Yandex Network Load Balancer
A service that distributes network load across cloud resources to ensure the fault tolerance of websites and applications.
High performance
Yandex Network Load Balancer processes network packets with minimum delay thanks to working based on OSI L4.
Checking resource availability
Set up automatic monitoring for your cloud resources and exclude those that do not meet your conditions for TCP or HTTP checks.
Even load distribution
Network Load Balancer allows you to evenly distribute any number of requests among the resources. You do not need to additionally setup anything when changing the incoming traffic.
Getting started
Getting started
Create a network load balancer with a listener and attach a group of target resources to it.

Questions and answers
Create your resources in multiple availability zones
Create your cloud resources in multiple geographically distributed availability zones. This way you can maintain the availability of your applications in case one of the zones becomes unavailable.
Use different load balancers for different applications
If you use the Yandex Cloud infrastructure to deploy multiple applications, configure separate load balancers to serve them.
Use the same amount of cloud resources in different availability zones
Place the same amount of cloud resources in each availability zone. If there are three VMs in the ru-central1-a availability zone, then the ru-central1-b and ru-central1-d availability zones should also host three VMs each.