Creating a DSPM scan
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Updated at March 6, 2025
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Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) scans data sources to identify sensitive information in buckets.
To create a scan:
Security Deck interface
Go to Yandex Security Deck
. -
In the left-hand panel, select
Data Security Posture Management and go to the Scans tab. -
In the top-right corner, click New scan.
Under Data sources, select the data source you need.
If you do not have a data source, create one.
Under Data search categories, select the data categories to scan for:
Personal data
: Full names, email addresses, document numbers, etc.Secrets
: Cloud access keys, passwords, tokens, SSH keys, etc.
You can select all the categories at once or any one of them.
Click Create scan.
The new scan will appear in the scan list, ready to run.