This block is only available to users of Yandex Forms for business.
In this block, users can search and select Tracker entities from the list of suggested ones. The type of entity is defined in the prompt settings and the list is arranged depending on the user permissions in Tracker.
For example, if a prompt requires specifying a queue, then, depending on the characters the user enters, they will be suggested a list of relevant queues they have access to.
Block settings
Enter a field name or a prompt.
To add an image to the question text, click
To add a comment or hint to a question, click
Add comment. The comment text is displayed with a smaller font size. -
To format the question or comment text, use Markdown markup.
Question ID
Use the question ID for pre-filling forms.
You can edit the ID. All questions in the same form must have unique IDs.
In the ID you can use uppercase and lowercase letters in the Latin alphabet, numbers, symbols -
and _
Required prompt
Turn this option on to mark required prompts with an asterisk
. If the user doesn't respond to this prompt, they can't submit the completed form.
Hidden question
Turn on this option if you don't want to show a prompt on the form. You can use hidden questions for sending technical parameters.
Don't turn on Hidden question and Required prompt at the same time, otherwise users won't be able to submit the completed form.
Tracker entity type
The following Tracker entities are available under Tracker:
- Queue: Search by queue name, key, and ID
- Issue: Search by issue name
- Component: Search by component name
- Project: Search by project name
- Board: Search by board name
- Sprint: Search by sprint name
The Multiple answers option allows the user to select multiple values, rather than a single one, from the list.
When setting up integration, the Tracker variable values depend on the selected entity type:
- Queue: Key.
- Issue: Key and number.
- Component, project, board, and sprint: ID (use the Response ID variable).
Filter responses
You can use this option to filter response options in the Tracker block: upload entities from Tracker depending on the response given in a different Tracker block. To use filtering, add at least two Tracker blocks to the form:
- Parent block.
- Block with response options that are filtered depending on the response that the user selected in the parent block.
Filtering only applies to blocks with the Issue or Component entity type.
It is handy to use filtering along with the Multiple answers option, because it helps extend the list of response options. For instance, if the user selected multiple queues in the parent block, they will be able to select issues from both queues in the filtered block.
To filter response options:
Add a parent Tracker block to the form or select an existing block as the parent one.
Add a filtered block with the Issue or Component entity type to the form.
Enable Filter responses.
In the Select a question to filter list, choose Tracker as the parent block.