Action | Description |
s3:AbortMultipartUpload |
Gives the right to interrupt a multipart upload. |
s3:DeleteBucketWebsite |
Gives the right to delete the configuration of a bucket’s website. |
s3:DeleteObject | Gives the right to delete the null version and adds a delete marker to the latest object version. |
s3:DeleteObjectVersion |
Gives the right to delete the specified object version. |
s3:GetBucketAcl |
Gives the right to read a bucket's ACL. |
s3:GetBucketCORS |
Gives the right to read information about the CORS configuration. |
s3:GetBucketLocation |
Gives the right to read information about a bucket's location. |
s3:GetBucketVersioning |
Gives the right to read information about the versioning state of a bucket. |
s3:GetBucketWebsite |
Gives the right to read a bucket's website configuration. |
s3:GetEncryptionConfiguration |
Gives the right to read a bucket's default encryption configuration. |
s3:GetLifecycleConfiguration |
Gives the right to read a bucket's lifecycle configuration. |
s3:GetObject | Gives the right to read objects. |
s3:GetObjectAcl |
Gives the right to read an object's ACL. |
s3:GetObjectVersion |
Gives the right to read a specific object version. |
s3:GetObjectVersionAcl |
Gives the right to read a specific object version's ACL. |
s3:ListBucket |
Gives the right to read a list of some or all objects in a bucket. |
s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads |
Gives the right to read a list of incomplete multipart upoads. |
s3:ListBucketVersions |
Gives the right to read metadata about all object versions in a bucket. |
s3:ListMultipartUploadParts |
Gives the right to read a list of uploaded parts of a specific multipart upload. |
s3:PutBucketAcl |
Gives the right to set ACL permissions to buckets. |
s3:PutBucketCORS |
Gives the right to set a bucket's CORS configuration. |
s3:PutBucketVersioning |
Gives the right to set the versioning state of a bucket. |
s3:PutBucketWebsite |
Gives the right to set a bucket's website configuration. |
s3:PutEncryptionConfiguration |
Gives the right to set a bucket's encryption configuration. |
s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration |
Gives the right to set a bucket's lifecycle configuration or replace an existing one. |
s3:PutObject | Gives the right to add objects to buckets. |
s3:PutObjectAcl |
Gives the right to set the specified object's ACL. |
s3:PutObjectVersionAcl |
Gives the right to set the specified object version's ACL. |