FAQ about Yandex Cloud technical support
This section offers tips and recommendations on contacts with technical support. For problems related to Yandex Cloud services, visit the Support Center
How do I contact technical support?
You can contact technical support from the management console in the Support
How do I contact technical support if I cannot log in to the management console?
If unable to access your Yandex account, see our troubleshooting guide
If you have successfully logged in to your Yandex account but are unable to connect to the Yandex Cloud management console, contact technical support at cloud@support.yandex.ru.
What kinds of issues and cases does technical support resolve?
Depending on your service plan, you can contact support for various issues. For more information about service plans, see Technical support procedure.
Regardless of your service plan, you can request the following:
- Service logs related to your resources and actions in Yandex Cloud.
- Your personal data stored by Yandex.
How quickly does technical support respond?
Technical support is there 24/7.
The response time depends on your service plan. For more information about service plans, see Technical support procedure.
How quickly can technical support solve an identified problem?
The resolution time will vary case by case depending on the nature of the problem. Problems with apps and services can have various causes. This makes it difficult to estimate how long it will take. The technical support team will work closely with you to troubleshoot your issues as quickly as possible.
How many times can I contact technical support?
There is no limit to the number of times you can contact technical support.
How can I get help with architecture-related tasks?
To get help with architecture-related tasks, use the feedback form on the support center
What third-party software is covered by Yandex Cloud technical support?
Technical support includes diagnosing issues in third-party software used in conjunction with the cloud infrastructure and limited assistance in solving the identified problems. Technical support engineers can help you with the installation, basic setup, and diagnostics of the following software:
- Operating systems on Yandex Cloud VM instances created from public images provided by Yandex Cloud.
- Databases and cluster management systems created in:
- Yandex Managed Service for Apache Kafka®
- Yandex Managed Service for ClickHouse®
- Yandex Managed Service for Greenplum®
- Yandex Managed Service for Kubernetes
- Yandex Managed Service for MongoDB
- Yandex Managed Service for MySQL®
- Yandex Managed Service for OpenSearch
- Yandex Managed Service for Valkey™
- Yandex Managed Service for PostgreSQL
What happens if you cannot solve my third-party software problems?
If the technical support cannot resolve your third-party software issue, contact the software vendor's support service. In some cases, contacting the vendor's support service requires a valid technical support contract with the vendor or its partners.
How do I change my technical support service plan?
Before activating, deactivating, or modifying your technical support service plan, as well as changing the billing account from which the payment will be debited, make sure you have the following roles:
- organization-manager.organizations.owner for a cloud organization where you need to change or activate a paid support service plan.
- billing.accounts.admin or higher for your billing account if it is not linked to this cloud organization. This role will be inherited if your account is linked to the organization. For more information about roles and the link between a cloud organization and a billing account, see Organization.
See Changing your service plan for details.
See Requesting technical support. Service plan upgrades are effective immediately; downgrades take effect on the first day of the following month.
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