Yandex Cloud Functions
Run code as a function in a secure, fault-tolerant, and automatically scalable environment without creating or maintaining VMs.
Flexible scaling
As the number of function calls increases, the service automatically creates additional instances of your function. All functions run in parallel.
High availability
The runtime environment is hosted in three availability zones, ensuring availability even if one zone fails.
Deploy prepared instances
Configure prepare instances of functions always ready to process loads. This mode allows you to avoid cold starts and quickly process loads of any size.
Functions in internal networks
Give functions access to your VPC to accelerate interactions with private resources: database clusters, virtual machines, Kubernetes nodes, etc.
Use triggers to set up integration between Cloud Functions and other services without writing any integration code.
Free tier
Only pay for data storage and operations in serverless mode. The services offers special rates: the first 1,000,000 function calls each month are free of charge.
Getting started
Getting started
Create a function and test it in the console.