CLI troubleshooting
Written by
Updated at January 21, 2025
CLI installation errors
Failure writing output to destination
If curl
was installed on Linux Ubuntu using a snap packagecurl: (23) Failure writing output to destination
error while installing the CLI.
To fix this error, delete curl
and reinstall it using the apt
package manager
sudo snap remove curl
sudo apt install curl
Then repeat the CLI installation.
Errors when working with the CLI
If an error occurs during the operation, the CLI displays the corresponding message.
Error message example
yc compute instance create --name my-inst3 --metadata user-data="#ps1\nnet user Administrator Passw0rd" --zone ru-central1-a --public-ip --create-boot-disk image-folder-id=standard-images,image-name=windows-2016-gvlk-153
ERROR: rpc error: code = ResourceExhausted desc = The limit on maximum number of instances has exceeded.
server-request-id: 9d42710c-4a14-4561-a491-1f3bf76dbaaa
client-request-id: e69f4463-b9de-45bc-89b3-4db6e4d1bae6
client-trace-id: ddd8c763-81a3-4c58-9a7d-445257b59aee
Use server-request-id, client-request-id, client-trace-id for investigation of issues in cloud support
If you are going to ask for help of cloud support, please send the following trace file: C:\Users\username\yandex-cloud\logs\yc_compute_instance_create-2019-02-18T12-26-39.897.txt
What should I do?
To help our support team solve your problem faster, from the error message:
- Copy all available IDs. In our example, they are
, andclient-trace-id
. - Copy the trace file that was saved to your PC. See the path to the trace file at the end of the error message.
In our example, it is as follows:C:\Users\username\yandex-cloud\logs\yc_compute_instance_create-2019-02-18T12-26-39.897.txt
- Provide this information to the support team