
Updated March 13, 2025

Integra is a Low-code integration platform for combining data, applications and systems into a single IT landscape

Integra is an ideal choice for organizations seeking to create a single IT landscape, build a stable and scalable integration environment, and automate and optimize business processes.

Tariff plans:

Depending on the scale of your IT infrastructure and the volume of information transferred, you can choose one of three tariffs. All tariffs offer the full functionality of Integra and are limited only by the maximum volume of information transferred per unit of time (RPS, Requests Per Second)

1. Integra subscription 30 days 200 RPS 60,000 rubles/month.
An option for exploring the capabilities of Integra without serious financial investments. Suitable for building small integration interactions between important information systems in an organization without the need to withstand heavy loads.
2. Integra subscription 30 days 500 RPS 120,000 rubles/month.
An option for medium-sized businesses that require stable information exchange between the systems used in real time. Suitable for setting up integration between critical applications
3. Integra subscription 30 days without RPS limits

240,000 rubles/month. An option with no speed limits. Build integration flows of any complexity with any data transfer load. The throughput depends only on the capacity of the Yandex.Cloud computing power you rent.
4. Free demo access to Integra
Available upon request +7 (495) 532-43-13,

Product advantages:

The product implements a low-code approach, which makes it available for use not only by expensive IT specialists (developers, DevOps engineers), but also by analysts who do not have programming skills, thereby reducing the time and cost of creating integrations.

The platform includes a set of ready-made connectors to popular systems and data transfer protocols, as well as handlers for their transformation and enrichment. Using a coding interface convenient for programmers, with support for Java, JavaScript and Python, the functionality of data processing and transformation can be expanded. In addition, it is possible to independently develop unique connectors and handlers using Java, Python and C# libraries.
The presence of built-in monitoring, tracing, debugging and error tracking tools increases the ease of visualization and transparency of data exchange.

The core of Integra is a new-generation reactive “engine”, which ensures uninterrupted processing of large volumes of data due to easy scaling and the ability to work in a cluster to meet growing business needs.

Deployment instructions

1. Install MongoDB

For Integra to work, you must first install MongoDB.

Installing MongoDB in Yandex Cloud

Installing MongoDB on a VM

Installing MongoDB on Kubernetes using helm

2. Installing Integra

Set application settings in the fields provided

  • Namespace — select a namespace or create a new one.
  • Application name — select the name under which the application will be deployed in the cluster.
  • MongoDB URL — Address to connect to MongoDB
  • Database name in MongoDB — Name of the database in which Integra data will be stored
  • MongoDB User — User in MongoDB with the roles readWrite, dbAdmin on the above database
  • MongoDB user password
  • URL Object Store — Address to S3 storage. It is recommended to use Yandex Object Storage
  • Bucket in Object Store — Bucket in Object Storage
  • Service account for Object Store — Service account with rights on Yandex Object Storage
  • Nginx Ingress — An Ingress controller is required to access Integra. Currently only the Nginx Ingress Controller is supported. You can install according to instructions or use your own
  • URL — Domain name by which Integra will be accessed
  • Use TLS — Using https to access Integra
  • TLS Secret Name — The name of the secret where the certificate is contained
  • Administrator login — Integra administrator login
  • Administrator password — Integra administrator password
  • Service account key for managing subscriptions — Service account with role license-manager.user for managing subscriptions
Billing type
Paid by subscriptions
Kubernetes® Application
Network infrastructure
In the Russian software register
Use cases

Integration of cooperative systems into a single environment (CRM, ERP, MDM, etc.)

Technical support

Technical support:
Opening hours: Mon — Fri, 10:00 — 19:00 Moscow time

Product Consultation:
+7 (495) 532-43-13

Product composition
Helm chartVersion
Docker imageVersion
By using this product you agree to the Yandex Cloud Marketplace Terms of Service and the terms and conditions of the following software: Terms of use regarding the computer program "Integra" (7TECH INTEGRA 2.0)
Billing type
Paid by subscriptions
Kubernetes® Application
Network infrastructure
In the Russian software register