Service sections
Written by
Updated at January 23, 2025
The status section
This section contains the Unified Agent status viewing configuration.
status: # optional
# You can disable status viewing by setting the value to false.
enabled: true # optional, the default value is true
# Host for viewing the status (null/empty string/::) on all interfaces.
# For security reasons, the status service is only available locally by default.
host: localhost # optional
# Port for viewing the status.
port: 16301 # required
The main_thread_pool section
This section contains a configuration for execution threads.
Parameter descriptions:
main_thread_pool: # optional
# Number of threads.
threads: 1 # optional, the default value is 1
The agent_log section
This section contains the agent log settings. You can override the setting using command line parameters.
Parameter descriptions:
agent_log: # optional
# Logging level.
priority: NOTICE # optional, the default value is NOTICE
# Log to a specified file.
file: cerr # optional, the default value is cerr (standard error stream)
# Limit logging speed to a specified value.
# The excess will be dropped. Bytes dropped in this way will be counted by the DroppedBytes counter in the agent-log group.
rate_limit_bytes: null # optional, not set by default
The system section
Miscellaneous system settings.
Parameter descriptions:
system: # optional
# Prevent the agent's executable code from being paged from RAM to the swap area by using the *mlock* system call.
# This may help reduce delays by eliminating major page faults for swapping code from the disk.
lock_executable_in_memory: false # optional, the default value is false
# Limit RAM in use with the help of the setrlimit system call.
memory_limit: null # optional, not set by default
The flow_control section
This section contains a session control configuration. Use it to configure various session limits and behaviors triggered by them.
You can use the flow_control
section for inputs and storage references (storage_ref
Parameter descriptions:
flow_control: # optional
# Session buffer settings.
# A limit can be expressed as a byte or message count.
# Exceeding any of the limits triggers the logic specified in the `action` attribute.
# The message count limit can be of use when you have many small messages at the input, each resulting in a large output message.
# Buffer size in bytes.
limit: 10mb # optional, the default value is 10mb
# Buffer size expressed as a message count.
limit_messages: null # optional, not set by default
# Behavior on full buffer:
# * backpressure: Pause receiving new messages until the buffer is freed up.
# * drop: Drop new messages if not fitting into the buffer.
action: backpressure # optional, the default value is backpressure
# Limit on how often new sessions can be created, in new sessions per second.
# If the limit is exceeded, the StartSession method returns TStartSessionResult::Throttled in the Status field.
# There is no default value for storages.
# For inputs, the default value is 5.
new_sessions_rate_limit: 5 # optional, the default value is 5 for inputs; not supported for storage_ref