Creating an external table from a Yandex Object Storage bucket table using a configuration file
To create an external table from a table in a Yandex Object Storage bucket, you need to provide a static access key for the service account in the query. You can do this using the S3 protocol
To create an external table using a configuration file:
If you no longer need the resources you created, delete them.
Getting started
Set up your infrastructure:
Create a Managed Service for Greenplum® cluster with any suitable configuration.
In the cluster subnet, set up a NAT gateway and create a security group allowing all incoming and outgoing traffic from all addresses.
Create a virtual machine on Linux in the same cloud network as the Managed Service for Greenplum® cluster.
Create a Object Storage bucket with restricted access. Upload the
file with a test table to it:10,2010
Create a static access key for the service account.
If you do not have Terraform yet, install it.
Get the authentication credentials. You can add them to environment variables or specify them later in the provider configuration file.
Configure and initialize a provider. There is no need to create a provider configuration file manually, you can download it
. -
Place the configuration file in a separate working directory and specify the parameter values. If you did not add the authentication credentials to environment variables, specify them in the configuration file.
In the working directory, create a file called
with a test table:10,2010
Download the infrastructure configuration file
to the same working directory.This file describes:
- Network.
- Subnet.
- Service account with a static access key.
- Managed Service for Greenplum® cluster.
- Bucket to contain the
file. - Virtual machine on Ubuntu 20.04.
Specify the following in the
file:- Password for the user named
for access to the Managed Service for Greenplum® cluster. - Virtual machine image ID.
- Username and path to the SSH key for virtual machine access.
- Folder ID for the same service account as specified in the provider settings.
- Bucket name that must be unique throughout Object Storage.
- Password for the user named
In the terminal window, go to the directory containing the infrastructure plan.
To verify that the config files are correct, run the command below:
terraform validate
If there are any errors in the configuration files, Terraform will point them out.
Create the infrastructure required to follow the steps provided in this tutorial:
Run the command to view planned changes:
terraform plan
If the resource configuration descriptions are correct, the terminal will display a list of the resources to modify and their parameters. This is a test step. No resources are updated.
If you are happy with the planned changes, apply them:
Run the command:
terraform apply
Confirm the update of resources.
Wait for the operation to complete.
All the required resources will be created in the specified folder. You can check resource availability and their settings in the management console
. -
To retrieve the static key parameters, run the command below in the working directory:
terraform output -raw access_key > static-key.txt && \ echo \n >> static-key.txt && \ terraform output -raw secret_key >> static-key.txt
The command saves to a file named
the static key ID and the static key you are going to need later. -
Go to the management console
and set up a NAT gateway for the subnet hosting your cluster.
Set up your web server with a configuration file
Set up a web server on your virtual machine and create an s3
configuration file on the web server:
Connect to the virtual machine over SSH.
Create a folder named
and put into it thes3.config
file with the static key parameters and the other configuration settings for thes3
protocol:sudo mkdir /opt/gp_http_server
file contents:[default] accessid = "<static_key_ID>" secret = "<static_key>" threadnum = 4 chunksize = 67108864 low_speed_limit = 10240 low_speed_time = 60 encryption = true version = 2 proxy = "" autocompress = true verifycert = true server_side_encryption = "" # gpcheckcloud config gpcheckcloud_newline = "\n"
In the
folder, put a web server config file namedgp_s3_config_http.service
:[Unit] Description=HTTP server config to connect Greenplum with Object Storage [Service] KillMode=process Restart=on-failure Type=simple User=root ExecStart=python3 -m http.server 8553 --directory /opt/gp_http_server [Install]
Start your web server:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && \ sudo systemctl enable gp_s3_config_http && \ sudo systemctl start gp_s3_config_http
To check the state of the web server, run the command below:
sudo systemctl status gp_s3_config_http
Create an external table
Run a query to create an external table referencing the
table in the bucket:CREATE READABLE EXTERNAL TABLE s3_ext_table(id int, year int) LOCATION('s3://<bucket_name>/example.csv config_server=http://<VM_internal_IP_address>:8553/s3.config region=ru-central1-a') FORMAT 'csv';
A successful query will return the following response:
Query the external table for data:
SELECT * FROM s3_ext_table;
Expected result:
id | year ----+------ 10 | 2010 (1 row)
Delete the resources you created
Some resources are not free of charge. To avoid paying for them, delete the resources you no longer need:
- Delete the VM.
- If you reserved a public static IP address for the VM, delete it.
- Delete the bucket in Object Storage.
- Delete the Managed Service for Greenplum® cluster.
- Delete the service account.
- Delete the subnet.
- Delete the route table.
- Delete the NAT gateway.
- Delete the cloud network.
In the terminal window, go to the directory containing the infrastructure plan.
Make sure the directory has no Terraform manifests with the resources you want to keep. Terraform deletes all resources that were created using the manifests in the current directory.
Delete resources:
Run this command:
terraform destroy
Confirm deleting the resources and wait for the operation to complete.
All the resources described in the Terraform manifests will be deleted.
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