An open-source Linux distribution. Debian is a universal operating system that provides stable operation and is great for tasks of varying complexity. Image contains a set of preinstalled applications for software development and administration.
This Debian OS image was built to meet CIS Framework requirements. It may behave differently from the standard version. Image Lynis Hardening Index: 90.
A stable and secure Linux-based operating system.
Easy and seamless updates.
Long-term support for software.
More than 59K deb packages available for installation.
Developing and testing web services.
Prototyping new service components.
Administering of a cluster of VMs or databases.
Creating machine learning models.
Providing information security.
OpenNix provides technical support to system users in Yandex Cloud. You can contact technical support by email at Support engineers are available on business days from 9 am to 6 pm GMT+3.