Connecting to a Linux VM via SSH
To connect to a VM via SSH, you need a key pair with the public key located on the VM and the private key kept by the user. This method is more secure than connecting with a username and password.
To enable another user to connect to your VM, add an SSH key for them by following this guide.
When creating a VM accessible via OS Login, specify SSH keys in the metadata. This way, you will be able to connect to the VM via SSH even if you disable OS Login access for it.
To connect to a Linux VM via SSH:
- Create an SSH key pair.
- Copy the public key to the SSH key field on the VM creation page.
- Connect to the VM.
Creating an SSH key pair
Open the terminal.
Use the
command to create a new key:ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<optional_comment>"
You can specify an empty string in the
parameter to avoid adding a comment, or you may not specify the-C
parameter at all: in this case, a default comment will be added.After running this command, you will be prompted to specify the name and path to the key files, as well as enter the password for the private key. If you only specify the name, the key pair will be created in the current directory. The public key will be saved in a file with the
extension, while the private key, in a file without extension.By default, the command prompts you to save the key under the
name in the following directory:/home/<username>/.ssh
. If there is already an SSH key namedid_ed25519
in this directory, you may accidentally overwrite it and lose access to the resources it is used in. Therefore, you may want to use unique names for all SSH keys.
If you do not have OpenSSH
(make sure to update PowerShell before doing so). -
Use the
command to create a new key:ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<optional_comment>"
You can specify an empty string in the
parameter to avoid adding a comment, or you may not specify the-C
parameter at all: in this case, a default comment will be added.After running this command, you will be prompted to specify the name and path to the key files, as well as enter the password for the private key. If you only specify the name, the key pair will be created in the current directory. The public key will be saved in a file with the
extension, while the private key, in a file without extension.By default, the command prompts you to save the key under the
name in the following folder:C:\Users\<username>/.ssh
. If there is already an SSH key namedid_ed25519
in this directory, you may accidentally overwrite it and lose access to the resources it is used in. Therefore, you may want to use unique names for all SSH keys.
Create keys using the PuTTY app:
and install PuTTY. -
Add the folder with PuTTY to the
variable:- Click Start and type Change system environment variables in the Windows search bar.
- Click Environment Variables... at the bottom right.
- In the window that opens, find the
parameter and click Edit. - Add your folder path to the list.
- Click OK.
Launch the PuTTYgen app.
Select EdDSA as the pair type to generate. Click Generate and move the cursor in the field above it until key creation is complete.
In Key passphrase, enter a strong password. Enter it again in the field below.
Click Save private key and save the private key. Do not share its key phrase with anyone.
Click Save public key and save the public key to a file named
Store your private key securely, as you will not be able to connect to the VM without it.
Copying a public key to the clipboard
The previously created public key has the following format:
<key_type> <public_key_body> <optional_comment>
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5ABFLIFyapYheN7OZNhTaNqEHefjmU5mtzK********+gRPCz user@Desktop
The <optional_comment>
section is not used when connecting via SSH, so you can omit it.
Open the <key_name>.pub
file using any text editor, such as Notepad, and copy the key from it. The key must be written as a single line (without returns or line breaks).
You can also copy the key using the command line:
In the terminal, use one of the following methods to copy the key:
Manually. To do this, output the file content to the screen:
cat <key_file_path>/<key_name>.pub
This will display the public key. Copy it to the clipboard.
Use the appropriate command:
For Linux:
cat <key_file_path>/<key_name>.pub | xclip -selection clipboard
. -
For macOS:
cat <key_file_path>/<key_name>.pub | pbcopy
The above-mentioned commands copy the entire content of the file, including the optional comment.
. -
Use one of the following methods to copy the key:
Manually. To do this, output the file content to the screen:
type <key_file_path>\<key_name>.pub
This will display the public key. Copy it to the clipboard.
Use the appropriate command:
type <key_file_path>\<key_name>.pub | clip
The above-mentioned command copies the entire content of the file, including the optional comment.
After that, paste the public key into the SSH key field when creating a VM in the management console
Connecting to a VM
You can connect to a VM with the RUNNING
status via SSH. It may take some time for all services to initialize after the VM starts. If you get a connection error, try again in a few minutes.
The VM security groups must allow incoming TCP traffic on port 22.
To connect, specify the VM public IP address. You can find out the public IP address in the management console: on the VM page, go to the Network section and find the Public IPv4 address field. If you created your VM with an internal IP address only, assign it a public IP address.
You can also use internal IP addresses and FQDNs to establish an SSH connection between VMs within a single cloud network in Yandex Cloud.
In the terminal, run this command:
ssh <username>@<VM_public_IP_address>
Where <username>
is the VM account username. If you created your VM via the CLI, yc-user
is the default user.
If you have multiple private keys, specify the one you need:
ssh -i <key_path/key_file_name> <username>@<VM_public_IP_address>
If this is your first time connecting to the VM, you will get this unknown host warning:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:6Mjv93NJDCaf/vu3NYwiLQK4tKI+4cfLtkd********.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
Type yes
into the terminal and press Enter.
Make sure the Windows account has read permissions for the directory containing the keys.
To connect to the VM, run the following command in the command line:
ssh <username>@<VM_public_IP_address>
Where <username>
is the VM account username. If you created your VM via the CLI, yc-user
is the default user.
If you have multiple private keys, specify the one you need:
ssh -i <key_path\key_file_name> <username>@<VM_public_IP_address>
If this is your first time connecting to the VM, you will get this unknown host warning:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:DfjfFB+in0q0MGi0HnqLNMdHssLfm1yRanB********.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
Type yes
in the command line and press Enter.
Establish a connection using PuTTY:
- Run Pageant.
- Right-click the Pageant icon in the task bar.
- In the context menu, select Add key.
- Select a PuTTY-generated private key in
format. Enter the password for this key, if any.
- Run PuTTY.
In the Host Name (or IP address) field, enter the public IP address of the VM you want to connect to. Set the port to
and connection type to SSH. -
In the tree on the left, select Connection → SSH → Auth.
Enable Allow agent forwarding.
In the tree on the left, select Connection → SSH → Auth → Credentials.
In the Private key file for authentication field, select the private key file.
Go back to the Sessions menu. In the Saved sessions field, enter any name for the session and click Save. This will save the session settings under the specified name. You can use this session profile to connect with Pageant.
Click Open. If this is your first time connecting to the VM, you may get this unknown host warning:
Click Accept. This will open a terminal window prompting you to enter the username to use for connection. Type the username you specified when creating the VM and press Enter. If you created your VM via the CLI,
is the default user.If everything is configured correctly, a connection to the server will be established.
If you saved the session profile in PuTTY, you can use Pageant for future connections:
- Right-click the Pageant icon in the task bar.
- Select Saved sessions.
- In the saved sessions list, select the session you need.
For more information on how to solve connection issues, see FAQ.
Adding SSH keys for other users
You can add SSH keys for another VM user. To do this, create a new user and add a file with the authorized keys for this user.
To create multiple users with keys at the same time, use metadata.
To configure users from within the VM, follow these steps:
Connect to the VM under the username you specified when creating the VM in the management console.
To get info on a VM with custom metadata, run this command:
yc compute instance get --full <VM_name>
Create a new user named
and specifybash
as the default shell for this user:sudo useradd -m -d /home/testuser -s /bin/bash testuser
Switch to the new user:
sudo su - testuser
Create a folder named
in the new user's home directory:mkdir .ssh
In the
folder, create a file namedauthorized_keys
:touch .ssh/authorized_keys
Add the public key of the new user to the
file:echo "<public_key>" >> /home/testuser/.ssh/authorized_keys
Change the access permissions to the
file and the.ssh
folder:chmod 700 ~/.ssh chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Disconnect from the VM by running
. -
Check the connection for the new user:
ssh testuser@<VM_public_IP_address>