Debian 11
Updated March 24, 2025
An open-source Linux distribution. Debian is a universal operating system that provides stable operation and is great for tasks of varying complexity. Image contains a set of preinstalled applications for software development and administration.
- A stable and secure Linux-based operating system.
- Easy and seamless updates.
- Long-term support for software.
- More than 59K deb packages available for installation.
- Development and testing of enterprise, financial, and commercial web services.
- Management of development servers.
- Creation of cluster systems.
- Development and administration of CRM systems.
- Management of database servers, frequently used repositories, and archives.
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Yandex Cloud does not provide technical support for the product. If you have any issues, please refer to the developer’s information resources.
By using this product you agree to the Yandex Cloud Marketplace Terms of Service and the terms and conditions of the following software: Debian License Agreement