Dataset in DataLens
A dataset describes a set of data and its structure. Data in a dataset is represented as fields.
DataLens creates a dataset based on a data source for which there is a connection.
A dataset works with sources in direct access mode: DataLens runs all data queries on the source side.
Dataset page
A dataset page consists of several tabs:
Connections panel. Displays the connection to the data source the dataset is based on.
Tables panel. Contains a list of tables available in the data source.
Workspace. You can drag here the tables you need and set up links between them.
Preview area. Here you can see what the dataset's content will look like. You can disable the default preview display.
Preview button. Hides or shows the preview area.
Presents a list of fields. Fields that define the structure and format of the dataset.
Buttons. You can use these to create a new field, update existing ones, and hide the preview area.
Search bar. Allows you to find a field by its name.
Additional settings. Allows customizing the way fields are presented in the list.
Preview area. Here you can see what the dataset's content will look like. You can disable the default preview display.
The tab displays the parameters created at the dataset level. Here you can add a new parameter or edit an existing one.
The tab displays filters applied to all new charts built based on the current dataset. Here you can create a new filter or edit an existing one.