "object",
"environment": "string",
"configSpec": {
"version": "string",
"clickhouse": {
"config": {
"logLevel": "string",
"mergeTree": {
"replicatedDeduplicationWindow": "string",
"replicatedDeduplicationWindowSeconds": "string",
"partsToDelayInsert": "string",
"partsToThrowInsert": "string",
"inactivePartsToDelayInsert": "string",
"inactivePartsToThrowInsert": "string",
"maxReplicatedMergesInQueue": "string",
"numberOfFreeEntriesInPoolToLowerMaxSizeOfMerge": "string",
"maxBytesToMergeAtMinSpaceInPool": "string",
"maxBytesToMergeAtMaxSpaceInPool": "string",
"minBytesForWidePart": "string",
"minRowsForWidePart": "string",
"ttlOnlyDropParts": "boolean",
"allowRemoteFsZeroCopyReplication": "boolean",
"mergeWithTtlTimeout": "string",
"mergeWithRecompressionTtlTimeout": "string",
"maxPartsInTotal": "string",
"maxNumberOfMergesWithTtlInPool": "string",
"cleanupDelayPeriod": "string",
"numberOfFreeEntriesInPoolToExecuteMutation": "string",
"maxAvgPartSizeForTooManyParts": "string",
"minAgeToForceMergeSeconds": "string",
"minAgeToForceMergeOnPartitionOnly": "boolean",
"mergeSelectingSleepMs": "string",
"mergeMaxBlockSize": "string",
"checkSampleColumnIsCorrect": "boolean",
"maxMergeSelectingSleepMs": "string",
"maxCleanupDelayPeriod": "string"
"compression": [
"method": "string",
"minPartSize": "string",
"minPartSizeRatio": "string",
"level": "string"
"dictionaries": [
"name": "string",
"structure": {
"id": {
"name": "string"
"key": {
"attributes": [
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"rangeMin": {
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"rangeMax": {
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"attributes": [
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"layout": {
"type": "string",
"sizeInCells": "string",
"maxArraySize": "string"
// Includes only one of the fields `fixedLifetime`, `lifetimeRange`
"fixedLifetime": "string",
"lifetimeRange": {
"min": "string",
"max": "string"
// end of the list of possible fields
// Includes only one of the fields `httpSource`, `mysqlSource`, `clickhouseSource`, `mongodbSource`, `postgresqlSource`
"httpSource": {
"url": "string",
"format": "string",
"headers": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"mysqlSource": {
"db": "string",
"table": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"replicas": [
"host": "string",
"priority": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string"
"where": "string",
"invalidateQuery": "string",
"closeConnection": "boolean",
"shareConnection": "boolean"
"clickhouseSource": {
"db": "string",
"table": "string",
"host": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"where": "string",
"secure": "boolean"
"mongodbSource": {
"db": "string",
"collection": "string",
"host": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"options": "string"
"postgresqlSource": {
"db": "string",
"table": "string",
"hosts": [
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"invalidateQuery": "string",
"sslMode": "string"
// end of the list of possible fields
"graphiteRollup": [
"name": "string",
"patterns": [
"regexp": "string",
"function": "string",
"retention": [
"age": "string",
"precision": "string"
"pathColumnName": "string",
"timeColumnName": "string",
"valueColumnName": "string",
"versionColumnName": "string"
"kafka": {
"securityProtocol": "string",
"saslMechanism": "string",
"saslUsername": "string",
"saslPassword": "string",
"enableSslCertificateVerification": "boolean",
"maxPollIntervalMs": "string",
"sessionTimeoutMs": "string",
"debug": "string",
"autoOffsetReset": "string"
"kafkaTopics": [
"name": "string",
"settings": {
"securityProtocol": "string",
"saslMechanism": "string",
"saslUsername": "string",
"saslPassword": "string",
"enableSslCertificateVerification": "boolean",
"maxPollIntervalMs": "string",
"sessionTimeoutMs": "string",
"debug": "string",
"autoOffsetReset": "string"
"rabbitmq": {
"username": "string",
"password": "string",
"vhost": "string"
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxConcurrentQueries": "string",
"keepAliveTimeout": "string",
"uncompressedCacheSize": "string",
"markCacheSize": "string",
"maxTableSizeToDrop": "string",
"maxPartitionSizeToDrop": "string",
"builtinDictionariesReloadInterval": "string",
"timezone": "string",
"geobaseEnabled": "boolean",
"geobaseUri": "string",
"queryLogRetentionSize": "string",
"queryLogRetentionTime": "string",
"queryThreadLogEnabled": "boolean",
"queryThreadLogRetentionSize": "string",
"queryThreadLogRetentionTime": "string",
"partLogRetentionSize": "string",
"partLogRetentionTime": "string",
"metricLogEnabled": "boolean",
"metricLogRetentionSize": "string",
"metricLogRetentionTime": "string",
"traceLogEnabled": "boolean",
"traceLogRetentionSize": "string",
"traceLogRetentionTime": "string",
"textLogEnabled": "boolean",
"textLogRetentionSize": "string",
"textLogRetentionTime": "string",
"textLogLevel": "string",
"opentelemetrySpanLogEnabled": "boolean",
"opentelemetrySpanLogRetentionSize": "string",
"opentelemetrySpanLogRetentionTime": "string",
"queryViewsLogEnabled": "boolean",
"queryViewsLogRetentionSize": "string",
"queryViewsLogRetentionTime": "string",
"asynchronousMetricLogEnabled": "boolean",
"asynchronousMetricLogRetentionSize": "string",
"asynchronousMetricLogRetentionTime": "string",
"sessionLogEnabled": "boolean",
"sessionLogRetentionSize": "string",
"sessionLogRetentionTime": "string",
"zookeeperLogEnabled": "boolean",
"zookeeperLogRetentionSize": "string",
"zookeeperLogRetentionTime": "string",
"asynchronousInsertLogEnabled": "boolean",
"asynchronousInsertLogRetentionSize": "string",
"asynchronousInsertLogRetentionTime": "string",
"backgroundPoolSize": "string",
"backgroundMergesMutationsConcurrencyRatio": "string",
"backgroundSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundFetchesPoolSize": "string",
"backgroundMovePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundDistributedSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundBufferFlushSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundMessageBrokerSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundCommonPoolSize": "string",
"defaultDatabase": "string",
"totalMemoryProfilerStep": "string",
"totalMemoryTrackerSampleProbability": "number",
"queryMaskingRules": [
"name": "string",
"regexp": "string",
"replace": "string"
"dictionariesLazyLoad": "boolean",
"queryCache": {
"maxSizeInBytes": "string",
"maxEntries": "string",
"maxEntrySizeInBytes": "string",
"maxEntrySizeInRows": "string"
"jdbcBridge": {
"host": "string",
"port": "string"
"resources": {
"resourcePresetId": "string",
"diskSize": "string",
"diskTypeId": "string"
"zookeeper": {
"resources": {
"resourcePresetId": "string",
"diskSize": "string",
"diskTypeId": "string"
"backupWindowStart": {
"hours": "integer",
"minutes": "integer",
"seconds": "integer",
"nanos": "integer"
"access": {
"dataLens": "boolean",
"webSql": "boolean",
"metrika": "boolean",
"serverless": "boolean",
"dataTransfer": "boolean",
"yandexQuery": "boolean"
"cloudStorage": {
"enabled": "boolean",
"moveFactor": "number",
"dataCacheEnabled": "boolean",
"dataCacheMaxSize": "string",
"preferNotToMerge": "boolean"
"sqlDatabaseManagement": "boolean",
"sqlUserManagement": "boolean",
"adminPassword": "string",
"embeddedKeeper": "boolean",
"backupRetainPeriodDays": "string"
"databaseSpecs": [
"name": "string"
"userSpecs": [
"name": "string",
"password": "string",
"permissions": [
"databaseName": "string"
"settings": {
"readonly": "string",
"allowDdl": "boolean",
"allowIntrospectionFunctions": "boolean",
"connectTimeout": "string",
"connectTimeoutWithFailover": "string",
"receiveTimeout": "string",
"sendTimeout": "string",
"timeoutBeforeCheckingExecutionSpeed": "string",
"insertQuorum": "string",
"insertQuorumTimeout": "string",
"insertQuorumParallel": "boolean",
"insertNullAsDefault": "boolean",
"selectSequentialConsistency": "boolean",
"deduplicateBlocksInDependentMaterializedViews": "boolean",
"replicationAlterPartitionsSync": "string",
"maxReplicaDelayForDistributedQueries": "string",
"fallbackToStaleReplicasForDistributedQueries": "boolean",
"distributedProductMode": "string",
"distributedAggregationMemoryEfficient": "boolean",
"distributedDdlTaskTimeout": "string",
"skipUnavailableShards": "boolean",
"compileExpressions": "boolean",
"minCountToCompileExpression": "string",
"maxBlockSize": "string",
"minInsertBlockSizeRows": "string",
"minInsertBlockSizeBytes": "string",
"maxInsertBlockSize": "string",
"minBytesToUseDirectIo": "string",
"useUncompressedCache": "boolean",
"mergeTreeMaxRowsToUseCache": "string",
"mergeTreeMaxBytesToUseCache": "string",
"mergeTreeMinRowsForConcurrentRead": "string",
"mergeTreeMinBytesForConcurrentRead": "string",
"maxBytesBeforeExternalGroupBy": "string",
"maxBytesBeforeExternalSort": "string",
"groupByTwoLevelThreshold": "string",
"groupByTwoLevelThresholdBytes": "string",
"priority": "string",
"maxThreads": "string",
"maxMemoryUsage": "string",
"maxMemoryUsageForUser": "string",
"maxNetworkBandwidth": "string",
"maxNetworkBandwidthForUser": "string",
"maxPartitionsPerInsertBlock": "string",
"maxConcurrentQueriesForUser": "string",
"forceIndexByDate": "boolean",
"forcePrimaryKey": "boolean",
"maxRowsToRead": "string",
"maxBytesToRead": "string",
"readOverflowMode": "string",
"maxRowsToGroupBy": "string",
"groupByOverflowMode": "string",
"maxRowsToSort": "string",
"maxBytesToSort": "string",
"sortOverflowMode": "string",
"maxResultRows": "string",
"maxResultBytes": "string",
"resultOverflowMode": "string",
"maxRowsInDistinct": "string",
"maxBytesInDistinct": "string",
"distinctOverflowMode": "string",
"maxRowsToTransfer": "string",
"maxBytesToTransfer": "string",
"transferOverflowMode": "string",
"maxExecutionTime": "string",
"timeoutOverflowMode": "string",
"maxRowsInSet": "string",
"maxBytesInSet": "string",
"setOverflowMode": "string",
"maxRowsInJoin": "string",
"maxBytesInJoin": "string",
"joinOverflowMode": "string",
"joinAlgorithm": [
"anyJoinDistinctRightTableKeys": "boolean",
"maxColumnsToRead": "string",
"maxTemporaryColumns": "string",
"maxTemporaryNonConstColumns": "string",
"maxQuerySize": "string",
"maxAstDepth": "string",
"maxAstElements": "string",
"maxExpandedAstElements": "string",
"minExecutionSpeed": "string",
"minExecutionSpeedBytes": "string",
"countDistinctImplementation": "string",
"inputFormatValuesInterpretExpressions": "boolean",
"inputFormatDefaultsForOmittedFields": "boolean",
"inputFormatNullAsDefault": "boolean",
"dateTimeInputFormat": "string",
"inputFormatWithNamesUseHeader": "boolean",
"outputFormatJsonQuote_64bitIntegers": "boolean",
"outputFormatJsonQuoteDenormals": "boolean",
"dateTimeOutputFormat": "string",
"lowCardinalityAllowInNativeFormat": "boolean",
"allowSuspiciousLowCardinalityTypes": "boolean",
"emptyResultForAggregationByEmptySet": "boolean",
"httpConnectionTimeout": "string",
"httpReceiveTimeout": "string",
"httpSendTimeout": "string",
"enableHttpCompression": "boolean",
"sendProgressInHttpHeaders": "boolean",
"httpHeadersProgressInterval": "string",
"addHttpCorsHeader": "boolean",
"cancelHttpReadonlyQueriesOnClientClose": "boolean",
"maxHttpGetRedirects": "string",
"joinedSubqueryRequiresAlias": "boolean",
"joinUseNulls": "boolean",
"transformNullIn": "boolean",
"quotaMode": "string",
"flattenNested": "boolean",
"formatRegexp": "string",
"formatRegexpEscapingRule": "string",
"formatRegexpSkipUnmatched": "boolean",
"asyncInsert": "boolean",
"asyncInsertThreads": "string",
"waitForAsyncInsert": "boolean",
"waitForAsyncInsertTimeout": "string",
"asyncInsertMaxDataSize": "string",
"asyncInsertBusyTimeout": "string",
"asyncInsertStaleTimeout": "string",
"memoryProfilerStep": "string",
"memoryProfilerSampleProbability": "number",
"maxFinalThreads": "string",
"inputFormatParallelParsing": "boolean",
"inputFormatImportNestedJson": "boolean",
"localFilesystemReadMethod": "string",
"maxReadBufferSize": "string",
"insertKeeperMaxRetries": "string",
"maxTemporaryDataOnDiskSizeForUser": "string",
"maxTemporaryDataOnDiskSizeForQuery": "string",
"maxParserDepth": "string",
"remoteFilesystemReadMethod": "string",
"memoryOvercommitRatioDenominator": "string",
"memoryOvercommitRatioDenominatorForUser": "string",
"memoryUsageOvercommitMaxWaitMicroseconds": "string",
"logQueryThreads": "boolean",
"maxInsertThreads": "string",
"useHedgedRequests": "boolean",
"idleConnectionTimeout": "string",
"hedgedConnectionTimeoutMs": "string",
"loadBalancing": "string",
"preferLocalhostReplica": "boolean",
"compile": "boolean",
"minCountToCompile": "string"
"quotas": [
"intervalDuration": "string",
"queries": "string",
"errors": "string",
"resultRows": "string",
"readRows": "string",
"executionTime": "string"
"generatePassword": "boolean"
"hostSpecs": [
"zoneId": "string",
"type": "string",
"subnetId": "string",
"assignPublicIp": "boolean",
"shardName": "string"
"networkId": "string",
"shardName": "string",
"serviceAccountId": "string",
"securityGroupIds": [
"deletionProtection": "boolean",
"maintenanceWindow": {
// Includes only one of the fields `anytime`, `weeklyMaintenanceWindow`
"anytime": "object",
"weeklyMaintenanceWindow": {
"day": "string",
"hour": "string"
// end of the list of possible fields
Field |
Description |
folderId |
string Required field. ID of the folder to create the ClickHouse cluster in. |
name |
string Required field. Name of the ClickHouse cluster. The name must be unique within the folder. |
description |
string Description of the ClickHouse cluster. |
labels |
object (map<string, string>) Custom labels for the ClickHouse cluster as |
environment |
enum (Environment) Required field. Deployment environment of the ClickHouse cluster.
configSpec |
Required field. Configuration and resources for hosts that should be created for the ClickHouse cluster. |
databaseSpecs[] |
Descriptions of databases to be created in the ClickHouse cluster. |
userSpecs[] |
Descriptions of database users to be created in the ClickHouse cluster. |
hostSpecs[] |
Individual configurations for hosts that should be created for the ClickHouse cluster. |
networkId |
string Required field. ID of the network to create the cluster in. |
shardName |
string Name of the first shard in cluster. If not set, defaults to the value 'shard1'. |
serviceAccountId |
string ID of the service account used for access to Object Storage. |
securityGroupIds[] |
string User security groups |
deletionProtection |
boolean Deletion Protection inhibits deletion of the cluster |
maintenanceWindow |
Window of maintenance operations. |
Field |
Description |
version |
string Version of the ClickHouse server software. |
clickhouse |
Configuration and resources for a ClickHouse server. |
zookeeper |
Configuration and resources for a ZooKeeper server. |
backupWindowStart |
Time to start the daily backup, in the UTC timezone. |
access |
Access policy for external services. If you want a specific service to access the ClickHouse cluster, then set the necessary values in this policy. |
cloudStorage |
sqlDatabaseManagement |
boolean Whether database management through SQL commands is enabled. |
sqlUserManagement |
boolean Whether user management through SQL commands is enabled. |
adminPassword |
string Password for user 'admin' that has SQL user management access. |
embeddedKeeper |
boolean Whether cluster should use embedded Keeper instead of Zookeeper |
backupRetainPeriodDays |
string (int64) Retain period of automatically created backup in days |
Field |
Description |
config |
Configuration for a ClickHouse server. |
resources |
Resources allocated to ClickHouse hosts. |
ClickHouse configuration options. Detailed description for each set of options
is available in ClickHouse documentation
Any options not listed here are not supported.
Field |
Description |
logLevel |
enum (LogLevel) Logging level for the ClickHouse cluster. Possible values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFORMATION, WARNING, ERROR.
mergeTree |
Settings for the MergeTree engine. |
compression[] |
Compression settings for the ClickHouse cluster. |
dictionaries[] |
Configuration of external dictionaries to be used by the ClickHouse cluster. |
graphiteRollup[] |
Settings for thinning Graphite data. |
kafka |
kafkaTopics[] |
rabbitmq |
maxConnections |
string (int64) Maximum number of inbound connections. |
maxConcurrentQueries |
string (int64) Maximum number of simultaneously processed requests. |
keepAliveTimeout |
string (int64) Number of milliseconds that ClickHouse waits for incoming requests before closing the connection. |
uncompressedCacheSize |
string (int64) Cache size (in bytes) for uncompressed data used by MergeTree tables. |
markCacheSize |
string (int64) Approximate size (in bytes) of the cache of "marks" used by MergeTree tables. |
maxTableSizeToDrop |
string (int64) Maximum size of the table that can be deleted using a DROP query. |
maxPartitionSizeToDrop |
string (int64) Maximum size of the partition that can be deleted using a DROP query. |
builtinDictionariesReloadInterval |
string (int64) The setting is deprecated and has no effect. |
timezone |
string The server's time zone to be used in DateTime fields conversions. Specified as an IANA identifier. |
geobaseEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable geobase. |
geobaseUri |
string Address of the archive with the user geobase in Object Storage. |
queryLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that query_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
queryLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that query_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
queryThreadLogEnabled |
boolean Whether query_thread_log system table is enabled. |
queryThreadLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that query_thread_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
queryThreadLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that query_thread_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
partLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that part_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
partLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that part_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
metricLogEnabled |
boolean Whether metric_log system table is enabled. |
metricLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that metric_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
metricLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that metric_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
traceLogEnabled |
boolean Whether trace_log system table is enabled. |
traceLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that trace_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
traceLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that trace_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
textLogEnabled |
boolean Whether text_log system table is enabled. |
textLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that text_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
textLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that text_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
textLogLevel |
enum (LogLevel) Logging level for text_log system table. Possible values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFORMATION, WARNING, ERROR.
opentelemetrySpanLogEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable opentelemetry_span_log system table. Default value: false. |
opentelemetrySpanLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that opentelemetry_span_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0 (default), |
opentelemetrySpanLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that opentelemetry_span_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, |
queryViewsLogEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable query_views_log system table. Default value: false. |
queryViewsLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that query_views_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0 (default), |
queryViewsLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that query_views_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, |
asynchronousMetricLogEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable asynchronous_metric_log system table. Default value: false. |
asynchronousMetricLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that asynchronous_metric_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0 (default), |
asynchronousMetricLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that asynchronous_metric_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, |
sessionLogEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable session_log system table. Default value: false. |
sessionLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that session_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0 (default), |
sessionLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that session_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, |
zookeeperLogEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable zookeeper_log system table. Default value: false. |
zookeeperLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that zookeeper_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0 (default), |
zookeeperLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that zookeeper_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, |
asynchronousInsertLogEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable asynchronous_insert_log system table. Default value: false. |
asynchronousInsertLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that asynchronous_insert_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0 (default), |
asynchronousInsertLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that asynchronous_insert_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, |
backgroundPoolSize |
string (int64) |
backgroundMergesMutationsConcurrencyRatio |
string (int64) Sets a ratio between the number of threads and the number of background merges and mutations that can be executed concurrently. For example, if the ratio equals to 2 and background_pool_size is set to 16 then ClickHouse can execute 32 background merges concurrently. This is possible, because background operations could be suspended and postponed. This is needed to give small merges more execution priority. You can only increase this ratio at runtime. To lower it you have to restart the server. The same as for background_pool_size setting background_merges_mutations_concurrency_ratio could be applied from the default profile for backward compatibility. |
backgroundSchedulePoolSize |
string (int64) |
backgroundFetchesPoolSize |
string (int64) Sets the number of threads performing background fetches for tables with ReplicatedMergeTree engines. Default value: 8. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
backgroundMovePoolSize |
string (int64) |
backgroundDistributedSchedulePoolSize |
string (int64) |
backgroundBufferFlushSchedulePoolSize |
string (int64) |
backgroundMessageBrokerSchedulePoolSize |
string (int64) |
backgroundCommonPoolSize |
string (int64) The maximum number of threads that will be used for performing a variety of operations (mostly garbage collection) for *MergeTree-engine tables in a background. |
defaultDatabase |
string The default database. To get a list of cluster databases, see Yandex Managed ClickHouse documentation. |
totalMemoryProfilerStep |
string (int64) Sets the memory size (in bytes) for a stack trace at every peak allocation step. Default value: 4194304. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
totalMemoryTrackerSampleProbability |
number (double) |
queryMaskingRules[] |
Regexp-based rules, which will be applied to queries as well as all log messages before storing them in server logs, system.query_log, system.text_log, system.processes tables, and in logs sent to the client. That allows preventing sensitive data leakage from SQL queries (like names, emails, personal identifiers or credit card numbers) to logs. |
dictionariesLazyLoad |
boolean Lazy loading of dictionaries. |
queryCache |
Query cache |
jdbcBridge |
JDBC bridge for queries to external databases. |
Options specific to the MergeTree table engine.
Field |
Description |
replicatedDeduplicationWindow |
string (int64) Number of blocks of hashes to keep in ZooKeeper. |
replicatedDeduplicationWindowSeconds |
string (int64) Period of time to keep blocks of hashes for. |
partsToDelayInsert |
string (int64) If table contains at least that many active parts in single partition, artificially slow down insert into table. |
partsToThrowInsert |
string (int64) If more than this number active parts in single partition, throw 'Too many parts ...' exception. |
inactivePartsToDelayInsert |
string (int64) |
inactivePartsToThrowInsert |
string (int64) |
maxReplicatedMergesInQueue |
string (int64) How many tasks of merging and mutating parts are allowed simultaneously in ReplicatedMergeTree queue. |
numberOfFreeEntriesInPoolToLowerMaxSizeOfMerge |
string (int64) If there is less than specified number of free entries in background pool (or replicated queue), start to lower |
maxBytesToMergeAtMinSpaceInPool |
string (int64) Maximum in total size of parts to merge, when there are minimum free threads in background pool (or entries |
maxBytesToMergeAtMaxSpaceInPool |
string (int64) |
minBytesForWidePart |
string (int64) Minimum number of bytes in a data part that can be stored in Wide format. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
minRowsForWidePart |
string (int64) Minimum number of rows in a data part that can be stored in Wide format. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
ttlOnlyDropParts |
boolean Enables or disables complete dropping of data parts where all rows are expired in MergeTree tables. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
allowRemoteFsZeroCopyReplication |
boolean |
mergeWithTtlTimeout |
string (int64) |
mergeWithRecompressionTtlTimeout |
string (int64) |
maxPartsInTotal |
string (int64) |
maxNumberOfMergesWithTtlInPool |
string (int64) |
cleanupDelayPeriod |
string (int64) |
numberOfFreeEntriesInPoolToExecuteMutation |
string (int64) |
maxAvgPartSizeForTooManyParts |
string (int64) The 'too many parts' check according to 'parts_to_delay_insert' and 'parts_to_throw_insert' will be active only if the average part size (in the relevant partition) is not larger than the specified threshold. If it is larger than the specified threshold, the INSERTs will be neither delayed or rejected. This allows to have hundreds of terabytes in a single table on a single server if the parts are successfully merged to larger parts. This does not affect the thresholds on inactive parts or total parts. |
minAgeToForceMergeSeconds |
string (int64) Merge parts if every part in the range is older than the value of min_age_to_force_merge_seconds. |
minAgeToForceMergeOnPartitionOnly |
boolean Whether min_age_to_force_merge_seconds should be applied only on the entire partition and not on subset. |
mergeSelectingSleepMs |
string (int64) Sleep time for merge selecting when no part is selected. A lower setting triggers selecting tasks in background_schedule_pool frequently, which results in a large number of requests to ClickHouse Keeper in large-scale clusters. |
mergeMaxBlockSize |
string (int64) The number of rows that are read from the merged parts into memory. |
checkSampleColumnIsCorrect |
boolean Enables the check at table creation, that the data type of a column for sampling or sampling expression is correct. The data type must be one of unsigned integer types |
maxMergeSelectingSleepMs |
string (int64) Maximum sleep time for merge selecting, a lower setting will trigger selecting tasks in background_schedule_pool frequently which result in large amount of requests to zookeeper in large-scale clusters. |
maxCleanupDelayPeriod |
string (int64) Maximum period to clean old queue logs, blocks hashes and parts. |
Field |
Description |
method |
enum (Method) Compression method to use for the specified combination of
minPartSize |
string (int64) Minimum size of a part of a table. |
minPartSizeRatio |
string Minimum ratio of a part relative to the size of all the data in the table. |
level |
string (int64) |
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. Name of the external dictionary. |
structure |
Required field. Set of attributes for the external dictionary. |
layout |
Required field. Layout for storing the dictionary in memory. |
fixedLifetime |
string (int64) Fixed interval between dictionary updates. Includes only one of the fields Setting for the period of time between dictionary updates. |
lifetimeRange |
Range of intervals between dictionary updates for ClickHouse to choose from. Includes only one of the fields Setting for the period of time between dictionary updates. |
httpSource |
HTTP source for the dictionary. Includes only one of the fields Description of the source for the external dictionary. |
mysqlSource |
MySQL source for the dictionary. Includes only one of the fields Description of the source for the external dictionary. |
clickhouseSource |
ClickHouse source for the dictionary. Includes only one of the fields Description of the source for the external dictionary. |
mongodbSource |
MongoDB source for the dictionary. Includes only one of the fields Description of the source for the external dictionary. |
postgresqlSource |
PostgreSQL source for the dictionary. Includes only one of the fields Description of the source for the external dictionary. |
Field |
Description |
id |
Single numeric key column for the dictionary. |
key |
Composite key for the dictionary, containing of one or more key columns. |
rangeMin |
Field holding the beginning of the range for dictionaries with |
rangeMax |
Field holding the end of the range for dictionaries with |
attributes[] |
Description of the fields available for database queries. |
Numeric key.
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. Name of the numeric key. |
Complex key.
Field |
Description |
attributes[] |
Attributes of a complex key. |
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. Name of the column. |
type |
string Required field. Type of the column. |
nullValue |
string Default value for an element without data (for example, an empty string). |
expression |
string Expression, describing the attribute, if applicable. |
hierarchical |
boolean Indication of hierarchy support. |
injective |
boolean Indication of injective mapping "id -> attribute". |
Layout determining how to store the dictionary in memory.
Field |
Description |
type |
enum (Type) Required field. Layout type for an external dictionary.
sizeInCells |
string (int64) Number of cells in the cache. Rounded up to a power of two. |
maxArraySize |
string (int64) Maximum dictionary key size. |
Field |
Description |
min |
string (int64) Minimum dictionary lifetime. |
max |
string (int64) Maximum dictionary lifetime. |
Field |
Description |
url |
string Required field. URL of the source dictionary available over HTTP. |
format |
string Required field. The data format. Valid values are all formats supported by ClickHouse SQL dialect. |
headers[] |
HTTP headers. |
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. |
value |
string Required field. |
Field |
Description |
db |
string Required field. Name of the MySQL database to connect to. |
table |
string Required field. Name of the database table to use as a ClickHouse dictionary. |
port |
string (int64) Default port to use when connecting to a replica of the dictionary source. |
user |
string Name of the default user for replicas of the dictionary source. |
password |
string Password of the default user for replicas of the dictionary source. |
replicas[] |
List of MySQL replicas of the database used as dictionary source. |
where |
string Selection criteria for the data in the specified MySQL table. |
invalidateQuery |
string Query for checking the dictionary status, to pull only updated data. |
closeConnection |
boolean Should the connection be closed after each request. |
shareConnection |
boolean Should a connection be shared for some requests. |
Field |
Description |
host |
string Required field. MySQL host of the replica. |
priority |
string (int64) Required field. The priority of the replica that ClickHouse takes into account when connecting. |
port |
string (int64) Port to use when connecting to the replica. |
user |
string Name of the MySQL database user. |
password |
string Password of the MySQL database user. |
Field |
Description |
db |
string Required field. Name of the ClickHouse database. |
table |
string Required field. Name of the table in the specified database to be used as the dictionary source. |
host |
string ClickHouse host of the specified database. |
port |
string (int64) Port to use when connecting to the host. |
user |
string Required field. Name of the ClickHouse database user. |
password |
string Password of the ClickHouse database user. |
where |
string Selection criteria for the data in the specified ClickHouse table. |
secure |
boolean Use ssl for connection. |
Field |
Description |
db |
string Required field. Name of the MongoDB database. |
collection |
string Required field. Name of the collection in the specified database to be used as the dictionary source. |
host |
string MongoDB host of the specified database. |
port |
string (int64) Port to use when connecting to the host. |
user |
string Required field. Name of the MongoDB database user. |
password |
string Password of the MongoDB database user. |
options |
string |
Field |
Description |
db |
string Required field. Name of the PostrgreSQL database. |
table |
string Required field. Name of the table in the specified database to be used as the dictionary source. |
hosts[] |
string Name of the PostrgreSQL host |
port |
string (int64) Port to use when connecting to the host. |
user |
string Required field. Name of the PostrgreSQL database user. |
password |
string Password of the PostrgreSQL database user. |
invalidateQuery |
string Query for checking the dictionary status, to pull only updated data. |
sslMode |
enum (SslMode) Mode of SSL TCP/IP connection to the PostgreSQL host.
Rollup settings for the GraphiteMergeTree table engine.
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. Name for the specified combination of settings for Graphite rollup. |
patterns[] |
Pattern to use for the rollup. |
pathColumnName |
string The name of the column storing the metric name (Graphite sensor). |
timeColumnName |
string The name of the column storing the time of measuring the metric. |
valueColumnName |
string The name of the column storing the value of the metric at the time set in time_column_name. |
versionColumnName |
string The name of the column storing the version of the metric. |
Field |
Description |
regexp |
string Pattern for metric names. |
function |
string Required field. Name of the aggregating function to apply to data of the age specified in |
retention[] |
Age of data to use for thinning. |
Field |
Description |
age |
string (int64) Minimum age of the data in seconds. |
precision |
string (int64) Precision of determining the age of the data, in seconds. |
Field |
Description |
securityProtocol |
enum (SecurityProtocol)
saslMechanism |
enum (SaslMechanism)
saslUsername |
string |
saslPassword |
string |
enableSslCertificateVerification |
boolean |
maxPollIntervalMs |
string (int64) |
sessionTimeoutMs |
string (int64) |
debug |
enum (Debug)
autoOffsetReset |
enum (AutoOffsetReset)
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. |
settings |
Required field. |
Field |
Description |
username |
string RabbitMQ |
password |
string RabbitMQ |
vhost |
string RabbitMQ |
Field |
Description |
name |
string Name for the rule. |
regexp |
string Required field. RE2 compatible regular expression. |
replace |
string Substitution string for sensitive data. |
Field |
Description |
maxSizeInBytes |
string (int64) The maximum cache size in bytes. |
maxEntries |
string (int64) The maximum number of SELECT query results stored in the cache. |
maxEntrySizeInBytes |
string (int64) The maximum size in bytes SELECT query results may have to be saved in the cache. |
maxEntrySizeInRows |
string (int64) The maximum number of rows SELECT query results may have to be saved in the cache. |
JDBC bridge for queries to external databases.
Field |
Description |
host |
string Required field. Host of jdbc bridge. |
port |
string (int64) Port of jdbc bridge. |
Field |
Description |
resourcePresetId |
string ID of the preset for computational resources available to a host (CPU, memory etc.). |
diskSize |
string (int64) Volume of the storage available to a host, in bytes. |
diskTypeId |
string Type of the storage environment for the host.
Field |
Description |
resources |
Resources allocated to ZooKeeper hosts. If not set, minimal available resources will be used. |
Represents a time of day. The date and time zone are either not significant
or are specified elsewhere. An API may choose to allow leap seconds. Related
types are google.type.Date
Field |
Description |
hours |
integer (int32) Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose |
minutes |
integer (int32) Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59. |
seconds |
integer (int32) Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may |
nanos |
integer (int32) Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999. |
Field |
Description |
dataLens |
boolean Allow to export data from the cluster to DataLens. |
webSql |
boolean Allow SQL queries to the cluster databases from the management console. See SQL queries in the management console for more details. |
metrika |
boolean Allow to import data from Yandex Metrica and AppMetrica to the cluster. See AppMetrica documentation |
serverless |
boolean Allow access to cluster for Serverless. |
dataTransfer |
boolean Allow access for DataTransfer |
yandexQuery |
boolean Allow access for Query |
Field |
Description |
enabled |
boolean Whether to use Object Storage for storing ClickHouse data. |
moveFactor |
number (double) |
dataCacheEnabled |
boolean |
dataCacheMaxSize |
string (int64) |
preferNotToMerge |
boolean |
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. Name of the ClickHouse database. 1-63 characters long. |
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. Name of the ClickHouse user. |
password |
string Required field. Password of the ClickHouse user. |
permissions[] |
Set of permissions to grant to the user. If not set, it's granted permissions to access all databases. |
settings |
quotas[] |
Set of quotas assigned to the user. |
generatePassword |
boolean Generate password using Connection Manager. |
Field |
Description |
databaseName |
string Name of the database that the permission grants access to. |
ClickHouse user settings. Supported settings are a limited subset of all settings
described in ClickHouse documentation
Field |
Description |
readonly |
string (int64) Restricts permissions for non-DDL queries. To restrict permissions for DDL queries, use
See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
allowDdl |
boolean Determines whether DDL queries are allowed (e.g., CREATE, ALTER, RENAME, etc). Default value: true. See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
allowIntrospectionFunctions |
boolean Enables introspections functions More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
connectTimeout |
string (int64) Connection timeout in milliseconds. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 10000, 10 seconds). |
connectTimeoutWithFailover |
string (int64) The timeout in milliseconds for connecting to a remote server for a Distributed table engine. Applies only if the cluster uses sharding and replication. If unsuccessful, several attempts are made to connect to various replicas. Default value: 50. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
receiveTimeout |
string (int64) Receive timeout in milliseconds. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 300000, 300 seconds or 5 minutes). |
sendTimeout |
string (int64) Send timeout in milliseconds. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 300000, 300 seconds or 5 minutes). |
timeoutBeforeCheckingExecutionSpeed |
string (int64) Timeout (in seconds) between checks of execution speed. It is checked that execution speed is not less that specified in Default value: 10. |
insertQuorum |
string (int64) Enables or disables write quorum for ClickHouse cluster. When used, write quorum guarantees that ClickHouse has written data to the quorum of insert_quorum replicas with no errors until the You can use See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
insertQuorumTimeout |
string (int64) Quorum write timeout in milliseconds. If the write quorum is enabled in the cluster, this timeout expires and some data is not written to the Minimum value: 1000, 1 second (default: 60000, 1 minute). |
insertQuorumParallel |
boolean See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
insertNullAsDefault |
boolean Enables the insertion of default values instead of NULL into columns with not nullable data type. Default value: true. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
selectSequentialConsistency |
boolean Determines the behavior of SELECT queries from the replicated table: if enabled, ClickHouse will terminate a query with error message in case the replica does not have a chunk written with the quorum and will not read the parts that have not yet been written with the quorum. Default value: false (sequential consistency is disabled). |
deduplicateBlocksInDependentMaterializedViews |
boolean See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
replicationAlterPartitionsSync |
string (int64) Wait mode for asynchronous actions in ALTER queries on replicated tables:
See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
maxReplicaDelayForDistributedQueries |
string (int64) Max replica delay in milliseconds. If a replica lags more than the set value, this replica is not used and becomes a stale one. Minimum value: 1000, 1 second (default: 300000, 300 seconds or 5 minutes). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
fallbackToStaleReplicasForDistributedQueries |
boolean Enables or disables query forcing to a stale replica in case the actual data is unavailable. Default value: true (query forcing is enabled). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
distributedProductMode |
enum (DistributedProductMode) Determine the behavior of distributed subqueries. See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation
distributedAggregationMemoryEfficient |
boolean Enables of disables memory saving mode when doing distributed aggregation. When ClickHouse works with a distributed query, external aggregation is done on remote servers. Default value: false (memory saving mode is disabled). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
distributedDdlTaskTimeout |
string (int64) Timeout for DDL queries, in milliseconds. |
skipUnavailableShards |
boolean Enables or disables silent skipping of unavailable shards. A shard is considered unavailable if all its replicas are also unavailable. Default value: false (silent skipping is disabled). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
compileExpressions |
boolean Enables or disables expression compilation. Use this setting in combination with Default value: false (expression compilation is disabled). |
minCountToCompileExpression |
string (int64) How many identical expressions ClickHouse has to encounter before they are compiled. Minimum value: 0 (default: 3). For the 0 value compilation is synchronous: a query waits for expression compilation process to complete prior to continuing execution. For all other values, compilation is asynchronous: the compilation process executes in a separate thread. |
maxBlockSize |
string (int64) The maximum block size for reading. Data in ClickHouse is organized and processed by blocks (block is a set of columns' parts). This setting is a recommendation for size of block (in a count of rows) that should be loaded from tables. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 65536). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
minInsertBlockSizeRows |
string (int64) Limits the minimum number of rows in a block to be inserted in a table by INSERT query. Minimal value: 0, block squashing is disabled (default: 1048576). |
minInsertBlockSizeBytes |
string (int64) Limits the minimum number of bytes in a block to be inserted in a table by INSERT query. Minimal value: 0, block squashing is disabled (default: 268435456, 256 MB). |
maxInsertBlockSize |
string (int64) Allows to form blocks of the specified size (in bytes) when inserting data in a table. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 1048576). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
minBytesToUseDirectIo |
string (int64) Limits the minimum number of bytes to enable unbuffered direct reads from disk (Direct I/O). By default, ClickHouse does not read data directly from disk, but relies on the filesystem and its cache instead. If the total amount of the data to read is greater than the value of this setting, then ClickHouse will fetch this data directly from the disk. Minimal value and default value: 0, Direct I/O is disabled. |
useUncompressedCache |
boolean Determines whether to use the cache of uncompressed blocks, or not. This setting has effect only for tables of the MergeTree family. Default value: false (uncompressed cache is disabled). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
mergeTreeMaxRowsToUseCache |
string (int64) Limits the maximum size in rows of the request that can use the cache of uncompressed data. The cache is not used for requests larger Use this setting in combination with Value must be greater than 0 (default: 128x8192). |
mergeTreeMaxBytesToUseCache |
string (int64) Limits the maximum size in bytes of the request that can use the cache of uncompressed data. The cache is not used for requests larger Use this setting in combination with Value must be greater than 0 (default: 192x10x1024x1024). |
mergeTreeMinRowsForConcurrentRead |
string (int64) Limits the minimum number of rows to be read from a file to enable concurrent read. This setting has effect only for tables of the MergeTree family. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 20x8192). |
mergeTreeMinBytesForConcurrentRead |
string (int64) Limits the number of bytes to be read from a file to enable concurrent read. This setting has effect only for tables of the MergeTree family. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 24x10x1024x1024). |
maxBytesBeforeExternalGroupBy |
string (int64) Sets the threshold of RAM consumption (in bytes) after that the temporary data, collected during the GROUP BY operation, should be flushed to disk to limit the RAM comsumption. By default, aggregation is done by employing hash table that resides in RAM. Minimal value and default value: 0, GROUP BY in the external memory is disabled. When using aggregation in external memory, it is recommended to set the value of this setting twice as low as the See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation See also: the |
maxBytesBeforeExternalSort |
string (int64) This setting is equivalent of the |
groupByTwoLevelThreshold |
string (int64) Sets the threshold of the number of keys, after that the two-level aggregation should be used. Minimal value: 0, threshold is not set (default: 10000). |
groupByTwoLevelThresholdBytes |
string (int64) Sets the threshold of the number of bytes, after that the two-level aggregation should be used. Minimal value: 0, threshold is not set (default: 100000000). |
priority |
string (int64) Sets the priority of a query.
This setting should be set up for each query individually. If ClickHouse is working with the high-priority queries, and a low-priority query enters, then the low-priority query is paused until higher-priority queries are completed. Minimal value and default value: 0, priority is not used. |
maxThreads |
string (int64) Limits the maximum number of threads to process the request (setting does not take threads that read data from remote servers into account). This setting applies to threads that perform the same stages of the query processing pipeline in parallel. Minimal value and default value: 0 (the thread number is calculated automatically based on the number of physical CPU cores, no HyperThreading cores are taken into account). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
maxMemoryUsage |
string (int64) Limits the maximum memory usage (in bytes) for processing of a single user's query on a single server. This limitation is enforced for any user's single query on a single server. Minimal value: 0, no limitation is set. If you use See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
maxMemoryUsageForUser |
string (int64) Limits the maximum memory usage (in bytes) for processing of user's queries on a single server. This limitation is enforced for all queries that belong to one user and run simultaneously on a single server. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
maxNetworkBandwidth |
string (int64) The maximum speed of data exchange over the network in bytes per second for a query. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
maxNetworkBandwidthForUser |
string (int64) The maximum speed of data exchange over the network in bytes per second for all concurrently running user queries. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
maxPartitionsPerInsertBlock |
string (int64) See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
maxConcurrentQueriesForUser |
string (int64) The maximum number of concurrent requests per user. |
forceIndexByDate |
boolean If enabled, query is not executed if the ClickHouse can't use index by date. Default value: false (setting is disabled, query executes even if ClickHouse can't use index by date). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
forcePrimaryKey |
boolean If enabled, query is not executed if the ClickHouse can't use index by primary key. Default value: false (setting is disabled, query executes even if ClickHouse can't use index by primary key). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
maxRowsToRead |
string (int64) Limits the maximum number of rows that can be read from a table when running a query. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
maxBytesToRead |
string (int64) Limits the maximum number of bytes (uncompressed data) that can be read from a table when running a query. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
readOverflowMode |
enum (OverflowMode) Determines the behavior on exceeding limits
maxRowsToGroupBy |
string (int64) Limits the maximum number of unique keys received from aggregation function. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
groupByOverflowMode |
enum (GroupByOverflowMode) Determines the behavior on exceeding limits
maxRowsToSort |
string (int64) Limits the maximum number of rows that can be read from a table for sorting. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
maxBytesToSort |
string (int64) Limits the maximum number of bytes (uncompressed data) that can be read from a table for sorting. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
sortOverflowMode |
enum (OverflowMode) Determines the behavior on exceeding limits
maxResultRows |
string (int64) Limits the number of rows in the result. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
maxResultBytes |
string (int64) Limits the number of bytes in the result. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
resultOverflowMode |
enum (OverflowMode) Determines the behavior on exceeding limits
maxRowsInDistinct |
string (int64) Limits the maximum number of different rows when using DISTINCT. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
maxBytesInDistinct |
string (int64) Limits the maximum size of a hash table in bytes (uncompressed data) when using DISTINCT. |
distinctOverflowMode |
enum (OverflowMode) Determines the behavior on exceeding limits
maxRowsToTransfer |
string (int64) Limits the maximum number of rows that can be passed to a remote server or saved in a temporary table when using GLOBAL IN. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
maxBytesToTransfer |
string (int64) Limits the maximum number of bytes (uncompressed data) that can be passed to a remote server or saved in a temporary Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
transferOverflowMode |
enum (OverflowMode) Determines the behavior on exceeding limits
maxExecutionTime |
string (int64) Limits the maximum query execution time in milliseconds. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
timeoutOverflowMode |
enum (OverflowMode) Determines the behavior on exceeding limits
maxRowsInSet |
string (int64) Limit on the number of rows in the set resulting from the execution of the IN section. |
maxBytesInSet |
string (int64) Limit on the number of bytes in the set resulting from the execution of the IN section. |
setOverflowMode |
enum (OverflowMode) Determine the behavior on exceeding max_rows_in_set or max_bytes_in_set limit.
maxRowsInJoin |
string (int64) Limit on maximum size of the hash table for JOIN, in rows. |
maxBytesInJoin |
string (int64) Limit on maximum size of the hash table for JOIN, in bytes. |
joinOverflowMode |
enum (OverflowMode) Determine the behavior on exceeding max_rows_in_join or max_bytes_in_join limit.
joinAlgorithm[] |
enum (JoinAlgorithm) See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation
anyJoinDistinctRightTableKeys |
boolean See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
maxColumnsToRead |
string (int64) Limits the maximum number of columns that can be read from a table in a single query. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
maxTemporaryColumns |
string (int64) Limits the maximum number of temporary columns that must be kept in RAM at the same time when running a query, including constant columns. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
maxTemporaryNonConstColumns |
string (int64) Limits the maximum number of temporary columns that must be kept in RAM at the same time when running a query, excluding constant columns. Minimal value and default value: 0, no limitation is set. |
maxQuerySize |
string (int64) Limits the size of the part of a query that can be transferred to RAM for parsing with the SQL parser, in bytes. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 262144). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
maxAstDepth |
string (int64) Limits the maximum depth of query syntax tree. Executing a big and complex query may result in building a syntax tree of enormous depth. For example, the **SELECT *** query may result in more complex and deeper syntax tree, compared to the SELECT ... WHERE ... query, containing constraints and conditions, in the most cases. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 1000). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
maxAstElements |
string (int64) Limits the maximum size of query syntax tree in number of nodes. Executing a big and complex query may result in building a syntax tree of enormous size. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 50000). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
maxExpandedAstElements |
string (int64) Limits the maximum size of query syntax tree in number of nodes after expansion of aliases and the asterisk values. Executing a big and complex query may result in building a syntax tree of enormous size. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 500000). |
minExecutionSpeed |
string (int64) Minimal execution speed in rows per second. |
minExecutionSpeedBytes |
string (int64) Minimal execution speed in bytes per second. |
countDistinctImplementation |
enum (CountDistinctImplementation) Aggregate function to use for implementation of count(DISTINCT ...).
inputFormatValuesInterpretExpressions |
boolean Enables or disables SQL parser if the fast stream parser cannot parse the data. Enable this setting, if the data that you want to insert into a table contains SQL expressions. For example, the stream parser is unable to parse a value that contains now() expression; therefore an INSERT query for this value will fail and no data will be inserted into a table. This setting has effect only if you use Values Default value: true (SQL parser is enabled). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
inputFormatDefaultsForOmittedFields |
boolean Enables or disables replacing omitted input values with default values of the respective columns when performing INSERT queries. Default value: true (replacing is enabled). |
inputFormatNullAsDefault |
boolean See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
dateTimeInputFormat |
enum (DateTimeInputFormat) See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation
inputFormatWithNamesUseHeader |
boolean See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
outputFormatJsonQuote_64bitIntegers |
boolean Enables quoting of 64-bit integers in JSON output format. If this setting is enabled, then 64-bit integers (UInt64 and Int64) will be quoted when written to JSON output in order to maintain compatibility with the most of the JavaScript engines. Default value: false (quoting 64-bit integers is disabled). |
outputFormatJsonQuoteDenormals |
boolean Enables special floating-point values (+nan, -nan, +inf and -inf) in JSON output format. Default value: false (special values do not present in output). |
dateTimeOutputFormat |
enum (DateTimeOutputFormat) See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation
lowCardinalityAllowInNativeFormat |
boolean Determines whether to use LowCardinality type in Native format.
LowCardinality columns (aka sparse columns) store data in more effective way, compared to regular columns, by using hash tables. If you use a third-party ClickHouse client that can't work with LowCardinality columns, then this client will not be able to correctly interpret the result of the query that asks for data stored in LowCardinality column. Official ClickHouse client works with LowCardinality columns out-of-the-box. Default value: true (LowCardinality columns are used in Native format). |
allowSuspiciousLowCardinalityTypes |
boolean Allows specifying LowCardinality modifier for types of small fixed size (8 or less) in CREATE TABLE statements. Enabling this may increase merge times and memory consumption. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
emptyResultForAggregationByEmptySet |
boolean Enables returning of empty result when aggregating without keys (with GROUP BY operation absent) on empty set (e.g., SELECT count(*) FROM table WHERE 0).
httpConnectionTimeout |
string (int64) HTTP connection timeout, in milliseconds. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 1000, 1 second). |
httpReceiveTimeout |
string (int64) HTTP receive timeout, in milliseconds. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 1800000, 1800 seconds, 30 minutes). |
httpSendTimeout |
string (int64) HTTP send timeout, in milliseconds. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 1800000, 1800 seconds, 30 minutes). |
enableHttpCompression |
boolean Enables or disables data compression in HTTP responses. By default, ClickHouse stores data compressed. When executing a query, its result is uncompressed. Enable this setting and add the Accept-Encoding: ClickHouse support the following compression methods: gzip, br and deflate. Default value: false (compression is disabled). See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
sendProgressInHttpHeaders |
boolean Enables progress notifications using X-ClickHouse-Progress HTTP header. Default value: false (notifications disabled). |
httpHeadersProgressInterval |
string (int64) Minimum interval between progress notifications with X-ClickHouse-Progress HTTP header, in milliseconds. Value must be greater than 0 (default: 100). |
addHttpCorsHeader |
boolean Adds CORS header in HTTP responses. Default value: false (header is not added). |
cancelHttpReadonlyQueriesOnClientClose |
boolean Cancels HTTP read-only queries (e.g. SELECT) when a client closes the connection without waiting for the response. Default value: false. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
maxHttpGetRedirects |
string (int64) Limits the maximum number of HTTP GET redirect hops for URL-engine If the parameter is set to 0 (default), no hops is allowed. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
joinedSubqueryRequiresAlias |
boolean |
joinUseNulls |
boolean |
transformNullIn |
boolean |
quotaMode |
enum (QuotaMode) Quota accounting mode. Possible values: QUOTA_MODE_DEFAULT, QUOTA_MODE_KEYED and QUOTA_MODE_KEYED_BY_IP.
flattenNested |
boolean Sets the data format of a nested More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
formatRegexp |
string Regular expression (for Regexp format) |
formatRegexpEscapingRule |
enum (FormatRegexpEscapingRule) See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation
formatRegexpSkipUnmatched |
boolean See in-depth description in ClickHouse documentation |
asyncInsert |
boolean Enables asynchronous inserts. Disabled by default. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
asyncInsertThreads |
string (int64) The maximum number of threads for background data parsing and insertion. If the parameter is set to 0, asynchronous insertions are disabled. Default value: 16. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
waitForAsyncInsert |
boolean Enables waiting for processing of asynchronous insertion. If enabled, server returns OK only after the data is inserted. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
waitForAsyncInsertTimeout |
string (int64) The timeout (in seconds) for waiting for processing of asynchronous insertion. Default value: 120. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
asyncInsertMaxDataSize |
string (int64) The maximum size of the unparsed data in bytes collected per query before being inserted. If the parameter is set to 0, asynchronous insertions are disabled. Default value: 100000. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
asyncInsertBusyTimeout |
string (int64) The maximum timeout in milliseconds since the first INSERT query before inserting collected data. If the parameter is set to 0, the timeout is disabled. Default value: 200. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
asyncInsertStaleTimeout |
string (int64) The maximum timeout in milliseconds since the last INSERT query before dumping collected data. If enabled, the settings prolongs the More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
memoryProfilerStep |
string (int64) Memory profiler step (in bytes). If the next query step requires more memory than this parameter specifies, the memory profiler collects the allocating stack trace. Values lower than a few megabytes slow down query processing. Default value: 4194304 (4 MB). Zero means disabled memory profiler. |
memoryProfilerSampleProbability |
number (double) Collect random allocations and deallocations and write them into system.trace_log with 'MemorySample' trace_type. The probability is for every alloc/free regardless to the size of the allocation. Possible values: from 0 to 1. Default: 0. |
maxFinalThreads |
string (int64) Sets the maximum number of parallel threads for the SELECT query data read phase with the FINAL modifier. |
inputFormatParallelParsing |
boolean Enables or disables order-preserving parallel parsing of data formats. Supported only for TSV |
inputFormatImportNestedJson |
boolean Enables or disables the insertion of JSON data with nested objects. |
localFilesystemReadMethod |
enum (LocalFilesystemReadMethod) Method of reading data from local filesystem, one of: read, pread, mmap, io_uring, pread_threadpool. The 'io_uring' method is experimental and does not work for Log, TinyLog, StripeLog, File, Set and Join, and other tables with append-able files in presence of concurrent reads and writes.
maxReadBufferSize |
string (int64) The maximum size of the buffer to read from the filesystem. |
insertKeeperMaxRetries |
string (int64) The setting sets the maximum number of retries for ClickHouse Keeper (or ZooKeeper) requests during insert into replicated MergeTree. Only Keeper requests which failed due to network error, Keeper session timeout, or request timeout are considered for retries. |
maxTemporaryDataOnDiskSizeForUser |
string (int64) The maximum amount of data consumed by temporary files on disk in bytes for all concurrently running user queries. Zero means unlimited. |
maxTemporaryDataOnDiskSizeForQuery |
string (int64) The maximum amount of data consumed by temporary files on disk in bytes for all concurrently running queries. Zero means unlimited. |
maxParserDepth |
string (int64) Limits maximum recursion depth in the recursive descent parser. Allows controlling the stack size. |
remoteFilesystemReadMethod |
enum (RemoteFilesystemReadMethod) Method of reading data from remote filesystem, one of: read, threadpool.
memoryOvercommitRatioDenominator |
string (int64) It represents soft memory limit in case when hard limit is reached on user level. This value is used to compute overcommit ratio for the query. Zero means skip the query. |
memoryOvercommitRatioDenominatorForUser |
string (int64) It represents soft memory limit in case when hard limit is reached on global level. This value is used to compute overcommit ratio for the query. Zero means skip the query. |
memoryUsageOvercommitMaxWaitMicroseconds |
string (int64) Maximum time thread will wait for memory to be freed in the case of memory overcommit on a user level. If the timeout is reached and memory is not freed, an exception is thrown. |
logQueryThreads |
boolean Setting up query threads logging. Query threads log into the system.query_thread_log |
maxInsertThreads |
string (int64) The maximum number of threads to execute the INSERT SELECT query. |
useHedgedRequests |
boolean Enables hedged requests logic for remote queries. It allows to establish many connections with different replicas for query. New connection is enabled in case existent connection(s) with replica(s) were not established within hedged_connection_timeout or no data was received within receive_data_timeout. Query uses the first connection which send non empty progress packet (or data packet, if allow_changing_replica_until_first_data_packet); other connections are cancelled. Queries with max_parallel_replicas > 1 are supported. |
idleConnectionTimeout |
string (int64) Timeout to close idle TCP connections after specified number of milliseconds. |
hedgedConnectionTimeoutMs |
string (int64) Connection timeout for establishing connection with replica for Hedged requests. |
loadBalancing |
enum (LoadBalancing) Specifies the algorithm of replicas selection that is used for distributed query processing, one of: random, nearest_hostname, in_order, first_or_random, round_robin.
preferLocalhostReplica |
boolean Enables/disables preferable using the localhost replica when processing distributed queries. |
compile |
boolean The setting is deprecated and has no effect. |
minCountToCompile |
string (int64) The setting is deprecated and has no effect. |
ClickHouse quota representation. Each quota associated with an user and limits it resource usage for an interval.
See in-depth description ClickHouse documentation
Field |
Description |
intervalDuration |
string (int64) Duration of interval for quota in milliseconds. |
queries |
string (int64) The total number of queries. |
errors |
string (int64) The number of queries that threw exception. |
resultRows |
string (int64) The total number of rows given as the result.. |
readRows |
string (int64) The total number of source rows read from tables for running the query, on all remote servers. |
executionTime |
string (int64) The total query execution time, in milliseconds (wall time). |
Field |
Description |
zoneId |
string ID of the availability zone where the host resides. |
type |
enum (Type) Required field. Type of the host to be deployed.
subnetId |
string ID of the subnet that the host should belong to. This subnet should be a part |
assignPublicIp |
boolean Whether the host should get a public IP address on creation. After a host has been created, this setting cannot be changed. To remove an assigned public IP, or to assign Possible values:
shardName |
string Name of the shard that the host is assigned to. |
A maintenance window settings.
Field |
Description |
anytime |
object Maintenance operation can be scheduled anytime. Includes only one of the fields The maintenance policy in effect. |
weeklyMaintenanceWindow |
Maintenance operation can be scheduled on a weekly basis. Includes only one of the fields The maintenance policy in effect. |
Weelky maintenance window settings.
Field |
Description |
day |
enum (WeekDay) Day of the week (in
hour |
string (int64) Hour of the day in UTC (in |
HTTP Code: 200 - OK
"id": "string",
"description": "string",
"createdAt": "string",
"createdBy": "string",
"modifiedAt": "string",
"done": "boolean",
"metadata": {
"clusterId": "string"
// Includes only one of the fields `error`, `response`
"error": {
"code": "integer",
"message": "string",
"details": [
"response": {
"id": "string",
"folderId": "string",
"createdAt": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"labels": "object",
"environment": "string",
"monitoring": [
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"link": "string"
"config": {
"version": "string",
"clickhouse": {
"config": {
"effectiveConfig": {
"logLevel": "string",
"mergeTree": {
"replicatedDeduplicationWindow": "string",
"replicatedDeduplicationWindowSeconds": "string",
"partsToDelayInsert": "string",
"partsToThrowInsert": "string",
"inactivePartsToDelayInsert": "string",
"inactivePartsToThrowInsert": "string",
"maxReplicatedMergesInQueue": "string",
"numberOfFreeEntriesInPoolToLowerMaxSizeOfMerge": "string",
"maxBytesToMergeAtMinSpaceInPool": "string",
"maxBytesToMergeAtMaxSpaceInPool": "string",
"minBytesForWidePart": "string",
"minRowsForWidePart": "string",
"ttlOnlyDropParts": "boolean",
"allowRemoteFsZeroCopyReplication": "boolean",
"mergeWithTtlTimeout": "string",
"mergeWithRecompressionTtlTimeout": "string",
"maxPartsInTotal": "string",
"maxNumberOfMergesWithTtlInPool": "string",
"cleanupDelayPeriod": "string",
"numberOfFreeEntriesInPoolToExecuteMutation": "string",
"maxAvgPartSizeForTooManyParts": "string",
"minAgeToForceMergeSeconds": "string",
"minAgeToForceMergeOnPartitionOnly": "boolean",
"mergeSelectingSleepMs": "string",
"mergeMaxBlockSize": "string",
"checkSampleColumnIsCorrect": "boolean",
"maxMergeSelectingSleepMs": "string",
"maxCleanupDelayPeriod": "string"
"compression": [
"method": "string",
"minPartSize": "string",
"minPartSizeRatio": "string",
"level": "string"
"dictionaries": [
"name": "string",
"structure": {
"id": {
"name": "string"
"key": {
"attributes": [
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"rangeMin": {
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"rangeMax": {
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"attributes": [
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"layout": {
"type": "string",
"sizeInCells": "string",
"maxArraySize": "string"
// Includes only one of the fields `fixedLifetime`, `lifetimeRange`
"fixedLifetime": "string",
"lifetimeRange": {
"min": "string",
"max": "string"
// end of the list of possible fields
// Includes only one of the fields `httpSource`, `mysqlSource`, `clickhouseSource`, `mongodbSource`, `postgresqlSource`
"httpSource": {
"url": "string",
"format": "string",
"headers": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"mysqlSource": {
"db": "string",
"table": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"replicas": [
"host": "string",
"priority": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string"
"where": "string",
"invalidateQuery": "string",
"closeConnection": "boolean",
"shareConnection": "boolean"
"clickhouseSource": {
"db": "string",
"table": "string",
"host": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"where": "string",
"secure": "boolean"
"mongodbSource": {
"db": "string",
"collection": "string",
"host": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"options": "string"
"postgresqlSource": {
"db": "string",
"table": "string",
"hosts": [
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"invalidateQuery": "string",
"sslMode": "string"
// end of the list of possible fields
"graphiteRollup": [
"name": "string",
"patterns": [
"regexp": "string",
"function": "string",
"retention": [
"age": "string",
"precision": "string"
"pathColumnName": "string",
"timeColumnName": "string",
"valueColumnName": "string",
"versionColumnName": "string"
"kafka": {
"securityProtocol": "string",
"saslMechanism": "string",
"saslUsername": "string",
"saslPassword": "string",
"enableSslCertificateVerification": "boolean",
"maxPollIntervalMs": "string",
"sessionTimeoutMs": "string",
"debug": "string",
"autoOffsetReset": "string"
"kafkaTopics": [
"name": "string",
"settings": {
"securityProtocol": "string",
"saslMechanism": "string",
"saslUsername": "string",
"saslPassword": "string",
"enableSslCertificateVerification": "boolean",
"maxPollIntervalMs": "string",
"sessionTimeoutMs": "string",
"debug": "string",
"autoOffsetReset": "string"
"rabbitmq": {
"username": "string",
"password": "string",
"vhost": "string"
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxConcurrentQueries": "string",
"keepAliveTimeout": "string",
"uncompressedCacheSize": "string",
"markCacheSize": "string",
"maxTableSizeToDrop": "string",
"maxPartitionSizeToDrop": "string",
"builtinDictionariesReloadInterval": "string",
"timezone": "string",
"geobaseEnabled": "boolean",
"geobaseUri": "string",
"queryLogRetentionSize": "string",
"queryLogRetentionTime": "string",
"queryThreadLogEnabled": "boolean",
"queryThreadLogRetentionSize": "string",
"queryThreadLogRetentionTime": "string",
"partLogRetentionSize": "string",
"partLogRetentionTime": "string",
"metricLogEnabled": "boolean",
"metricLogRetentionSize": "string",
"metricLogRetentionTime": "string",
"traceLogEnabled": "boolean",
"traceLogRetentionSize": "string",
"traceLogRetentionTime": "string",
"textLogEnabled": "boolean",
"textLogRetentionSize": "string",
"textLogRetentionTime": "string",
"textLogLevel": "string",
"opentelemetrySpanLogEnabled": "boolean",
"opentelemetrySpanLogRetentionSize": "string",
"opentelemetrySpanLogRetentionTime": "string",
"queryViewsLogEnabled": "boolean",
"queryViewsLogRetentionSize": "string",
"queryViewsLogRetentionTime": "string",
"asynchronousMetricLogEnabled": "boolean",
"asynchronousMetricLogRetentionSize": "string",
"asynchronousMetricLogRetentionTime": "string",
"sessionLogEnabled": "boolean",
"sessionLogRetentionSize": "string",
"sessionLogRetentionTime": "string",
"zookeeperLogEnabled": "boolean",
"zookeeperLogRetentionSize": "string",
"zookeeperLogRetentionTime": "string",
"asynchronousInsertLogEnabled": "boolean",
"asynchronousInsertLogRetentionSize": "string",
"asynchronousInsertLogRetentionTime": "string",
"backgroundPoolSize": "string",
"backgroundMergesMutationsConcurrencyRatio": "string",
"backgroundSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundFetchesPoolSize": "string",
"backgroundMovePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundDistributedSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundBufferFlushSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundMessageBrokerSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundCommonPoolSize": "string",
"defaultDatabase": "string",
"totalMemoryProfilerStep": "string",
"totalMemoryTrackerSampleProbability": "number",
"queryMaskingRules": [
"name": "string",
"regexp": "string",
"replace": "string"
"dictionariesLazyLoad": "boolean",
"queryCache": {
"maxSizeInBytes": "string",
"maxEntries": "string",
"maxEntrySizeInBytes": "string",
"maxEntrySizeInRows": "string"
"jdbcBridge": {
"host": "string",
"port": "string"
"userConfig": {
"logLevel": "string",
"mergeTree": {
"replicatedDeduplicationWindow": "string",
"replicatedDeduplicationWindowSeconds": "string",
"partsToDelayInsert": "string",
"partsToThrowInsert": "string",
"inactivePartsToDelayInsert": "string",
"inactivePartsToThrowInsert": "string",
"maxReplicatedMergesInQueue": "string",
"numberOfFreeEntriesInPoolToLowerMaxSizeOfMerge": "string",
"maxBytesToMergeAtMinSpaceInPool": "string",
"maxBytesToMergeAtMaxSpaceInPool": "string",
"minBytesForWidePart": "string",
"minRowsForWidePart": "string",
"ttlOnlyDropParts": "boolean",
"allowRemoteFsZeroCopyReplication": "boolean",
"mergeWithTtlTimeout": "string",
"mergeWithRecompressionTtlTimeout": "string",
"maxPartsInTotal": "string",
"maxNumberOfMergesWithTtlInPool": "string",
"cleanupDelayPeriod": "string",
"numberOfFreeEntriesInPoolToExecuteMutation": "string",
"maxAvgPartSizeForTooManyParts": "string",
"minAgeToForceMergeSeconds": "string",
"minAgeToForceMergeOnPartitionOnly": "boolean",
"mergeSelectingSleepMs": "string",
"mergeMaxBlockSize": "string",
"checkSampleColumnIsCorrect": "boolean",
"maxMergeSelectingSleepMs": "string",
"maxCleanupDelayPeriod": "string"
"compression": [
"method": "string",
"minPartSize": "string",
"minPartSizeRatio": "string",
"level": "string"
"dictionaries": [
"name": "string",
"structure": {
"id": {
"name": "string"
"key": {
"attributes": [
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"rangeMin": {
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"rangeMax": {
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"attributes": [
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"layout": {
"type": "string",
"sizeInCells": "string",
"maxArraySize": "string"
// Includes only one of the fields `fixedLifetime`, `lifetimeRange`
"fixedLifetime": "string",
"lifetimeRange": {
"min": "string",
"max": "string"
// end of the list of possible fields
// Includes only one of the fields `httpSource`, `mysqlSource`, `clickhouseSource`, `mongodbSource`, `postgresqlSource`
"httpSource": {
"url": "string",
"format": "string",
"headers": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"mysqlSource": {
"db": "string",
"table": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"replicas": [
"host": "string",
"priority": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string"
"where": "string",
"invalidateQuery": "string",
"closeConnection": "boolean",
"shareConnection": "boolean"
"clickhouseSource": {
"db": "string",
"table": "string",
"host": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"where": "string",
"secure": "boolean"
"mongodbSource": {
"db": "string",
"collection": "string",
"host": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"options": "string"
"postgresqlSource": {
"db": "string",
"table": "string",
"hosts": [
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"invalidateQuery": "string",
"sslMode": "string"
// end of the list of possible fields
"graphiteRollup": [
"name": "string",
"patterns": [
"regexp": "string",
"function": "string",
"retention": [
"age": "string",
"precision": "string"
"pathColumnName": "string",
"timeColumnName": "string",
"valueColumnName": "string",
"versionColumnName": "string"
"kafka": {
"securityProtocol": "string",
"saslMechanism": "string",
"saslUsername": "string",
"saslPassword": "string",
"enableSslCertificateVerification": "boolean",
"maxPollIntervalMs": "string",
"sessionTimeoutMs": "string",
"debug": "string",
"autoOffsetReset": "string"
"kafkaTopics": [
"name": "string",
"settings": {
"securityProtocol": "string",
"saslMechanism": "string",
"saslUsername": "string",
"saslPassword": "string",
"enableSslCertificateVerification": "boolean",
"maxPollIntervalMs": "string",
"sessionTimeoutMs": "string",
"debug": "string",
"autoOffsetReset": "string"
"rabbitmq": {
"username": "string",
"password": "string",
"vhost": "string"
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxConcurrentQueries": "string",
"keepAliveTimeout": "string",
"uncompressedCacheSize": "string",
"markCacheSize": "string",
"maxTableSizeToDrop": "string",
"maxPartitionSizeToDrop": "string",
"builtinDictionariesReloadInterval": "string",
"timezone": "string",
"geobaseEnabled": "boolean",
"geobaseUri": "string",
"queryLogRetentionSize": "string",
"queryLogRetentionTime": "string",
"queryThreadLogEnabled": "boolean",
"queryThreadLogRetentionSize": "string",
"queryThreadLogRetentionTime": "string",
"partLogRetentionSize": "string",
"partLogRetentionTime": "string",
"metricLogEnabled": "boolean",
"metricLogRetentionSize": "string",
"metricLogRetentionTime": "string",
"traceLogEnabled": "boolean",
"traceLogRetentionSize": "string",
"traceLogRetentionTime": "string",
"textLogEnabled": "boolean",
"textLogRetentionSize": "string",
"textLogRetentionTime": "string",
"textLogLevel": "string",
"opentelemetrySpanLogEnabled": "boolean",
"opentelemetrySpanLogRetentionSize": "string",
"opentelemetrySpanLogRetentionTime": "string",
"queryViewsLogEnabled": "boolean",
"queryViewsLogRetentionSize": "string",
"queryViewsLogRetentionTime": "string",
"asynchronousMetricLogEnabled": "boolean",
"asynchronousMetricLogRetentionSize": "string",
"asynchronousMetricLogRetentionTime": "string",
"sessionLogEnabled": "boolean",
"sessionLogRetentionSize": "string",
"sessionLogRetentionTime": "string",
"zookeeperLogEnabled": "boolean",
"zookeeperLogRetentionSize": "string",
"zookeeperLogRetentionTime": "string",
"asynchronousInsertLogEnabled": "boolean",
"asynchronousInsertLogRetentionSize": "string",
"asynchronousInsertLogRetentionTime": "string",
"backgroundPoolSize": "string",
"backgroundMergesMutationsConcurrencyRatio": "string",
"backgroundSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundFetchesPoolSize": "string",
"backgroundMovePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundDistributedSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundBufferFlushSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundMessageBrokerSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundCommonPoolSize": "string",
"defaultDatabase": "string",
"totalMemoryProfilerStep": "string",
"totalMemoryTrackerSampleProbability": "number",
"queryMaskingRules": [
"name": "string",
"regexp": "string",
"replace": "string"
"dictionariesLazyLoad": "boolean",
"queryCache": {
"maxSizeInBytes": "string",
"maxEntries": "string",
"maxEntrySizeInBytes": "string",
"maxEntrySizeInRows": "string"
"jdbcBridge": {
"host": "string",
"port": "string"
"defaultConfig": {
"logLevel": "string",
"mergeTree": {
"replicatedDeduplicationWindow": "string",
"replicatedDeduplicationWindowSeconds": "string",
"partsToDelayInsert": "string",
"partsToThrowInsert": "string",
"inactivePartsToDelayInsert": "string",
"inactivePartsToThrowInsert": "string",
"maxReplicatedMergesInQueue": "string",
"numberOfFreeEntriesInPoolToLowerMaxSizeOfMerge": "string",
"maxBytesToMergeAtMinSpaceInPool": "string",
"maxBytesToMergeAtMaxSpaceInPool": "string",
"minBytesForWidePart": "string",
"minRowsForWidePart": "string",
"ttlOnlyDropParts": "boolean",
"allowRemoteFsZeroCopyReplication": "boolean",
"mergeWithTtlTimeout": "string",
"mergeWithRecompressionTtlTimeout": "string",
"maxPartsInTotal": "string",
"maxNumberOfMergesWithTtlInPool": "string",
"cleanupDelayPeriod": "string",
"numberOfFreeEntriesInPoolToExecuteMutation": "string",
"maxAvgPartSizeForTooManyParts": "string",
"minAgeToForceMergeSeconds": "string",
"minAgeToForceMergeOnPartitionOnly": "boolean",
"mergeSelectingSleepMs": "string",
"mergeMaxBlockSize": "string",
"checkSampleColumnIsCorrect": "boolean",
"maxMergeSelectingSleepMs": "string",
"maxCleanupDelayPeriod": "string"
"compression": [
"method": "string",
"minPartSize": "string",
"minPartSizeRatio": "string",
"level": "string"
"dictionaries": [
"name": "string",
"structure": {
"id": {
"name": "string"
"key": {
"attributes": [
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"rangeMin": {
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"rangeMax": {
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"attributes": [
"name": "string",
"type": "string",
"nullValue": "string",
"expression": "string",
"hierarchical": "boolean",
"injective": "boolean"
"layout": {
"type": "string",
"sizeInCells": "string",
"maxArraySize": "string"
// Includes only one of the fields `fixedLifetime`, `lifetimeRange`
"fixedLifetime": "string",
"lifetimeRange": {
"min": "string",
"max": "string"
// end of the list of possible fields
// Includes only one of the fields `httpSource`, `mysqlSource`, `clickhouseSource`, `mongodbSource`, `postgresqlSource`
"httpSource": {
"url": "string",
"format": "string",
"headers": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"mysqlSource": {
"db": "string",
"table": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"replicas": [
"host": "string",
"priority": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string"
"where": "string",
"invalidateQuery": "string",
"closeConnection": "boolean",
"shareConnection": "boolean"
"clickhouseSource": {
"db": "string",
"table": "string",
"host": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"where": "string",
"secure": "boolean"
"mongodbSource": {
"db": "string",
"collection": "string",
"host": "string",
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"options": "string"
"postgresqlSource": {
"db": "string",
"table": "string",
"hosts": [
"port": "string",
"user": "string",
"password": "string",
"invalidateQuery": "string",
"sslMode": "string"
// end of the list of possible fields
"graphiteRollup": [
"name": "string",
"patterns": [
"regexp": "string",
"function": "string",
"retention": [
"age": "string",
"precision": "string"
"pathColumnName": "string",
"timeColumnName": "string",
"valueColumnName": "string",
"versionColumnName": "string"
"kafka": {
"securityProtocol": "string",
"saslMechanism": "string",
"saslUsername": "string",
"saslPassword": "string",
"enableSslCertificateVerification": "boolean",
"maxPollIntervalMs": "string",
"sessionTimeoutMs": "string",
"debug": "string",
"autoOffsetReset": "string"
"kafkaTopics": [
"name": "string",
"settings": {
"securityProtocol": "string",
"saslMechanism": "string",
"saslUsername": "string",
"saslPassword": "string",
"enableSslCertificateVerification": "boolean",
"maxPollIntervalMs": "string",
"sessionTimeoutMs": "string",
"debug": "string",
"autoOffsetReset": "string"
"rabbitmq": {
"username": "string",
"password": "string",
"vhost": "string"
"maxConnections": "string",
"maxConcurrentQueries": "string",
"keepAliveTimeout": "string",
"uncompressedCacheSize": "string",
"markCacheSize": "string",
"maxTableSizeToDrop": "string",
"maxPartitionSizeToDrop": "string",
"builtinDictionariesReloadInterval": "string",
"timezone": "string",
"geobaseEnabled": "boolean",
"geobaseUri": "string",
"queryLogRetentionSize": "string",
"queryLogRetentionTime": "string",
"queryThreadLogEnabled": "boolean",
"queryThreadLogRetentionSize": "string",
"queryThreadLogRetentionTime": "string",
"partLogRetentionSize": "string",
"partLogRetentionTime": "string",
"metricLogEnabled": "boolean",
"metricLogRetentionSize": "string",
"metricLogRetentionTime": "string",
"traceLogEnabled": "boolean",
"traceLogRetentionSize": "string",
"traceLogRetentionTime": "string",
"textLogEnabled": "boolean",
"textLogRetentionSize": "string",
"textLogRetentionTime": "string",
"textLogLevel": "string",
"opentelemetrySpanLogEnabled": "boolean",
"opentelemetrySpanLogRetentionSize": "string",
"opentelemetrySpanLogRetentionTime": "string",
"queryViewsLogEnabled": "boolean",
"queryViewsLogRetentionSize": "string",
"queryViewsLogRetentionTime": "string",
"asynchronousMetricLogEnabled": "boolean",
"asynchronousMetricLogRetentionSize": "string",
"asynchronousMetricLogRetentionTime": "string",
"sessionLogEnabled": "boolean",
"sessionLogRetentionSize": "string",
"sessionLogRetentionTime": "string",
"zookeeperLogEnabled": "boolean",
"zookeeperLogRetentionSize": "string",
"zookeeperLogRetentionTime": "string",
"asynchronousInsertLogEnabled": "boolean",
"asynchronousInsertLogRetentionSize": "string",
"asynchronousInsertLogRetentionTime": "string",
"backgroundPoolSize": "string",
"backgroundMergesMutationsConcurrencyRatio": "string",
"backgroundSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundFetchesPoolSize": "string",
"backgroundMovePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundDistributedSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundBufferFlushSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundMessageBrokerSchedulePoolSize": "string",
"backgroundCommonPoolSize": "string",
"defaultDatabase": "string",
"totalMemoryProfilerStep": "string",
"totalMemoryTrackerSampleProbability": "number",
"queryMaskingRules": [
"name": "string",
"regexp": "string",
"replace": "string"
"dictionariesLazyLoad": "boolean",
"queryCache": {
"maxSizeInBytes": "string",
"maxEntries": "string",
"maxEntrySizeInBytes": "string",
"maxEntrySizeInRows": "string"
"jdbcBridge": {
"host": "string",
"port": "string"
"resources": {
"resourcePresetId": "string",
"diskSize": "string",
"diskTypeId": "string"
"zookeeper": {
"resources": {
"resourcePresetId": "string",
"diskSize": "string",
"diskTypeId": "string"
"backupWindowStart": {
"hours": "integer",
"minutes": "integer",
"seconds": "integer",
"nanos": "integer"
"access": {
"dataLens": "boolean",
"webSql": "boolean",
"metrika": "boolean",
"serverless": "boolean",
"dataTransfer": "boolean",
"yandexQuery": "boolean"
"cloudStorage": {
"enabled": "boolean",
"moveFactor": "number",
"dataCacheEnabled": "boolean",
"dataCacheMaxSize": "string",
"preferNotToMerge": "boolean"
"sqlDatabaseManagement": "boolean",
"sqlUserManagement": "boolean",
"embeddedKeeper": "boolean",
"backupRetainPeriodDays": "string"
"networkId": "string",
"health": "string",
"status": "string",
"serviceAccountId": "string",
"maintenanceWindow": {
// Includes only one of the fields `anytime`, `weeklyMaintenanceWindow`
"anytime": "object",
"weeklyMaintenanceWindow": {
"day": "string",
"hour": "string"
// end of the list of possible fields
"plannedOperation": {
"info": "string",
"delayedUntil": "string"
"securityGroupIds": [
"deletionProtection": "boolean"
// end of the list of possible fields
An Operation resource. For more information, see Operation.
Field |
Description |
id |
string ID of the operation. |
description |
string Description of the operation. 0-256 characters long. |
createdAt |
string (date-time) Creation timestamp. String in RFC3339 To work with values in this field, use the APIs described in the |
createdBy |
string ID of the user or service account who initiated the operation. |
modifiedAt |
string (date-time) The time when the Operation resource was last modified. String in RFC3339 To work with values in this field, use the APIs described in the |
done |
boolean If the value is |
metadata |
Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. |
error |
The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. Includes only one of the fields The operation result. |
response |
The normal response of the operation in case of success. Includes only one of the fields The operation result. |
Field |
Description |
clusterId |
string ID of the ClickHouse cluster that is being created. |
The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation.
Field |
Description |
code |
integer (int32) Error code. An enum value of google.rpc.Code |
message |
string An error message. |
details[] |
object A list of messages that carry the error details. |
A ClickHouse Cluster resource. For more information, see the
Cluster section in the Developer's Guide.
Field |
Description |
id |
string ID of the ClickHouse cluster. |
folderId |
string ID of the folder that the ClickHouse cluster belongs to. |
createdAt |
string (date-time) Creation timestamp in RFC3339 String in RFC3339 To work with values in this field, use the APIs described in the |
name |
string Name of the ClickHouse cluster. |
description |
string Description of the ClickHouse cluster. 0-256 characters long. |
labels |
object (map<string, string>) Custom labels for the ClickHouse cluster as |
environment |
enum (Environment) Deployment environment of the ClickHouse cluster.
monitoring[] |
Description of monitoring systems relevant to the ClickHouse cluster. |
config |
Configuration of the ClickHouse cluster. |
networkId |
string ID of the network that the cluster belongs to. |
health |
enum (Health) Aggregated cluster health.
status |
enum (Status) Current state of the cluster.
serviceAccountId |
string ID of the service account used for access to Object Storage. |
maintenanceWindow |
Maintenance window for the cluster. |
plannedOperation |
Planned maintenance operation to be started for the cluster within the nearest |
securityGroupIds[] |
string User security groups |
deletionProtection |
boolean Deletion Protection inhibits deletion of the cluster |
Monitoring system metadata.
Field |
Description |
name |
string Name of the monitoring system. |
description |
string Description of the monitoring system. |
link |
string Link to the monitoring system charts for the ClickHouse cluster. |
Field |
Description |
version |
string Version of the ClickHouse server software. |
clickhouse |
Configuration and resource allocation for ClickHouse hosts. |
zookeeper |
Configuration and resource allocation for ZooKeeper hosts. |
backupWindowStart |
Time to start the daily backup, in the UTC timezone. |
access |
Access policy for external services. |
cloudStorage |
sqlDatabaseManagement |
boolean Whether database management through SQL commands is enabled. |
sqlUserManagement |
boolean Whether user management through SQL commands is enabled. |
embeddedKeeper |
boolean Whether cluster should use embedded Keeper instead of Zookeeper. |
backupRetainPeriodDays |
string (int64) Retain period of automatically created backup in days |
Field |
Description |
config |
Configuration settings of a ClickHouse server. |
resources |
Resources allocated to ClickHouse hosts. |
Field |
Description |
effectiveConfig |
Required field. Effective settings for a ClickHouse cluster (a combination of settings defined |
userConfig |
User-defined settings for a ClickHouse cluster. |
defaultConfig |
Default configuration for a ClickHouse cluster. |
ClickHouse configuration options. Detailed description for each set of options
is available in ClickHouse documentation
Any options not listed here are not supported.
Field |
Description |
logLevel |
enum (LogLevel) Logging level for the ClickHouse cluster. Possible values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFORMATION, WARNING, ERROR.
mergeTree |
Settings for the MergeTree engine. |
compression[] |
Compression settings for the ClickHouse cluster. |
dictionaries[] |
Configuration of external dictionaries to be used by the ClickHouse cluster. |
graphiteRollup[] |
Settings for thinning Graphite data. |
kafka |
kafkaTopics[] |
rabbitmq |
maxConnections |
string (int64) Maximum number of inbound connections. |
maxConcurrentQueries |
string (int64) Maximum number of simultaneously processed requests. |
keepAliveTimeout |
string (int64) Number of milliseconds that ClickHouse waits for incoming requests before closing the connection. |
uncompressedCacheSize |
string (int64) Cache size (in bytes) for uncompressed data used by MergeTree tables. |
markCacheSize |
string (int64) Approximate size (in bytes) of the cache of "marks" used by MergeTree tables. |
maxTableSizeToDrop |
string (int64) Maximum size of the table that can be deleted using a DROP query. |
maxPartitionSizeToDrop |
string (int64) Maximum size of the partition that can be deleted using a DROP query. |
builtinDictionariesReloadInterval |
string (int64) The setting is deprecated and has no effect. |
timezone |
string The server's time zone to be used in DateTime fields conversions. Specified as an IANA identifier. |
geobaseEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable geobase. |
geobaseUri |
string Address of the archive with the user geobase in Object Storage. |
queryLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that query_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
queryLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that query_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
queryThreadLogEnabled |
boolean Whether query_thread_log system table is enabled. |
queryThreadLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that query_thread_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
queryThreadLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that query_thread_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
partLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that part_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
partLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that part_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
metricLogEnabled |
boolean Whether metric_log system table is enabled. |
metricLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that metric_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
metricLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that metric_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
traceLogEnabled |
boolean Whether trace_log system table is enabled. |
traceLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that trace_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
traceLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that trace_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
textLogEnabled |
boolean Whether text_log system table is enabled. |
textLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that text_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
textLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that text_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, automatic removal of |
textLogLevel |
enum (LogLevel) Logging level for text_log system table. Possible values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFORMATION, WARNING, ERROR.
opentelemetrySpanLogEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable opentelemetry_span_log system table. Default value: false. |
opentelemetrySpanLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that opentelemetry_span_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0 (default), |
opentelemetrySpanLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that opentelemetry_span_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, |
queryViewsLogEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable query_views_log system table. Default value: false. |
queryViewsLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that query_views_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0 (default), |
queryViewsLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that query_views_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, |
asynchronousMetricLogEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable asynchronous_metric_log system table. Default value: false. |
asynchronousMetricLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that asynchronous_metric_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0 (default), |
asynchronousMetricLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that asynchronous_metric_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, |
sessionLogEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable session_log system table. Default value: false. |
sessionLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that session_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0 (default), |
sessionLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that session_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, |
zookeeperLogEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable zookeeper_log system table. Default value: false. |
zookeeperLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that zookeeper_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0 (default), |
zookeeperLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that zookeeper_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, |
asynchronousInsertLogEnabled |
boolean Enable or disable asynchronous_insert_log system table. Default value: false. |
asynchronousInsertLogRetentionSize |
string (int64) The maximum size that asynchronous_insert_log can grow to before old data will be removed. If set to 0 (default), |
asynchronousInsertLogRetentionTime |
string (int64) The maximum time that asynchronous_insert_log records will be retained before removal. If set to 0, |
backgroundPoolSize |
string (int64) |
backgroundMergesMutationsConcurrencyRatio |
string (int64) Sets a ratio between the number of threads and the number of background merges and mutations that can be executed concurrently. For example, if the ratio equals to 2 and background_pool_size is set to 16 then ClickHouse can execute 32 background merges concurrently. This is possible, because background operations could be suspended and postponed. This is needed to give small merges more execution priority. You can only increase this ratio at runtime. To lower it you have to restart the server. The same as for background_pool_size setting background_merges_mutations_concurrency_ratio could be applied from the default profile for backward compatibility. |
backgroundSchedulePoolSize |
string (int64) |
backgroundFetchesPoolSize |
string (int64) Sets the number of threads performing background fetches for tables with ReplicatedMergeTree engines. Default value: 8. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
backgroundMovePoolSize |
string (int64) |
backgroundDistributedSchedulePoolSize |
string (int64) |
backgroundBufferFlushSchedulePoolSize |
string (int64) |
backgroundMessageBrokerSchedulePoolSize |
string (int64) |
backgroundCommonPoolSize |
string (int64) The maximum number of threads that will be used for performing a variety of operations (mostly garbage collection) for *MergeTree-engine tables in a background. |
defaultDatabase |
string The default database. To get a list of cluster databases, see Yandex Managed ClickHouse documentation. |
totalMemoryProfilerStep |
string (int64) Sets the memory size (in bytes) for a stack trace at every peak allocation step. Default value: 4194304. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
totalMemoryTrackerSampleProbability |
number (double) |
queryMaskingRules[] |
Regexp-based rules, which will be applied to queries as well as all log messages before storing them in server logs, system.query_log, system.text_log, system.processes tables, and in logs sent to the client. That allows preventing sensitive data leakage from SQL queries (like names, emails, personal identifiers or credit card numbers) to logs. |
dictionariesLazyLoad |
boolean Lazy loading of dictionaries. |
queryCache |
Query cache |
jdbcBridge |
JDBC bridge for queries to external databases. |
Options specific to the MergeTree table engine.
Field |
Description |
replicatedDeduplicationWindow |
string (int64) Number of blocks of hashes to keep in ZooKeeper. |
replicatedDeduplicationWindowSeconds |
string (int64) Period of time to keep blocks of hashes for. |
partsToDelayInsert |
string (int64) If table contains at least that many active parts in single partition, artificially slow down insert into table. |
partsToThrowInsert |
string (int64) If more than this number active parts in single partition, throw 'Too many parts ...' exception. |
inactivePartsToDelayInsert |
string (int64) |
inactivePartsToThrowInsert |
string (int64) |
maxReplicatedMergesInQueue |
string (int64) How many tasks of merging and mutating parts are allowed simultaneously in ReplicatedMergeTree queue. |
numberOfFreeEntriesInPoolToLowerMaxSizeOfMerge |
string (int64) If there is less than specified number of free entries in background pool (or replicated queue), start to lower |
maxBytesToMergeAtMinSpaceInPool |
string (int64) Maximum in total size of parts to merge, when there are minimum free threads in background pool (or entries |
maxBytesToMergeAtMaxSpaceInPool |
string (int64) |
minBytesForWidePart |
string (int64) Minimum number of bytes in a data part that can be stored in Wide format. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
minRowsForWidePart |
string (int64) Minimum number of rows in a data part that can be stored in Wide format. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
ttlOnlyDropParts |
boolean Enables or disables complete dropping of data parts where all rows are expired in MergeTree tables. More info see in ClickHouse documentation |
allowRemoteFsZeroCopyReplication |
boolean |
mergeWithTtlTimeout |
string (int64) |
mergeWithRecompressionTtlTimeout |
string (int64) |
maxPartsInTotal |
string (int64) |
maxNumberOfMergesWithTtlInPool |
string (int64) |
cleanupDelayPeriod |
string (int64) |
numberOfFreeEntriesInPoolToExecuteMutation |
string (int64) |
maxAvgPartSizeForTooManyParts |
string (int64) The 'too many parts' check according to 'parts_to_delay_insert' and 'parts_to_throw_insert' will be active only if the average part size (in the relevant partition) is not larger than the specified threshold. If it is larger than the specified threshold, the INSERTs will be neither delayed or rejected. This allows to have hundreds of terabytes in a single table on a single server if the parts are successfully merged to larger parts. This does not affect the thresholds on inactive parts or total parts. |
minAgeToForceMergeSeconds |
string (int64) Merge parts if every part in the range is older than the value of min_age_to_force_merge_seconds. |
minAgeToForceMergeOnPartitionOnly |
boolean Whether min_age_to_force_merge_seconds should be applied only on the entire partition and not on subset. |
mergeSelectingSleepMs |
string (int64) Sleep time for merge selecting when no part is selected. A lower setting triggers selecting tasks in background_schedule_pool frequently, which results in a large number of requests to ClickHouse Keeper in large-scale clusters. |
mergeMaxBlockSize |
string (int64) The number of rows that are read from the merged parts into memory. |
checkSampleColumnIsCorrect |
boolean Enables the check at table creation, that the data type of a column for sampling or sampling expression is correct. The data type must be one of unsigned integer types |
maxMergeSelectingSleepMs |
string (int64) Maximum sleep time for merge selecting, a lower setting will trigger selecting tasks in background_schedule_pool frequently which result in large amount of requests to zookeeper in large-scale clusters. |
maxCleanupDelayPeriod |
string (int64) Maximum period to clean old queue logs, blocks hashes and parts. |
Field |
Description |
method |
enum (Method) Compression method to use for the specified combination of
minPartSize |
string (int64) Minimum size of a part of a table. |
minPartSizeRatio |
string Minimum ratio of a part relative to the size of all the data in the table. |
level |
string (int64) |
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. Name of the external dictionary. |
structure |
Required field. Set of attributes for the external dictionary. |
layout |
Required field. Layout for storing the dictionary in memory. |
fixedLifetime |
string (int64) Fixed interval between dictionary updates. Includes only one of the fields Setting for the period of time between dictionary updates. |
lifetimeRange |
Range of intervals between dictionary updates for ClickHouse to choose from. Includes only one of the fields Setting for the period of time between dictionary updates. |
httpSource |
HTTP source for the dictionary. Includes only one of the fields Description of the source for the external dictionary. |
mysqlSource |
MySQL source for the dictionary. Includes only one of the fields Description of the source for the external dictionary. |
clickhouseSource |
ClickHouse source for the dictionary. Includes only one of the fields Description of the source for the external dictionary. |
mongodbSource |
MongoDB source for the dictionary. Includes only one of the fields Description of the source for the external dictionary. |
postgresqlSource |
PostgreSQL source for the dictionary. Includes only one of the fields Description of the source for the external dictionary. |
Field |
Description |
id |
Single numeric key column for the dictionary. |
key |
Composite key for the dictionary, containing of one or more key columns. |
rangeMin |
Field holding the beginning of the range for dictionaries with |
rangeMax |
Field holding the end of the range for dictionaries with |
attributes[] |
Description of the fields available for database queries. |
Numeric key.
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. Name of the numeric key. |
Complex key.
Field |
Description |
attributes[] |
Attributes of a complex key. |
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. Name of the column. |
type |
string Required field. Type of the column. |
nullValue |
string Default value for an element without data (for example, an empty string). |
expression |
string Expression, describing the attribute, if applicable. |
hierarchical |
boolean Indication of hierarchy support. |
injective |
boolean Indication of injective mapping "id -> attribute". |
Layout determining how to store the dictionary in memory.
Field |
Description |
type |
enum (Type) Required field. Layout type for an external dictionary.
sizeInCells |
string (int64) Number of cells in the cache. Rounded up to a power of two. |
maxArraySize |
string (int64) Maximum dictionary key size. |
Field |
Description |
min |
string (int64) Minimum dictionary lifetime. |
max |
string (int64) Maximum dictionary lifetime. |
Field |
Description |
url |
string Required field. URL of the source dictionary available over HTTP. |
format |
string Required field. The data format. Valid values are all formats supported by ClickHouse SQL dialect. |
headers[] |
HTTP headers. |
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. |
value |
string Required field. |
Field |
Description |
db |
string Required field. Name of the MySQL database to connect to. |
table |
string Required field. Name of the database table to use as a ClickHouse dictionary. |
port |
string (int64) Default port to use when connecting to a replica of the dictionary source. |
user |
string Name of the default user for replicas of the dictionary source. |
password |
string Password of the default user for replicas of the dictionary source. |
replicas[] |
List of MySQL replicas of the database used as dictionary source. |
where |
string Selection criteria for the data in the specified MySQL table. |
invalidateQuery |
string Query for checking the dictionary status, to pull only updated data. |
closeConnection |
boolean Should the connection be closed after each request. |
shareConnection |
boolean Should a connection be shared for some requests. |
Field |
Description |
host |
string Required field. MySQL host of the replica. |
priority |
string (int64) Required field. The priority of the replica that ClickHouse takes into account when connecting. |
port |
string (int64) Port to use when connecting to the replica. |
user |
string Name of the MySQL database user. |
password |
string Password of the MySQL database user. |
Field |
Description |
db |
string Required field. Name of the ClickHouse database. |
table |
string Required field. Name of the table in the specified database to be used as the dictionary source. |
host |
string ClickHouse host of the specified database. |
port |
string (int64) Port to use when connecting to the host. |
user |
string Required field. Name of the ClickHouse database user. |
password |
string Password of the ClickHouse database user. |
where |
string Selection criteria for the data in the specified ClickHouse table. |
secure |
boolean Use ssl for connection. |
Field |
Description |
db |
string Required field. Name of the MongoDB database. |
collection |
string Required field. Name of the collection in the specified database to be used as the dictionary source. |
host |
string MongoDB host of the specified database. |
port |
string (int64) Port to use when connecting to the host. |
user |
string Required field. Name of the MongoDB database user. |
password |
string Password of the MongoDB database user. |
options |
string |
Field |
Description |
db |
string Required field. Name of the PostrgreSQL database. |
table |
string Required field. Name of the table in the specified database to be used as the dictionary source. |
hosts[] |
string Name of the PostrgreSQL host |
port |
string (int64) Port to use when connecting to the host. |
user |
string Required field. Name of the PostrgreSQL database user. |
password |
string Password of the PostrgreSQL database user. |
invalidateQuery |
string Query for checking the dictionary status, to pull only updated data. |
sslMode |
enum (SslMode) Mode of SSL TCP/IP connection to the PostgreSQL host.
Rollup settings for the GraphiteMergeTree table engine.
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. Name for the specified combination of settings for Graphite rollup. |
patterns[] |
Pattern to use for the rollup. |
pathColumnName |
string The name of the column storing the metric name (Graphite sensor). |
timeColumnName |
string The name of the column storing the time of measuring the metric. |
valueColumnName |
string The name of the column storing the value of the metric at the time set in time_column_name. |
versionColumnName |
string The name of the column storing the version of the metric. |
Field |
Description |
regexp |
string Pattern for metric names. |
function |
string Required field. Name of the aggregating function to apply to data of the age specified in |
retention[] |
Age of data to use for thinning. |
Field |
Description |
age |
string (int64) Minimum age of the data in seconds. |
precision |
string (int64) Precision of determining the age of the data, in seconds. |
Field |
Description |
securityProtocol |
enum (SecurityProtocol)
saslMechanism |
enum (SaslMechanism)
saslUsername |
string |
saslPassword |
string |
enableSslCertificateVerification |
boolean |
maxPollIntervalMs |
string (int64) |
sessionTimeoutMs |
string (int64) |
debug |
enum (Debug)
autoOffsetReset |
enum (AutoOffsetReset)
Field |
Description |
name |
string Required field. |
settings |
Required field. |
Field |
Description |
username |
string RabbitMQ |
password |
string RabbitMQ |
vhost |
string RabbitMQ |
Field |
Description |
name |
string Name for the rule. |
regexp |
string Required field. RE2 compatible regular expression. |
replace |
string Substitution string for sensitive data. |
Field |
Description |
maxSizeInBytes |
string (int64) The maximum cache size in bytes. |
maxEntries |
string (int64) The maximum number of SELECT query results stored in the cache. |
maxEntrySizeInBytes |
string (int64) The maximum size in bytes SELECT query results may have to be saved in the cache. |
maxEntrySizeInRows |
string (int64) The maximum number of rows SELECT query results may have to be saved in the cache. |
JDBC bridge for queries to external databases.
Field |
Description |
host |
string Required field. Host of jdbc bridge. |
port |
string (int64) Port of jdbc bridge. |
Field |
Description |
resourcePresetId |
string ID of the preset for computational resources available to a host (CPU, memory etc.). |
diskSize |
string (int64) Volume of the storage available to a host, in bytes. |
diskTypeId |
string Type of the storage environment for the host.
Field |
Description |
resources |
Resources allocated to ZooKeeper hosts. |
Represents a time of day. The date and time zone are either not significant
or are specified elsewhere. An API may choose to allow leap seconds. Related
types are google.type.Date
Field |
Description |
hours |
integer (int32) Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose |
minutes |
integer (int32) Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59. |
seconds |
integer (int32) Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may |
nanos |
integer (int32) Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999. |
Field |
Description |
dataLens |
boolean Allow to export data from the cluster to DataLens. |
webSql |
boolean Allow SQL queries to the cluster databases from the management console. See SQL queries in the management console for more details. |
metrika |
boolean Allow to import data from Yandex Metrica and AppMetrica to the cluster. See AppMetrica documentation |
serverless |
boolean Allow access to cluster for Serverless. |
dataTransfer |
boolean Allow access for DataTransfer |
yandexQuery |
boolean Allow access for Query |
Field |
Description |
enabled |
boolean Whether to use Object Storage for storing ClickHouse data. |
moveFactor |
number (double) |
dataCacheEnabled |
boolean |
dataCacheMaxSize |
string (int64) |
preferNotToMerge |
boolean |
A maintenance window settings.
Field |
Description |
anytime |
object Maintenance operation can be scheduled anytime. Includes only one of the fields The maintenance policy in effect. |
weeklyMaintenanceWindow |
Maintenance operation can be scheduled on a weekly basis. Includes only one of the fields The maintenance policy in effect. |
Weelky maintenance window settings.
Field |
Description |
day |
enum (WeekDay) Day of the week (in
hour |
string (int64) Hour of the day in UTC (in |
A planned maintenance operation.
Field |
Description |
info |
string Information about this maintenance operation. |
delayedUntil |
string (date-time) Time until which this maintenance operation is delayed. String in RFC3339 To work with values in this field, use the APIs described in the |