Getting a download link
If you have a bucket, its objects are always available even with no website hosting configured. You can get a link by following this guide or generate one yourself. Learn more about the link format here.
If you have a bucket with restricted access, Object Storage enables you to generate a pre-signed URL to an object. Anyone with this link can download the object, even from a bucket with restricted access. Learn more about pre-signed URLs, their generation, and their use here.
Management console
- In the management console
, select the folder. - Select Object Storage.
- Click the name of the bucket you need.
- Click the object name.
- Click Get link in the top-right corner.
- For a bucket with restricted access, specify the link Lifetime in hours or days (the maximum time is 30 days).
- Click Get link.
- Copy the link.
You cannot extend the validity period of a pre-signed URL to an object in a bucket with restricted access. If the URL has expired, generate a new one.