Number of object queries
Get the query statistics for Object Storage objects using the S3 Select query language.
To get information on object queries, enable logging.
Getting started
Getting query statistics
Run the query against Object Storage and save the output to a file:
For convenience, save:
Name of the bucket storing the object with the logs, to a variable named
Key of the object containing the logs, to a variable named
S3 Select expression to request object data, to a variable named
Sample expressions:
Retrieving queries by response code:
SELECT "timestamp", request_id, handler, object_key, status, request_time FROM S3Object WHERE status >= 400
Searching for long-running queries:
SELECT "timestamp", request_id, handler, object_key, status, request_time FROM S3Object WHERE request_time >= 1000
Average time for processing queries (using the
aggregate function):SELECT AVG(request_time) AS "avg" FROM S3Object
Run this command:
aws --endpoint s3api select-object-content \ --bucket $bucket \ --key $key \ --expression "$query" \ --expression-type 'SQL' \ --input-serialization 'JSON={Type=LINES}' \ --output-serialization 'JSON={}' \ "output.json"
If a query uses no aggregate functions, output the number of queries for each object key. To do this, run an aggregation query using
:jq .object_key output.json | uniq -c | sort -nr
9 "path/logs/2021-02-10-22-02-25-199f57b5-5601-3210-5d9a-1apl1e5z6b4f" 7 "path/logs/2021-01-28-11-40-11-580g57b5-9903-1108-6a7a-1ghj1e0e8b0f" 3 "path/logs/2020-12-09-10-05-31-123f57b5-1853-4120-8d7a-5bcc1e9e9b4f" 1 "path/logs/2020-12-09-08-11-10-123f57b5-1773-9310-1d2a-5bcc1e9e9b4f" 1 "path/logs/2020-12-01-14-42-11-493f57b5-1093-4120-8d7a-5bcc1e9e9b4f"