Terms of Membership in the Yandex Cloud Boost AI Loyalty Program for software and digital product developers

  1. The Yandex Cloud Boost AI Loyalty Program (the “Program”) has been developed by Direct Cursus Technology L.L.C. (“Yandex”) and is intended to test YandexGPT API, YandexART (the “Services”) and have it integrated by companies (https://yandex.cloud/en/docs/billing/qa/all#countries) that develop software and digital products.

  2. Membership in the Program is available only to Customers who have registered a business account on the Yandex Cloud Platform and meet the criteria specified in Supplement 1 and on the Website at: https://yandex.cloud/en/cloud-boost-ai (the “Member”).

  3. YandexGPT API, YandexART shall be tested by Members for the purpose of its integration into existing software and digital services in order to develop functionality and improve efficiency, as well as to increase user satisfaction and their interest in Members’ digital services.

  4. A Customer who qualifies for the Program shall be entitled to submit an application for membership in the Program (the “Application”). The Application is submitted through the Yandex Website and is reviewed by the Yandex team within ten (10) business days. Based on the results of the review of the Application, Yandex decides, in accordance with the criteria for the Selection of Members (Supplement No. 1) and the principles of good faith and non-discrimination, whether to assign the Customer the status of a program member (“Program Member”) or to refuse to assign the said status. Information about the decision made by Yandex is sent to the Customer’s e-mail address specified when submitting the Application via the Yandex Website or when registering on the Yandex Cloud Platform.

  5. Yandex reserves the right to provide the Services in a limited mode, or at any time, at its discretion, to disable certain functionality of the Services, or to make the Services entirely unavailable.

  6. Yandex has the right to set limits and restrictions on the use of the Services and may change them at its own discretion, as well as change the rules of the Program.

  7. Program Members receive a grant for access to the YandexGPT API, YandexART services in accordance with paragraph 8. Instructions for using the services and documentation are available at: https://yandex.cloud/en/services/foundation-models. The terms of use of the Services can be found at: https://yandex.ru/legal/cloud_terms_yandex_foundation_models.

  8. The Program Member may receive a Grant of up to 12 000 USD. The grant is awarded in several stages:
    8.1. The Program Member receives the first portion of the grant — 1200 USD. The Grant validity period: up to three hundred and sixty five (365) calendar days.
    8.2. Before the expiration of the period of the first portion of the Grant, the Program allows the Member to receive the second portion of the grant — 10 800 USD. The entire Grant validity period is not extended.
    8.2.1. The terms and conditions for the issue of the second portion of the Grant: Before the Grant period expires, the Program Member has fully used the first portion of the Grant in an amount of more than 900 USD to implement the Services. The Program Member has successfully completed an additional interview with the Program Manager and/or Yandex Architect regarding business validation, as well as the results of testing the Services and plans for the development and implementation of the Services. The Program Member has sent by email a free-form request for the second portion of the Grant to cloud-boost@yandex-team.com
    8.3. Yandex reserves the right to audit the Member’s usage of the Grant at any time. Any misuse, fraud, or violation of the program’s terms will result in immediate revocation of the remaining Grant amount and may result in suspension from the Program.
    8.3.1. If the Member fails to use the entire Grant amount within 360 days, the unused portion will expire without any notice or compensation. Yandex is under no obligation to extend the validity of the Grant or offer any alternative benefits.
    8.4. The Program Member is entitled to one (1) hour of consultations per month from an architect or engineer of the Yandex Cloud Platform concerning YandexGPT API, YandexART testing and implementation in software or digital services. The duration of each consultation shall not exceed 60 minutes, and any unused time cannot be carried forward to future months. Format of the consultation: online via videoconferencing (Skype/Zoom/Telegram, etc.) The date and time of the consultation are set by agreement between the Program Member and a representative of the Yandex team.
    Consultations must be scheduled at least 7 calendar days in advance and are subject to the availability of Yandex architects or engineers.
    8.4.1. All information provided as part of the consultation for the Program Member is advisory in nature and non-binding. Yandex shall not be liable for any loss and/or damage caused by the actions/omission of the Program Member resulting from the use or non-use of the information and/or advice received.

  9. Membership in the Program is available only once; repeated access to the privileges according to the Program Terms is not available. Yandex reserves the right to verify the Customer’s business account and past usage history to ensure that the Customer qualifies as a New Member under this definition. Any attempt to circumvent this requirement by creating multiple accounts or submitting fraudulent information will result in disqualification from the Program and possible legal action.

  10. Yandex has the right to at any time deprive the Program Member of status in the event of a violation by the Member of the obligations established by the Agreement for the use of Yandex Cloud Platform Services, as well as in the event of a violation of the terms of this Program and/or detection of fraud with respect to Yandex or other Program Members. Whether or not the Member’s actions are deemed as fraud shall be determined by Yandex based on the criteria at its discretion, and Yandex shall be under no obligation to disclose such criteria and/or fraud detection techniques. Yandex shall notify the Program Member of termination of status by sending a notice to the Program Member’s email specified at the time of registering an account on the Yandex Cloud Platform. The Program Member is solely responsible for ensuring that their contact information is up to date. Yandex shall not be held liable for any failure to receive such notification due to outdated or incorrect contact details provided by the Member. The notice of termination shall be deemed effective upon sending, regardless of whether the Member acknowledges receipt of the email.
    The Program Member status is deemed as terminated from the moment a respective notice is sent, no less than ten (10) calendar days before the Member is deprived of the Program Member status. Yandex reserves the right to immediately revoke access to certain Program privileges, services, or resources during the ten (10) calendar day notice period, to protect the integrity of Yandex Cloud Platform services and prevent any further potential abuse by the Program Member. Yandex is not obligated to offer an opportunity to cure such a breach.

  11. Yandex may, at its discretion, at any time terminate the Program or change its terms without any prior notice. Continued participation in the Program after notice of modification constitutes acceptance of the updated terms.

  12. Restrictions:
    12.1. Yandex shall not be liable for any loss and/or damage caused by the actions/omission of the Program Member resulting from the use or non-use of YandexGPT API, YandexART. In no event shall Yandex be liable for indirect, consequential, special, punitive, or incidental damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, business interruption, or loss of data.
    12.2. The Program Member agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Yandex, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, and employees from any claims, damages, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising out of or in connection with the Program Member’s use of the Yandex Services, including but not limited to any violation of applicable laws, misuse of services, or third-party claims.
    12.3. All information provided as part of an individual consultation for the Program Member is advisory in nature and non-binding.
    12.4. The Program Member independently determines the restrictions established by the applicable law for the placement of data for working with Yandex Services. The Program Member agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Yandex from any liabilities, claims, damages, or expenses arising from the Member’s failure to comply with applicable laws or regulations regarding data placement and storage. Yandex retains the right to request evidence of compliance with such laws at any time, and the failure to provide such evidence may result in the suspension or termination of Program Membership.
    12.5. If the Program Member processes personal data of end users or other identifiable persons while using Yandex Services, the Program Member is responsible for ensuing legality of such personal data processing. Yandex shall not be liable for any claims, damages, or fines arising from the Program Member’s failure to comply with data protection laws, which may imply the collection of appropriate consents, as well as for the due awareness of data subjects of such processing.
    12.6. Membership in the program is not available to government entities that comply with specific procurement, sourcing, and benefit regulations.
    12.7. The Program Member independently determines the restrictions established by the applicable law for the placement of data for working with Yandex Services. The Program Member agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Yandex from any liabilities, claims, damages, or expenses arising from the Member’s failure to comply with applicable laws or regulations regarding data placement and storage. Yandex retains the right to request evidence of compliance with such laws at any time, and the failure to provide such evidence may result in the suspension or termination of Program Membership.
    12.8. During the Grant period, the Program Member may not grant access to the business account on the Yandex Cloud Platform to any third party or charge any fee for it.
    12.9. The Member confirms that he has read and agrees with the selection criteria in Supplement 1, and in case of detection of non-compliance with any criteria, the Member undertakes to notify Yandex at the address: cloud-boost@yandex-team.com

Capitalized terms used herein, unless the text expressly requires otherwise, have the meanings ascribed to them in the offer posted at: https://yandex.com/legal/cloud_customer_agreement_uae

Supplement No. 1. Selection criteria for Members

  1. Your company develops and sells digital products or software is part of your product/service for the market. However, the exclusive rights to the software belong to you and are not licensed to you by a third-party developer.
  2. Your company is a commercial organization.
  3. Your company is not an educational agency or a marketing/digital agency. Compliance with the criterion is determined based on the data provided, such as: type of legal entity, status of the founders and general director, as well as information from open sources (website, questionnaire, presentation, etc.) and interviews.
  4. Your company has not previously participated in the Yandex Cloud Boost AI program.
  5. Your company has registered a business account in Yandex Cloud. Your company is not involved in cryptocurrency mining.
  6. Your company has no employment or other connections with government officials. “Public officials” include: a) civil servants (as defined in the country of jurisdiction of the legal entity); b) members of boards of directors, officials, directors of government and state companies; с) officials or representatives of public international organizations (such as the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization); d) officials of political parties; (e) members of royal and ruling families.
  7. Your company, employees, directors and/or founders do not have a conflict of interest in relation to Direct Cursus Technology L.L.C. and/or any Yandex company that you did not disclose to Yandex when submitting the Application. The term “conflict of interest” means the following situations: a) the Customer, directors, founders or employees of the Customer are close relatives of employees of Direct Cursus Technology L.L.C. or any of the employees of Yandex companies who make decisions within the framework of the Program implementation, or who have information that may give an advantage to the Customer under the Program; b) The Customer, directors, founders or employees of the Customer, or their close relatives, are full- or part-time employees of a Yandex company, or provide any services to Yandex companies and/or employees of Yandex companies who make decisions within the framework of the Program implementation, or who have information that may give an advantage to the Customer under the Program; с) the Customer, directors, founders or employees of the Customer are directors of Yandex suppliers and/or partners or have significant influence on them; d) the Customer, director, founder or employees of the Customer, or their close relatives have significant influence on Yandex; e) Yandex, including directors or employees, or their close relatives have significant influence on the Customer; f) Yandex companies, and/or employees of the Yandex group making decisions within the framework of the Program implementation, or possessing information that may give an advantage to the Customer within the framework of the Program provide any services to the Customer, his employees, directors and/or founders; g) The Customer is in the process of negotiating agreements with Yandex (except for negotiations on membership in the Program).
    For the purposes of this clause: (i) “directors, employees of the Customer” mean executive, non-executive, managing directors or persons who are managers of the Customer’s company or its business units (for example, financial director, member of the board or supervisory board, etc.), as well as employees making decisions as part of concluding or executing an agreement with Yandex; (ii) close relatives mean family members or persons who can potentially influence the decisions of an employee or director in transactions involving a party to the agreement, including children (including adopted children, stepchildren), parents (including step parents), spouses (including those in a civil marriage), brothers and sisters (including step-brothers and step-sisters), parents of spouses, brothers and sisters of spouses, close friends or other persons who have family or close relationships and/or manage a household with an employee or director of a party to the agreement; (iii) significant influence means the right to participate in decisions regarding the financial and operating policies of the organization, and membership in the board of directors or similar body, ownership of shares or interests that give 10% or more voting rights, any other economic interest that may influence decisions, are deemed as significant influence.
  8. Your company, its employees and/or founders are not affiliated with any Yandex group company: “Affiliates” mean: a) companies that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, manage companies of the Yandex group of companies, are managed by the Yandex group or are under joint control of the Yandex group (excluding subsidiaries directly or indirectly entirely owned by the Yandex group); b) unconsolidated entities in which the Yandex Group has significant influence or which have significant influence over the Yandex Group; с) individuals who directly or indirectly own blocks of shares with voting rights in the Yandex group, which enable them to exercise significant influence on the Yandex group, and close relatives of any such person; d) senior management of the Yandex group, defined as persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the group, including directors and senior management of the group, as well as close relatives of such persons; and e) companies in which a significant shareholding with voting rights is owned directly or indirectly by any person specified in paragraphs. с) or d) above, or over which such person can exercise significant influence, including any companies owned by directors of the Yandex group companies or shareholders owning 10% or more of the voting shares of the group, and any companies in which a representative of the group’s senior management works.

Terms of Membership are valid until December 31, 2025