Yandex Virtual Private Cloud
With Yandex Virtual Private Cloud, you can manage cloud networks and connect cloud resources to each other and the internet. Virtual Private Cloud allows you to create networks and subnets in the Yandex Cloud availability zones, assign private and public IP addresses to cloud resources, and implement DDoS protection with the dedicated component, DDoS-Protection.
The Yandex Cloud infrastructure is protected pursuant to the Russian Federal Law No. 152-FZ on Personal Data.
The service is subject to a service level agreement. The service level is set out in the document titled Yandex Virtual Private Cloud service level.
Getting started
Create your first cloud network
Step-by-step guides
How to perform routine operations
Learn more about the service's concepts and resources
API reference
HTTP API method descriptions
Quotas and limits
Technical and organizational limitations
Access management
Configure access permissions to use the service
Pricing policy
Service pricing and cost calculations