Supported audio formats
SpeechKit allows you to recognize and synthesize the following audio formats:
- OggOpus
- MP3
Linear pulse-code modulation
Audio features in this format:
Sampling frequency:
API version Acceptable values Speech synthesis API v1 8, 16, or 48 kHz Speech synthesis API v3 Any value between 8 and 48 kHz Speech recognition API v2 8, 16, or 48 kHz Speech recognition API v3 8, 16, or 48 kHz -
Bit depth: 16 bit.
Byte order: Reversed (little-endian).
Audio data is stored as signed integers.
For OggOpus
SpeechKit recognizes and synthesizes OggOpus without audio file quality and header restrictions.
For MP3
SpeechKit recognizes MP3 without audio file quality and header restrictions.
The MP3 format is not supported in the API v1 for synchronous recognition and API v2 for streaming recognition.