Getting user information
You can get the ID, email address, and other user information.
Log in
as the organization administrator or owner. -
Go to Yandex Cloud Organization
. -
In the left-hand panel, select Users
. The page will display:- User: User login and email address.
- ID: User ID.
- Federation: Federation ID.
- The
button to configure access rights.
If you do not have the Yandex Cloud command line interface yet, install and initialize it.
See the description of the get user information command:
yc iam user-account get --help
Get user information by specifying the user's login:
yc iam user-account get just.mad.hatter
id: ajei8n5ahmfh******** yandex_passport_user_account: login: just.mad.hatter default_email:
If you know the user's login, use the getByLogin REST API method for the YandexPassportUserAccount resource or the YandexPassportUserAccount/GetByLogin gRPC API call.
If you know the user's ID, use the get REST API method for the UserAccount resource or the UserAccountService/Get gRPC API call.
To get information about federated users, use the listUserAccounts REST API method for the Federation resource or the FederationService/ListUserAccounts gRPC API call. To get information about a particular federated user, use the filter
parameter to filter users by login.