Getting a VM instance identity document
When you create a VM, an identity document that stores information about the VM is generated. It contains the IDs of the VM instance, Marketplace product, disk image, etc.
To request an identity document:
Connect to the VM:
ssh <VM_IP_address>
Run this command to get the identity document in Google Compute Engine format:
curl \ --header Metadata-Flavor:Google
Response example:
If you created your VM before June 9, 2023, and you cannot get its identity document, stop and restart the VM.
Checking identity document signature
Apart from the identity document itself, the VM instance metadata service provides its cryptographic signatures.
You can use these signatures to verify the document's origin, validity, and integrity. To do this:
Connect to the VM:
ssh <VM_IP_address>
Get an RSA signature from the VM metadata and save it to a file named
:curl \ --header Metadata-Flavor:Google > rsa2048
Create a file named
and add a public certificate to it: -
Verify the signature and save the contents of the document to a file named
:openssl smime -verify -in rsa2048 -inform PEM -certfile certificate -noverify | tee document
If the signature is valid, you will see a message saying
Verification successful
Connect to the VM:
ssh <VM_IP_address>
Get a signature from the VM metadata and save it to a file named
:curl \ --header Metadata-Flavor:Google > dsa2048
Create a
file and save a public certificate to it:-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIERjCCA+ugAwIBAgIULIUmuptqf9Pz7nMGMHeW+BPNneYwCwYJYIZIAWUDBAMC MAAwHhcNMjMwNjA3MDY1NjI0WhcNMzMwNjA0MDY1NjI0WjAAMIIDRjCCAjkGByqG SM44BAEwggIsAoIBAQDFyteKPnUOauqiHzsLCw2Z//c1IjSqVVPpIbETQ1NUCsUI o6+at1VkxJ76K/HqvFlhC87nSGWuQMgflQXcVIEQ8c0wnQGRj4lwkkjm8WClo4xv t/FsNyv4uEcPgcz45A2YxE4+5odjicKMCz4pPW+kc9t4BiKw4I9uGySBhA1p21e+ fmR4AzDSHdHGRlvlYOfYANZlVeWm+qLsb+VfyeETTOD+ooMA9Y4ue3dw2l8Clib8 WummF2PNRnnOeEFGbwZErtdObla2TjdNzFWc6QWo1EcqqkBXG1TutY/FgNcTj+Ps nFoUu4ZIy7o8p8YgzyffSCQbP5ppRGpfh4DuIS+vAiEA8tkwKyKmcCxTWnpRNWlY O6kUanHgEQczpLtP3mDvcdUCggEAMhbW4syX5p7X1qs0OnFCLcd4tYA2DnR1dLu3 ZPusUh6c9+cH3ICEnK22KB1nplMAHDyXjtV2rCvIGlNUcT6OkSulnkvNE185cfM0 UKofG4t6VJNpa8bngF7Ccyf6QBPcUzigHv+QDQDZuA4k3IcQp0hC9ppOaN6J9rKp 5cSPyLzJ2vyY6mG650omxgnwG4OGZSRX8c1JN/MvIj79m3LqM7civ8l6ljnC+LNm 1T7mcgZcf9iYc5+OWICoeDtFUdr+qsNIXonIMku6FpJu0pBgVgE6GI+nD4oaXSQS bckxB24DEYvTlVALuXqPS8MZyQZz5ltoI8xnbEOMqtU3IPox1AOCAQUAAoIBADcS Pt2SC+cGUCKNhrPquESB2/dZKUDuyEtYIYMidfoyoBGhz2QuqOqf5tEcLY9gCeMP NxmaXW1AQtcAX/+tyCZrVxEc31btW3alLmu/NtKxmb6PRshsASI/LIE1wH82TV8C 4ymFDyKUGCb5AWN+Ziv5AP5/6Q08awQ7YAuz/sw0xOMqDuUfYkLerPEuQg5Sozs0 DWucS/ex7l+VqNAZUBZykta961bhplIDTRG05YD3Lz0w/WIBMdZzzolA7F3jgFJg rCfZwQeDbf1iorfxRS5DqR0Vt7XE6/yqRUzDjOMctKY68jLZGFfOfTQ9iX2R9K/f 7kJPxaHnA+WWo13ExwGjUzBRMB0GA1UdDgQWBBTj+x+t2VJhAWI57o9xRwMOeTFj mzAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBTj+x+t2VJhAWI57o9xRwMOeTFjmzAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTAD AQH/MAsGCWCGSAFlAwQDAgNIADBFAiAX2ABj/9ea1Q4ssAgIGkA4vJywoUoT4Sbg LFFIJGlNWgIhAO0b749SY5+6UMEOLsxgvNzKKcv58BKADfBdJAXE6fRk -----END CERTIFICATE-----
Verify the signature and save the contents of the document to a file named
:openssl smime -verify -in dsa2048 -inform PEM -certfile certificate -noverify | tee document
If the signature is valid, you will see a message saying
Verification successful
Connect to the VM:
ssh <VM_IP_address>
Get a base64 signature from the VM metadata and save it to a file named
:curl \ --header Metadata-Flavor:Google | \ base64 -d >> signature
Get an identity document and save it to a file named
:curl \ --header Metadata-Flavor:Google > document
Create a
file and save a public certificate to it:-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC4TCCAcmgAwIBAgIUP0zcGO1MeRwze8VdSMEt/OdBXoIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL BQAwADAeFw0yMzA2MDcwNjU4MTBaFw0zMzA2MDQwNjU4MTBaMAAwggEiMA0GCSqG SIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDw6TvAvrbJvY4tzIIuDnLEVfRUW4BZJD3y K8fyyxXrYDvC69RKCKk9+TQhnUOLhZNlDST4HFfSPlakOjXUduyJE5M1EmoLAstN 81aP3TejseDavxmaNijXRsa9E731T5H+zo44PgAHfQJmiD7rtcr+QOIosKUB2dwp F2acp9hLKd389BfNctziG0Oxq7hlISTDBnhzBg7eKuqWtShjVW5RqQvp3bARfUPa RWdYjmZvR+AnmozV1SGnpAnatzhnF6tNAb5XSEw49tumsX1D4A11J6mtrafO6bsP wdIPwy9W15iCszUNlFcdBaZhESc34VbyCyLMvA5T0Uj1FJHz1RFlAgMBAAGjUzBR MB0GA1UdDgQWBBQq0z6Vcmjcn8wnRTwKGSm5YGas9TAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQq0z6V cmjcn8wnRTwKGSm5YGas9TAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUA A4IBAQBplippQ/Pxn7AkuwOTSwSTeJ7S+rMSb6iSL9chNHetanft0Ikr5BDsSrd6 TeHV0sEMilDIjX0EjSNHwYtYrDPk6cGjkzDTYb6/U10c5Xhwi0g7/lMH/RPihPz5 co80VEqXWlgfgHuE7/cAiTJ61PiFD9oI494bQcIISQNDfbUUiYfn32+8nK20rn8C w7PbGoIv6zz6A0c6DJT7yXJF5sAHgX4M03Oi9edzQ077ZOboXSuUKe4VfHIpjTjZ 0sM/NbG5BFstyetVc3FZOGWGukTRb0C0GSASOm6hCyh5ctmpwlS4menc/OAx9BYO r9ZBjEa0oLFVV0pP5Tj4Gf1DDpuJ -----END CERTIFICATE-----
Extract a public key from the certificate and save it to a file named
:openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in certificate >> key
Verify the signature and save the contents of the document to a file named
:openssl dgst -sha256 -verify key -signature signature document
If the signature is valid, you will see a message saying
Verified OK
Map the identity document from the VM metadata to the document saved to the file:
curl | \
openssl dgst -sha256
openssl dgst -sha256 < document
If they have the same hash, the identity document saved to the file matches the document from the VM metadata.