Using hybrid storage in Yandex Managed Service for ClickHouse®
Hybrid storage allows you to store frequently used data on the network disks of the Managed Service for ClickHouse® cluster and rarely used data in Yandex Object Storage. Automatically moving data between these storage levels is only supported for MergeTree
To use hybrid storage:
- Create a table.
- Populate the table with data.
- Check the placement of data in a cluster.
- Run a test query.
If you no longer need the resources you created, delete them.
Getting started
Prepare the infrastructure
Create a Managed Service for ClickHouse® cluster:
Disk type: Standard (
), fast (network-ssd
), or non-replicated (network-ssd-nonreplicated
) network disks. -
Size: At least 15 GB.
User management via SQL: Disabled.
DB name:
. -
Hybrid storage: Enabled.
Configure permissions so that you can execute read and write requests in this database.
If you don't have Terraform, install it and configure the Yandex Cloud provider.
Clone the repository containing examples:
git clone
From the
to the folder where the provider configuration file is located.This file describes:
Default security group and rules required to connect to the cluster from the internet.
Managed Service for ClickHouse® cluster with hybrid storage enabled.
, specify the username and password to use to access the Managed Service for ClickHouse® cluster. -
In the terminal window, go to the directory containing the infrastructure plan.
To verify that the config files are correct, run the command below:
terraform validate
If there are any errors in the configuration files, Terraform will point them out.
Create the infrastructure required to follow the steps provided in this tutorial:
Run the command to view planned changes:
terraform plan
If the resource configuration descriptions are correct, the terminal will display a list of the resources to modify and their parameters. This is a test step. No resources are updated.
If you are happy with the planned changes, apply them:
Run the command:
terraform apply
Confirm the update of resources.
Wait for the operation to complete.
All the required resources will be created in the specified folder. You can check resource availability and their settings in the management console
. -
Set up the command line tools
Set up the
tools:apt-get update && apt-get install curl xz-utils
Set up clickhouse-client and use it to connect to the database.
Explore the test dataset (optional)
To demonstrate how hybrid storage works, Yandex Metrica anonymized hit data (hits_v1
) is used. This dataset
The tutorial.hits_v1
table will be configured when you create it so that all the fresh data
in the table starting from March 21, 2014 is in network storage, and older data (from March 17, 2014 to March 20, 2014) is in object storage.
Create a table
Create the tutorial.hits_v1
table that uses hybrid storage. To do this, run an SQL query by substituting <schema>
with a table schema from the ClickHouse® documentation
CREATE TABLE tutorial.hits_v1
ENGINE = MergeTree()
ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID))
SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID)
TTL EventDate + toIntervalDay(dateDiff('day', toDate('2014-03-20'), now())) TO DISK 'object_storage'
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192
Query with full schema
CREATE TABLE tutorial.hits_v1
`WatchID` UInt64,
`JavaEnable` UInt8,
`Title` String,
`GoodEvent` Int16,
`EventTime` DateTime,
`EventDate` Date,
`CounterID` UInt32,
`ClientIP` UInt32,
`ClientIP6` FixedString(16),
`RegionID` UInt32,
`UserID` UInt64,
`CounterClass` Int8,
`OS` UInt8,
`UserAgent` UInt8,
`URL` String,
`Referer` String,
`URLDomain` String,
`RefererDomain` String,
`Refresh` UInt8,
`IsRobot` UInt8,
`RefererCategories` Array(UInt16),
`URLCategories` Array(UInt16),
`URLRegions` Array(UInt32),
`RefererRegions` Array(UInt32),
`ResolutionWidth` UInt16,
`ResolutionHeight` UInt16,
`ResolutionDepth` UInt8,
`FlashMajor` UInt8,
`FlashMinor` UInt8,
`FlashMinor2` String,
`NetMajor` UInt8,
`NetMinor` UInt8,
`UserAgentMajor` UInt16,
`UserAgentMinor` FixedString(2),
`CookieEnable` UInt8,
`JavascriptEnable` UInt8,
`IsMobile` UInt8,
`MobilePhone` UInt8,
`MobilePhoneModel` String,
`Params` String,
`IPNetworkID` UInt32,
`TraficSourceID` Int8,
`SearchEngineID` UInt16,
`SearchPhrase` String,
`AdvEngineID` UInt8,
`IsArtifical` UInt8,
`WindowClientWidth` UInt16,
`WindowClientHeight` UInt16,
`ClientTimeZone` Int16,
`ClientEventTime` DateTime,
`SilverlightVersion1` UInt8,
`SilverlightVersion2` UInt8,
`SilverlightVersion3` UInt32,
`SilverlightVersion4` UInt16,
`PageCharset` String,
`CodeVersion` UInt32,
`IsLink` UInt8,
`IsDownload` UInt8,
`IsNotBounce` UInt8,
`FUniqID` UInt64,
`HID` UInt32,
`IsOldCounter` UInt8,
`IsEvent` UInt8,
`IsParameter` UInt8,
`DontCountHits` UInt8,
`WithHash` UInt8,
`HitColor` FixedString(1),
`UTCEventTime` DateTime,
`Age` UInt8,
`Sex` UInt8,
`Income` UInt8,
`Interests` UInt16,
`Robotness` UInt8,
`GeneralInterests` Array(UInt16),
`RemoteIP` UInt32,
`RemoteIP6` FixedString(16),
`WindowName` Int32,
`OpenerName` Int32,
`HistoryLength` Int16,
`BrowserLanguage` FixedString(2),
`BrowserCountry` FixedString(2),
`SocialNetwork` String,
`SocialAction` String,
`HTTPError` UInt16,
`SendTiming` Int32,
`DNSTiming` Int32,
`ConnectTiming` Int32,
`ResponseStartTiming` Int32,
`ResponseEndTiming` Int32,
`FetchTiming` Int32,
`RedirectTiming` Int32,
`DOMInteractiveTiming` Int32,
`DOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32,
`DOMCompleteTiming` Int32,
`LoadEventStartTiming` Int32,
`LoadEventEndTiming` Int32,
`NSToDOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32,
`FirstPaintTiming` Int32,
`RedirectCount` Int8,
`SocialSourceNetworkID` UInt8,
`SocialSourcePage` String,
`ParamPrice` Int64,
`ParamOrderID` String,
`ParamCurrency` FixedString(3),
`ParamCurrencyID` UInt16,
`GoalsReached` Array(UInt32),
`OpenstatServiceName` String,
`OpenstatCampaignID` String,
`OpenstatAdID` String,
`OpenstatSourceID` String,
`UTMSource` String,
`UTMMedium` String,
`UTMCampaign` String,
`UTMContent` String,
`UTMTerm` String,
`FromTag` String,
`HasGCLID` UInt8,
`RefererHash` UInt64,
`URLHash` UInt64,
`CLID` UInt32,
`YCLID` UInt64,
`ShareService` String,
`ShareURL` String,
`ShareTitle` String,
`ParsedParams` Nested(
Key1 String,
Key2 String,
Key3 String,
Key4 String,
Key5 String,
ValueDouble Float64),
`IslandID` FixedString(16),
`RequestNum` UInt32,
`RequestTry` UInt8
ENGINE = MergeTree()
ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID))
SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID)
TTL EventDate + toIntervalDay(dateDiff('day', toDate('2014-03-20'), now())) TO DISK 'object_storage'
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192
This table uses the default
storage policy.
The TTL ...
expression defines a policy for operating with expiring data:
- TTL sets the lifetime of a table row (in this case, the number of days from the current date to March 20, 2014).
- For data in the table, the value
is checked:- If the number of days from the current date to
is less than the TTL value (that is, the lifetime has not expired yet), this data is kept in network disk storage. - If the number of days from the current date to
is greater than or equal to the TTL value (that is, the lifetime has already expired), this data will be placed in the object storage according to theTO DISK 'object_storage'
- If the number of days from the current date to
You do not need to specify TTL for hybrid storage, but this allows you to explicitly control which data will be in Object Storage. If you do not specify TTL, data will be placed in object storage only when you run out of space in your network disk storage. For more information, see Disk types in Managed Service for ClickHouse®.
The expression for TTL in the example above is complex because of the selected test dataset. You must split fixed data collected long ago into parts for placement at different storage levels. For most tables that are constantly updated with new data, a more simple expression for TTL suffices. For example, EventDate + INTERVAL 5 DAY
: data older than 5 days is moved to the object storage.
Between network disk storage and object storage, data is not moved line by line but in partsEventDate
column is used.
To learn more about configuring TTL, see the ClickHouse® documentation
Populate the table with data
Disconnect from the database.
Download the test dataset:
curl | unxz --threads=`nproc` > hits_v1.tsv
The size of the downloaded dataset is about 10 GB.
Insert data from this dataset into ClickHouse® using
:clickhouse-client \ --host <ClickHouse®_host_FQDN> \ --secure \ --user <username> \ --database tutorial \ --port 9440 \ --ask-password \ --query "INSERT INTO tutorial.hits_v1 FORMAT TSV" \ --max_insert_block_size=100000 < hits_v1.tsv
You can obtain the host FQDN with a list of hosts in the cluster.
Wait for the operation to complete, as data insertion may take some time.
To learn more, see the ClickHouse® documentation
Check the placement of data in a cluster
Check where the table rows are placed:
SELECT table, partition, name, rows, disk_name FROM WHERE active AND (table = 'hits_v1') AND (database = 'tutorial')
Table partitions for which the
value is outside the given TTL should be on the disk namedobject_storage
, that is, in object storage. All other partitions should be on thedefault
disk:┌─table───┬─partition──┬─name───────────────┬───rows─┬─disk_name──────┐ │ hits_v1 │ 2014-03-17 │ 20140317_6_80_2 │ 571657 │ object_storage │ │ hits_v1 │ 2014-03-17 │ 20140317_86_125_1 │ 287545 │ object_storage │ │ ... │ │ hits_v1 │ 2014-03-20 │ 20140320_109_145_1 │ 250484 │ object_storage │ │ hits_v1 │ 2014-03-20 │ 20140320_149_200_1 │ 420081 │ object_storage │ │ hits_v1 │ 2014-03-21 │ 20140321_3_57_1 │ 612616 │ default │ │ hits_v1 │ 2014-03-21 │ 20140321_65_65_0 │ 53382 │ default │ │ ... │ │ hits_v1 │ 2014-03-23 │ 20140323_191_191_0 │ 11145 │ default │ │ hits_v1 │ 2014-03-23 │ 20140323_197_197_0 │ 98910 │ default │ └─────────┴────────────┴────────────────────┴────────┴────────────────┘
Check the number of rows at each of the storage levels:
SELECT sum(rows), disk_name FROM WHERE active AND (database = 'tutorial') AND (table = 'hits_v1') GROUP BY disk_name
As a result, you will see the distribution of table rows for the storage levels:
┌─sum(rows)─┬─disk_name──────┐ │ 2711246 │ default │ │ 6162652 │ object_storage │ └───────────┴────────────────┘
As you can see from the SQL command results, the data in the table was successfully distributed in hybrid storage between different storage levels.
Run a test query
Run a test query to the tutorial.hits_v1
table that addresses data on multiple storage levels at once:
URLDomain AS Domain,
AVG(SendTiming) AS AvgSendTiming
FROM tutorial.hits_v1
WHERE (EventDate >= '2014-03-19') AND (EventDate <= '2014-03-22')
│ │ 101166.85714285714 │
│ │ 76429.16666666667 │
│ club.metalia-woman │ 64872.333333333336 │
│ avito.rusfootki │ 51099 │
│ papas.drimmirkvart │ 50325.642857142855 │
│ │ 32761.666666666668 │
│ voyeurhit │ 31501.625 │
│ │ 31427.5 │
│ │ 29439 │
│ │ 18365.666666666668 │
As you can see from the SQL request result, from the user's point of view, the table is a single entity: ClickHouse® successfully queries this table regardless of where the data is actually located in it.
(Optional step) Monitor the amount of space used by data in Object Storage
To find out the amount of space used by MergeTreech_s3_disk_parts_size
metric in Yandex Monitoring:
In the management console
, select Monitoring. -
Go to Metric Explorer.
Run the following query:
"ch_s3_disk_parts_size"{service="managed-clickhouse", resource_type="cluster", node="by_host", resource_id="<cluster_ID>", subcluster_name="clickhouse_subcluster"}
Delete the resources you created
Delete the resources you no longer need to avoid paying for them:
To delete the infrastructure created with Terraform:
In the terminal window, go to the directory containing the infrastructure plan.
. -
Run this command:
terraform validate
If there are any errors in the configuration files, Terraform will point them out.
Confirm updating the resources.
Run the command to view planned changes:
terraform plan
If the resource configuration descriptions are correct, the terminal will display a list of the resources to modify and their parameters. This is a test step. No resources are updated.
If you are happy with the planned changes, apply them:
Run the command:
terraform apply
Confirm the update of resources.
Wait for the operation to complete.
This will delete all the resources described in
. -
ClickHouse® is a registered trademark of ClickHouse, Inc